The Gamer's System

Chapter 164

Chapter 164: The Fight Between Zekes

For the purpose of not getting confused, the fake Zeke will be referred to as Z.

"Sir Elwood, w-what are you doing here?" A general came forward, still wobbling and dizzy form all the alcohol that ran in his veins.

All the other soldiers were still wasted from their night's worth of partying. Leaving them unable to move much; in fact, most of them were still out cold.

"Ahh, am I not even allowed to see my own troops?" Z said in replied coldly.

He looked around and noticed how weak and pathetic the soldier given to him were. These were supposed to be battle hardened troops. But with Glade out of the picture for a while, they naturally laxed. Z had no real military knowledge. In fact, he had no knowledge on most things. All he knew was that he was Zeke Elwood who was the strongest [Count] on the whole of Mythos.

"Are they going to wake up anytime soon?" Z told the general who frantically made his way towards the troops, with one soldier puking at the unfortunate general.

"Wake them up would you." Z finally commanded to the mages who came with him. Both of these nodded, raising their staves and generating lightning.

They delivered an electric shock; electrocuting all soldier within the [Portal Stronghold]. Screams were made as the troops got sent back to the world of the living. Z cleared his throat in the process, beginning his speech as soon as the electrocution was done with.


He punched the general in the face, sending this soldier flying towards a group of others which just began getting up.


It was a common occurrence for the soldiers of Mythos. With no real threat coming to them, the soldiers began laxing. In fact, it was exactly because they were the soldiers on the area of the [Portal Barrier] that they could be so calm about everything – knowing that nobody could ever break the barrier made by Glade.

"GET YOUR ASSES READY! I'm going to fetch our king form his adventure." This came like a bucket of extremely cold water. With all the soldiers shaking in fear just from the thought of it.

Again, it must be noted that they had no clue on what was happening. That's why they thought that their Count Elwood has finally gone full nutjob.

"Does he want to get us all executed?" One soldier whispered to the person next to him.

"I think he has mental problems and he wants us to commit a group suicide." Another soldier replied.

With the whole area seemingly uninterested in heeding his words, Z finally stepped forward. He released so much mana that the soldiers had a difficulty in breathing.

"Was my instruction not clear to you soldier?" Z released so much killing intent that, the soldiers heard their hearts thump from their ears.

"No sir! We heard it loud and clear!" The soldiers replied, beginning their preparations. Or at least, that was how things were supposed to turn out.

When they looked at the portal. There was no sign of it being active anymore. In fact, there was only an empty space where the portal was supposed to be.

"What is the meaning of this?" Z said. 

"Oh I think you know what that means exactly." A voice uttered from within the crowds, with screams of soldiers following as a thick violet mist began enveloping the area.

Z's two mages then protected their Count and themselves, placing barrier which prevented them from inhaling any of the deadly looking mist.

"Who are you." Zi demanded, knowing full well that this was one of the enemies who invaded his land.

"You should know that just by looking at the mirror."

The soldiers began fighting back. Z even ordered the generals to go into their [Primal States] from the beginning. The Count watched how quickly these fights ended however, as Zeke placed bullets trough their heads.

One general was able to defend against it but, that didn't matter. Zeke simply fired three more bullets, all while looking straight at the eyes of his real opponent. With this, the morale of the soldiers was greatly decreased. But they didn't dare back away knowing that the count could punish them with something worse than death.

Thus, they all attacked at once. But then, Zeke released more of the deadly [Chaos Poison Cloud]. One by one, Z heard the pleas of his soldiers for help. They wanted their count to come save them but, Z did nothing of the sort. He simply stood in place, watching the whole spectacle unfold.

With the cries of help finally dying out, Zeke emerged out of the mist. Both guns were on his hands and, his eyes gleamed in the bloody crimson color that enjoyed the number of deaths around it.

"Kill him." Was all that Z said, watching his mages nod as they went to face the invader.

The mages were both evolved. Both with the same job class as Sylvia Windspirte. They began with gravitational magic which stopped Zeke form moving. They then followed with [Darkness Spheres] hitting Zeke on and on. Then, came meteors which they called down, combined with an attack of multiple fire pillars.

The fames consumed all the poison around. It was so hot that the nearby corpses began giving of the smell of burning flesh as these were set ablaze. Z only watched as this went on, pitying the enemy who didn't even last a second against his [Court Mages].

But then, all the flames froze. It was an unusual sight. In the blink of an eye, everything around them turned to ice which surprised even Z. The two mages then began charging their next attacks but, projectiles bolted out of the enclosure of ice. This shattered the barriers which protected them while the next bullet hit their chests, killing them as ice began coming out of their bodies.

"You know, I expected to be surprise by a bit but damn, you exceeded my expectations." Zeke said, using his analysis which revealed the following information.

[Name: Zeke Elwood]

[Species: Human]

[Specification: Arch Human Monarch]

[Notification: The entity is classified as the "key". The successful subjugation of the key will fulfill one of the two requirements for the gamer to reach level 100]

[Notification: The [Conjure] named Samael will be usable as soon as the "key" has been subjugated]

Zeke was glad about the fact that his enemy was actually the key. It saved him the trouble of finding something which he thought would be an item within the [Ruined City]. However, a lot of questions were still left on his mind because the name was his. It was another [Zeke Elwood] in front of him, all bearing his features yet wearing the regal clothes of an elven monarch.

"You better fight me now before your decapitated head rolls on the floor." Zeke said, warming up to his enemy.

"Well aren't you a bigshot." Z simply mentioned, revealing his weapon which was an exact replica of Gallio's [Leo Rex].

"I'm only going to ask this once. Who are you?" Zeke said, not bothering to take his enemy seriously.

"I am Zeke Elwood, Count and King of the Continent of Elysium. And you should be honored to die by my hands."

At this, the two exchanged their blows. Zeke was strong. He knew that even without making use of [Mana Conversion], he was already strong. Yet on that fight, the skill was already active and, his enemy wasn't letting up. Instead, Z was matching his attacks.

"What's the matter? Is that all you got?" Z said, using a skill which Zeke was very familiar with.

"Umbral Slash!" Z's blade was coated in dark mana. He used this to try and slash Zeke who was able to block using his own weapons.josei

The gamer then made a quick glance at all the buffs which the Count had on. There it was stated that he used three skills. All of which were came from either him or Gallio.

[Mana Conversion]

[The Monarch]

[Primal Instinct]

"Okay, I think I'm getting it." Zeke said to himself, thinking of something which he knew was possible for Glade to perform.

"Oh don't be surprised now. I'm not even taking you seriously yet." Z said, releasing more slashes.

This tie, it was the skill connected to [The Monarch] which was [Decimating Slash]. A skill using purely force to create invisibles blade slashes.

Zeke dodged on the ground, with the ice around him shattering. Z then went down, creating a large crater as a shockwave was made. He then caught up to Zeke and made a other blow, aiming at Zeke's opening. The gamer however, used overdrive in order to dodge this. Yet, because of [Primal Instincts] Z was still able to catch up. Thus, they canceled each other's blows. Backing away from one another.

Yet Zeke didn't stop here. He used [Flash Rush] and, although the enemy was able to catch his movement, he stacked up on his speed bosting skills, making his next move unpredictable. He then activated [Overdrive] topping up all the skills which were already active.

Z was sent flying towards a brick wall. There was no damage made but, the Count was furious. It was unacceptable for him that the first clean hit was made by his enemy and not him.

"You dare!" The count said, activating another skill which Zeke was well aware of. Actually, there were two and, both of which were familiar to Zeke.

"Force Activation! Ultimate Berserker." The signature move of King Gallio; the only person on Mythos who could use it at will. But there was something aside from this.

The gamer saw the tongues of fire on top of the dead resonating with his enemy. He also felt the power of his enemy still surging up which, he knew was, was going to bring a lot of trouble. But he needed answers. These couldn't be given by the dead. So he waited for his enemy to finish, all while preparing the whole area for his next attack. Then, out of his mouth Z uttered:


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