The Gamer's System

Chapter 153

Chapter 153: The Progress On Glade Leonis' Journey

As Zeke set the whole continent up and began restoring it, Glade has also made considerable progress. Aside from the fact that he was the first person to explore the [Ruined City], Glade was also able to get the prying eyes of Pier away from him. Furthermore, he was also able to kill a person who invaded Zeke's dream.

"They probably have her captive already." He said, knowing that it was the only logical explanation as to how someone entered her dream. But that didn't matter much because, he left the enemy in the hands of two dead yet insanely strong opponents.

However, Glade also thought that it was highly likely that this person was not alone. In fact, he may not be the leader of the group and just some lackey assigned to perform the task.

"That's bad news for me if it's true but, it would take more than getting one of the continents to defeat me." Glade said, knowing that he could easily reclaim it once he gets back.

Upon exploring deeper within the ruins, Glade was able to find out that it'd take him more than a week to actually finish all the things that he set out to accomplish. Indeed, the [Ruined City] had a lot of crazy twist and turns. Not to mention the fact that there were a lot of insanely strong monsters lying at every corner.

"And we're finally here." He said as a large iron gate greeted him. 

There were a lot of engraved runes on it and, in the middle were sockets that have been left empty. All around, there were gigantic knight statues holding different weapons. 

Glade used his detection skill again because, no matter what the ruins threw at him, he was sure that he could get out of it in one piece. Although, doing so may also require him to use a lot of power which could catch Pier's notice once again.

"I'm sure there's a lot of things he can do beside watching me." He thought to himself, finally activating the skill which ran through the whole area. Then, he was able to detect that the stone figures also contained mana in them and also, a little surprise stored inside.

"Yeh I don't think so." He said, destroying each and every one of them which revealed a bunch of gems that he picked up one by one.

He knew exactly where to put them. The sockets in the middle of the gate were actually keyholes that required the gems getting placed. There was a little trick to this however. There was only a specific gem that could be placed on every socket. The problem was that, Glade wasn't able to understand which gem needed to go where and so, he was stuck there wondering what needed to be done on the situation.

"Why am I even thinking about this too much." He finally decided, not finding a way to get a proper solution out.

"If I can't get the solution out, then I'll just force one out." He slammed all the gems, creating an earthquake which shook the whole area of the ruins. This wasn't the proper way to do things of course but it was a solution nonetheless. 

With this, everything around him shook violently and, soon enough, the statues were back to normal. Their eyes glowed based on the gems which were placed on them. They also emitted a large amount of mana which was not present on Mythos and, this piqued Glade's interest even more.

"You'd be perfect test specimens once I get back." He said, beginning combat with them.

The statues created a defensive formation with two shield wielding ones in front. Glade tried destroying their defenses with [Ultimate Level Magic] but, the statues only brushed this off. Then came a sword wielder and an axe wielder statue which both tried hacking down the elven king.

He dodged these both. Their gigantic size made it even harder for them to hit him. In fact, they were so huge that the quick moving Glade was able to evade each and every blow. All while releasing spells of all kinds.

"Finally, some decent enemies." He said, smiling as he released [30 Darkness Spheres] at the same time. This same [Sphere] could only be used by the old Allesiah a ratio of [10 orbs] and yet, the king easily made use of thirty which moved on their own accord.

"I can't release any skill which would raise alarm so, I need to destroy you with these." He continued, taking out his spear which was made from Gallio's [Leo Rex] sword – an ominous onyx colored spear which bursted with mana.

"Let's see how well you can last against this." He threw the spear at the shield users right away.

The statues were prepared, with their shields planted firmly on the ground. Spells were even activated, creating barriers in front of them. Yet, all of these proved to be futile.josei

"Pierce." The spear imbued with [Leo Rex] and the spell just chanted was able to break through all defenses; destroying both a large portion of the shield and the left shoulder of the creature. The statues recovered however. The broken pieces simply went back in place and, it was as good s new.

"Okay that's definitely unfair." Glade mentioned, seeing how the enemy was able to reconstruct itself.

Then, one wielding a hammer tore the ground open as it was slammed. This created pillars of steel instead of rocks, creating a river of magma beneath it. Aside from this, there was a swarm of monsters that came fighting Glade from the air.

With his area of battle limited, the melee enemies attacked him once again. This time they made contact, sending Glade flying and crashing on a nearby wall. But the king was able to immediately recover, throwing hundreds of spears at the enemies while he maneuvered though the air using [Air Step].

He was able to mow all the summons down in no time. And with his continuous attack, the statues weren't given any momentum to fight back. The enemies didn't relent nevertheless. They just kept on coming which he found even more interesting.

"Okay you want more? I'll give you more." He said, protecting himself with a barrier while the thirty [Dark Spheres] circled around this. Every attempt of an attack was met by one of these shooting out at bullet speed.

"Force Activation: Ultimate Berserker."

Two statues swung at his location, destroying the orbs by placing a spell on their weapons. A cloud of dust rose, as soon as their weapons reached the ground once more. They thought that the attack was able to connect but, when the dust cleared, the elf was nowhere to be seen.

"Looking for me?" Glade said, appearing on the shoulder of one of the statues, making it blow up with a condensed amount of air.

The summoned monsters then followed up as they closed in on the elven king. Glade saw this and followed through quickly by throwing his spear at a vertical direction. This destroyed the summoned creatures as black streaks of lightning covered the attack. 

"Gravity Manipulation." He followed, making the statues feel heavier than they really were. But, it would take more than this to actually hold them down and Glade realized this. That is why, he added another skill, two in fact, putting layer upon layer of [Gravity] which increased the force of its push by a hundredfold.

"So there are 20 of you all in all." He brought out nineteen more spears which floated in mid-air.

Each spear had a special effect assigned to it. Each had a unique style, making the wielding change all the same. He then transformed the [Darkness Spheres] – turning them into small magic circles and multiplying them up to five. The spears were placed just on top of this circles that were aimed at the twenty animated statue warriors.

"Let's see how well you fair against this." He continued, charging up the spears with different types of mana and condensing it. He then added another layer of spells. Then, with everything set, he finally released his weapons.

"I'll allow you to move at least." He said, removing the gravity binding them down.

As soon as he did, the statues went in a berserk rage. But the spears have already passed through the five [Magic Circles] at this point and, their power multiplied over and over again until, they reached a god like level on their own. 

The moment this passed hit the statues, it destroyed a large chunk of their armor. This caught them off balance and made them fall to the ground. The shield wielding statues tried blocking for the group but this just made them meet a quicker end as the spears destroyed their barrier and their shields. 

Over and over again, the spears landed a hit on the statues. Even though they had regeneration, they couldn't regenerate as quickly as Glade destroyed their parts. Thus, they lost to the king little by little until there was nothing left of the enemies but rubble. 

They would've regained their pieces once again but, Glade used gravity magic on them again. He condensed the material that constituted the statues until what was left was only a large rock which he stored in his bag once again. Meanwhile, the gems were left there and so, Glade went to the gate again.

"Now, let's have another go at it shall we?" He continued placing the gems in every combination possible and this took him at least one whole day to finish. But it didn't matter, the guardians weren't there anymore so he was just idly changing the position of the gems on the sockets while the ruins continued rumbling defiantly. As if saying that Glade was playing against the rules.

"Quit complaining will you. It's your fault for not placing stronger guardians in this place." He said in reply and, finally, placing the gems on their proper places.

"This is it." He said, seeing the engraved runes glow up one by one until, they lit up the middle of the gate.

There was a thunderous sounding earthquake that followed as dust clouds formed one again. The Ruins was so old that, all this dust accumulated on it. And as soon as it was fully opened, Glade couldn't help but smile because, right in front of him was the destroyed city of the [Dwellers]. Yet it was infested by different [Mythical] looking creatures making it difficult to tread on.

A week has already passed since he entered but, Glade was nowhere near finishing. He needed a lot more time and, he knew that he could afford this. Because the price which awaited him was larger than anything which Mythos could offer. Ancient advanced knowledge that would help him ascend.

"This is going to take longer than I expected." The elven king entered, getting closer and closer to both immortality and godhood.

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