The Gamer's System

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: Rebuilding The Demon Continent

Everyone gathered up in the meeting hall the following day. For the most part, the elites got a much-needed rest and relaxation which was very important because they've been filling up [Pure Crystals] with miasma over and over again.

"Goodness, where's Mordred?" Quinn asked, embarrassed that Zeke was already there while some members of his group were still missing. They've already gone past an hour, something which the perfectionist Quinn couldn't stand.

"We tried waking her up but she placed barriers around herself." Curio said in reply, actually trying to stab Mordred in order to get her up. Not literally though, just releasing enough killing intent to rouse someone up from sleep.

"And why is that a problem exactly?" Quinn rubbed his temples to which Zeke laughed. 

He didn't mind actually because they already finished the first half of what was needed to be done in the Demon Continent. In fact, there were numerous [Quest Rewards] given by the [System] for Zeke which he made use of in order to level up some of his skills to [S+].

"Calm down Quinn. I've already sent Heron there so she's gonna wake up soon." Zeke responded calmly.

"In the meantime, let's talk about the results of your raid." He followed up.

"Yeah! We kicked ass, didn't we?" Jake immediately commented.

"Hmmm yeah I guess so. But it was still an average performance." Zeke presented the statistics to the group. 

Due to what happened to him before, Zeke learned to be cautious of everything. And this entailed that, victory should not only be rejoiced over but also analyzed.

[System Windows] appeared for every member of the elite, including Morpheus who sat beside Zeke. Everything was displayed there: from battle sense, to group coordination, to listening to command, to individual fighting skills and many more. This was apart from their normal attributes and skills which were also shown.

"During your fights, I also had a monitor showing me what was happening." 

"Wait? Where did you put that exactly? I haven't seen any camera flying around." Amare said in reply and, with her [Scout] job class, her statement was the most reliable one that could be provided by the members of the elites.

Indeed, during the fights they didn't feel anyone watching them. In fact, there wasn't any sign of their movements being recorded which weirded them out now that Zeke told them otherwise.

"Don't be silly. There are other ways to see aside from using your eyes." He responded to them, showing a [Minimap] and the whole [Statistics Window] that he used to observe them.

"Your movement on the minimap, the types of red dots that appear on it, the numbers produced on the statistics by your every action; using all of these things, I could easily get a grasp of what was happening." Zeke developed this skill because of gaming. 

Unlike many players, numbers were important for him because through it, he could calculate the probability of some moves working over others. And because of [Gamer's Mind], this was further heightened, giving Zeke's innate abilities a boost that made his calculations and estimations godlike.

"I hope that didn't leave you confused because I'm not planning to explain myself further." Zeke said, proceeding to the discussion on the performance of the elites.

"First of all, I'm glad that you heeded my advice. Because you chose peculiar job classes, you were not only able to make yourselves stronger but, even provide abilities for yourself which wouldn't have been possible if you chose a linear job class." The [Secondary Job Classes] all popped up on the screen, together with the skills and the attributes these give.

"But you need to be a bit more creative on using them. There are a lot more applications than what you've already unlocked. I know this all seems game like but, data doesn't restrict you because you aren't game characters either. Take Zilg for example." He was really entertained with that particular elite, especially because of the [Explosive Detonates] placed on marbles.

"His weapon isn't all that. In fact, they're only a bunch of marbles on a pocket but, did you see what could be done with those?" The members got their minds cleared up. Although they weren't as creative as Zilg, they understood what exactly what Zeke meant.

"Furthermore, weapons are not limited to the ones you are using. You can also make use of the terrain. Think of everything as a weapon because otherwise, you won't fully grow."

There were a lot of other things which Zeke noted. He made sure that all of his words stuck on the heads of the elites. It was for their own improvement after all so they didn't mind and aside from that, they already partied last night so there was no merit to congratulating them all again and patting their backs of a job well done.

Just as Zeke finished with all of this, Mordred finally showed up. Her hair was still messy all around although she already changed out of her sleeping clothes. Zeke welcomed her to the meeting, popping up her [Statistics Window] which Quinn was more than happy to explain.

Meanwhile, Zeke proceeded to the explanation on the [Portal Crystals]. He told them how these are secured within one of the areas inside the cave and how, he was slowly extracting the energy out of them.

"I need the data on how that bastard was able to open up a portal even without the requirements being met. And, all that energy would just go to waste if I shatter the item. That's why I'm taking the energy for myself because, the item may prove to be useful for us one day."

Zeke wasn't sure but, he had a hunch that there was a correlation between the item and the current state of Sylph. Once the extraction finishes, he would find out. If he is right, then he'd be able to use it in order to get the first Windsprite back to his side. But if he is wrong, then there were still other alternatives which could be used.

"That takes care of that. Let's get on to the last part of this meeting then." Zeke said, showing the whole map of the Demon Continent to the group once again.

"Uhmm… haven't you shown us this before already?" Red the [Healer] asked.

"Well yes but I also forgot to add some crucial information for you guys." Zeke explained.

"It won't take long for Glade to return and, once he does, I assure you that he'll do everything in his power to hunt us down. In fact, taking down Sylph may have already given a hint to our enemies without us knowing." He continued, expanding the map to show all the Continents.

"So my question is, what should be our next move?" Mordred raised her hand, already done catching up.

"We storm all the continents in one go! They'd never see it coming." 

"Yes! That is exactly what an idiot would say!" Zeke answered in kind, getting some loud complaints from Mordred who was immediately silenced by Kaguya.

"Don't overestimate yourselves. The only reason why we were able to progress this easily was because I was able to infiltrate and sabotage their [Communication Network] and also the [Stronghold] located on the portal area. It wasn't you guys who defeated Sylph either. It was Heron and Morpheus and, even they had a hard time accomplishing this. So, I'm going to ask again. What should we do now?"

This time, it was Quinn who answered. Thinking of all the details carefully in his head before arriving at a logical conclusion.

"We need to make the Demon Continent our base of operations. All while stabilizing this place because, we have just destroyed the governing body." Zeke clapped his hands because of the answer given. It was right on the money of course and, he loved how fluid all of Quinn's words were.

"That is correct!" Zeke said in reply, proceeding immediately to the explanation as he once again displayed an elaborate and detailed map of the Demon Continent to the group.

"As much as I'd love to send you all to your imminent deaths, I've already made a promise to myself to protect you all. And I'm not the type of person to go back on my words so, here's what we're going to do."

Zeke began with explaining how there were still leftover enemies within the continent. Even though they were able to defeat the major forces, there were still some fortresses and strongholds left standing and, for the next phase of their mission to truly progress, these needed to be taken down.

"I could speed run all those places in one day. Plus, I need to do so because I'm merging my [Merging]." Instead of simply sending out one or two groups, Zeke took it upon himself to do the cleanup.

"In the meantime, you guys will be spread into pairs, moving all over the continent and, providing both resources and livelihood to the citizens there. You will also inform them that a new governing body will be formed but, in the meantime, every village will act independently."

"Is that really possible? What if some resources are lacking on one village? They could trade with other villages, right?" Kaguya said in reply, knowing that isolation could prove to be troublesome but of course, Zeke already thought about this.

"You are right about that. The lack of resources would really be an issue but, that is only if it actually exists." Heron and Morpheus moved around the room, providing a bag full of different crystals and seeds to the group.

"This world is nothing like our own. It is filled with mana which supplies all life and even enables the citizens to use magic. And this same mana could be modified to provide for our needs." Zeke pointed to the bags given to each elite before continuing.

"On that pouch, there are crystals which could purify the land. You see, the whole demon continent lacks on the supply of crops because, the land is not that forgiving. Even the farm you first stayed on was barely holding on and, they didn't even know that one of the said crystals was supplying their land with a small ounce of purification. But even that crystal was already saturated." Zeke presented a [System Window] which shoed the flow of negative mana on the ground and on the air above.

"If you plant those crystals on the land, it would turn back to being fertile and arable. Then, there are also blue crystals on your pouches. I've provided you all with a blueprint on how to make an irrigation system wherein, water will be supplied by that crystal. It doesn't matter if there is no clean water nearby, the crystal will be able to perfectly provide that." The elites held on to the crystal, thinking how amazing these were.

"As for the animals, there's really no way for me to generate those. So you guys need to figure out how to get them yourselves. But aside from that, you also need to build a defense system for the village, place fences and walls but be a bit careful with weaponry. If we freely give those to the citizens, there is a chance for them to use it for evil and we don't want that." 

What Zeke said was fine and all but, there was still a big problem. If the elites become busy with helping the citizens then, how will the defense system for the whole continent be set up? They all shared the same sentiment but, Gawain was the one to voice it out on the meeting. 

"Don't' worry about that, I've got everything figured out." Zeke said, not telling them about the defense system yet.

"For the moment, all you need to focus on is the mission I gave you. From this point onwards, we'll proceed slowly because, it is only through this that we could effectively close all the holes while preparing ourselves for the upcoming battles." Zeke explained, moving on to showing the group all the locations where they would be deployed.

"You have progressed this far because you had faith in me. All I'm asking is that you continually place that unwavering trust on me and I assure you, we'll all get out of this in one piece."josei

At this, the meeting ended with no other questions asked. Some of the elites thought about the mission that was to come next while some trained even more. Meanwhile Zeke remained in the meeting room, looking at the map once again and, on it was a single violet dot which he marked for himself.

"I need to take care of you first." He said, clicking on it to expand the location's details which had the title of:

[Chaos Dragon Lair].

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