The Gamer's System

Chapter 180

Chapter 180: I am Chaos

"Is this really what you want kid?" Sylph said, with both her and Quinn ready to bout.

The [Rift] was in the middle of the two who prepared to duel things out. Of course, the elf still has no idea what it is that Quinn was planning. But one thing was certain. It involved abandoning his team. 

This is something which Sylph finds distasteful. She knows that there is a deep bond shared between the elites. After all, they shared the same fate. So she also knows that whatever it is that caused Quinn to make this decision, it probably wasn't voluntarily made. Someone or something has forced Quinn and, the elf knew that it had something to do with the difference in Quinn's aura as soon as he got back.

"It's fine you won't allow me either way so it's better if I use force to get what I want right?" Quinn said in reply.

He brought swords he got from the loot area of Zeke. An area where the gamer places excess waste weapons which weren't useful for forging anymore. One was on Quinn's hand. Another was strapped to his waist. Then there were two more on his back. All of this was to ensure that he has enough to finish the duel with.

"Not like you're getting it anyway." Sylph said in reply. With the [Infinity Bow] at hand.

"Yeah. Sorry." Was all that Quinn said.

Both of them were prepared to attack anytime. Both had the image of their opponent mapped on their heads. The moves that would be used. The strategies which would be implemented. The spells which would be activated. Each and every part was being laid out so much so that, even before the fight began, they already had scenarios of both winning and losing in their heads. 

"We start when this coin hits the ground." Sylph said, showing the item on her hand.

"Fine by me." Quinn said and, with this, Sylph finally threw the coin.

Seconds passed. Seconds which felt like time froze because it was so deadly silent. Until, the cling of the coin was finally heard. With the quiet air of the coming dawn finally being broken.

"Wind barrier!" 

Sylph began by covering herself in a protective shield. A high level one at that which was almost impossible to destroy. This was partnered by a cylindrical wall of air that surrounded the two.

"Primal Heavenly Slash!" Quinn simply said, shattering both the barrier and his first weapon in the process.

Yet Sylph was aired out of sight. The elf then reappeared at Quinn's back. She then kicked him in the ribcage, sending Quinn flying with a few broken bones. Sylph didn't stop here however as she fired a barrage of explosive arrows.

"You're going to lose at this rate. You need to use me kid." Vask said, watching the pathetic display of his vessel.

"Shut up. I don't need you." Was all that Quinn said, emerging out of the barrage almost undamaged from the thick layers of barrier which he simultaneously casted.

"Suit yourself." Said Vask as another spell activated on top of the elite.

"Rain of arrows!"

While the bout was ongoing another thing was happening. The cylindrical wall of wind was getting smaller and smaller. This prevented the enemy from escaping. Any attempt would cause a person to be ripped to shreds.

"Quinn was in the middle of this all. There was no escaping the [Rain of Arrows] for, its area of effect was just as large as the wall of wind he was trapped in.

"I'm sorry kid. You're probably going to need more rest after this." Sylph said, pitying her enemy as she began snipping him down.



"Overdrive!" Quinn repeated the skill again and again. 

Since Overdrive didn't even last for 10 seconds the multiple activation was needed. There was no way for him to survive such a barrage otherwise. 

Apart from this, he also activated every attribute boosting skill. And while he did, he deflected some of the arrows which went toward Sylph. The elf simply hit these one by one without any problem. While she didn't bother with the ones that were too out of range. That is, until Quinn activated.josei


Most of the arrows were actually touched by Quinn before parrying them. He was able to do this through the help of the continuous [Overdrive] activation. He also added this spell, enabling them to explode and release a mass of something which was awfully familiar to Sylph. It was [Chaos Poison].

"You cheeky little bastard." Sylph said, collecting all the poison by creating a large hurricane in the middle of the battlefield. 

Yet this allowed Quinn to escape from her sight. The human was nowhere to be seen and, this time, it was his turn to fight back.


Javelins came raining down on Sylph. Apparently, the earlier [Chaos Poison] attack was only a diversion. One of the arrows actually didn't have a detonate on it. Rather, it had [Weapon Blink]. Quinn used this arrow and parried it to fly at a safe distance away from Sylphs so she won't mind and, as soon as he activated the [Chaos Poison], he swapped places with this, allowing him to use the current attack.

It was Sylph's turn to evade this time around as the onslaught of spears was too much for a single bow. She was forced to keep [Infinity Bow] at the automatic setting while she released the modified [Chaos Bow]. A weapon redesigned by Zeke to remove most of its chaos element and leaving only a minimum which wasn't harmful to Sylph.

The elven archer was forced down the ground. A move she quickly understood to be flawed as Quinn activated another skill shouting:

"Valley of Spears!"

The attacks came like a torrent, trying to pin down the elf and it was working. In fact, Quinn didn't give Sylph any time to think things through as he threw pebbles within the attack. All containing [Detonates] of explosions and chaos poison.

Then, Quinn was preparing for his last move. Adding all speed bosting skills of Curio and Jake. The precision of Gawain's attacks and that of Amare's eyes. The magical damage of the mages. The physical force of the defenders. He poured this all to the two swords which were the last of those that he brought. These began shattering because of the intensity of the attack.

It was an attack that was almost at the level of [Singularity]. A move which he knew could take down the opponent in front of him. All his attacks were about to end and, with only a millisecond delay, he released his final blow. One which was impossible to avoid.

"HAAA!" Quinn came swiftly. Pinpoint deadly with his attack to an enemy who just suffered a bombardment. It was an ultimate move. One which had so much power stored on it. Yet, the skill didn't connect.

Both of Quinn's swords were shot out of his hands. Upon shattering, the weapons exploded. This caused Quinn to be blown away from the sheer force of the built-up mana. The attack didn't end here however as Sylph kicked him again, causing Quinn's body to fly at the opposite direction.

With just the hilt of his sword remaining, Quinn used [Overdrive] to stop his body. He planted the hilt to the ground, burying it deeply. A thick cloud of dust rose but the elite was successful in his attempt. Then he shot a quick glance to his opponent which emerged out of it. One which meant a lot of bad news.

It was Sylph's chaos form. The primal state which allowed her to mentally control an infinite amount of arrowheads while she wielded two daggers as her primary weapons. She didn't intend to bring it our but, Quinn's current level was too much for her base form.

"It's your loss kid." Sylph simply said, hitting slash after slash of wind.

The elite evaded them. He had no other choice but to do so. There was no weapon left for him except for the last sword hilt on his hand. He was also in the process of regenerating from the latest kick made by his enemy. All making it impossible for him to conceptualize a counter attack. Then, he finally found himself sticking near the end of the wind wall as he also realized that, it had shrunk so much that only a melee bout was possible.

"I told you didn't I? You need me if you want to win." Vask said once again.

Quinn was trying his best to avoid every attack. But Sylph did something even crazier. She planted the arrowheads within the cylindrical wall of wind. This increased their speed as the projectiles came out. Unavoidable as they were also unpredictable. Hitting Quinn who was slowly losing consciousness.

"Come on. Show her what true Chaos is." Vask continued.

"No." Was all that Quinn replied as he created layers of barrier. Using up the last ounce of his mana to activate repetitive [Overdrives]. It wasn't a fight anymore. Sylph was simply putting up a one-sided massacre.

"Time to finish this kid." Sylph said, charging even more arrows within the wall. Quinn was already wobbling at this point but the elf didn't want to take chances. She fired a hundred arrowheads for the last time, breaking tons of the human's bones while also charging her blades by making them hit the wind wall.

"Sprite Blade!" Sylph shouted, closing in to deliver the final blow. Yet, déjà vu struck as her attack didn't connect.

Quinn simply held her wrists. His wounds began healing with black flames covering them. He had markings appearing all over his body, starting from his forehead and spreading all around. 

Sylph instinctively felt danger. She backed away while also raising her guard as she tried to understand what it was that was happening.

"Goodness. To think that he'd be this hard headed until the bitter end. What a stubborn vessel this is." Vask said, with the tone of Quinn's voice turning into his.

"Who are you?" Sylph said, knowing that her opponent was not the human anymore.

"You should know that with the way your body is responding lady." Vask said, smiling at her while he summoned a mana form of his blade. Using the hilt which Quinn held to as the base.

"I am Chaos."

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