The Gamer's System

Chapter 218

Chapter 218: Crafting and Breakfast

[Crafting Success]

[Crafting Failed]

[Crafting Success]

[Crafting Success]

[Crafting Failed]

[Crafting Success]

[Crafting Success]

[Crafting Failed]

As soon as they got back to the base, Zeke went to sleep. Partly this was because he was already tired but, Zeke also needed to arrange the new equipment that would help them against the predicament. And the gamer had a rough idea of how this could be done.

"If the chaos element simply increases every time we destroy the monsters then, what we need is something that could seal [Chaos Energy] itself." This was the thought that ran through Zeke's mind as the continuous crafting went on. 

Zeke already had something like this of course. The armors and equipment of the elites worked on this principle after all but, they weren't permanent storages. This meant that, if the stored [Chaos Energy] is not released then, the equipment would get destroyed. It was not some natural shattering that would take place but a real explosion as the [Chaos Energy] is destructive in itself. Actively working based on its nature. 

Hence what Zeke needed was a away to store [Chaos Energy] in such a manner that would not be wasteful of both time and materials. Meaning, it needed to be a large storage which need not be durable. 

After all, Zeke intended to simply place all the gathered [Chaos Energy] within his inventory as, this worked on a different principle. One which Zeke himself did not grasp fully but nevertheless understood that, things within the inventory were both invulnerable and non-subject to the changes of the time, decay, and breakage.

[Crafting Success]

[Crafting Success]

[Crafting Failed]

[Crafting Success]

"Dammit, this thing never gets easier to craft no matter how many times I've already tried." Zeke thought to himself as he continued trying to mix [Pure Crystals] with [Chaos Shards]. He even increased the durability by adding [Dragon Scales] to the mix. Ensuring that the item would be durable enough to withstand the thing which it needed to accomplish.

[Crafting Success]

[Crafting Success]

[Crafting Failed]

[Crafting Success]

A couple more hours passed by with the gamer trying to forge all the materials together. Then after the painstaking amount of time which he used, the notification finally came:

[Congratulations! You have successfully crafted an Empty Chaos Crystal]

"All that time for a single piece of this. It's not even funny how many materials were wasted to make you." Zeke said to the item on his hand. It was a large dark crystal which didn't have any of the characteristics of the [Chaos Shard] anymore. It had dragon scales covering it on the sides and weighted as light as a feather.

Zeke's [Analysis] worked on the item right away. Showing the information regarding the item.

[Name: Empty Chaos Crystal]

[Grade: S]

[Item Type: Storage]

[Information: This item did not exist in the land of Gaia and thus unique due to the crafting of the gamer.]

"Is that supposed to make me feel good about the item?" Zeke thought to himself as he browsed the more useful information about the item.

[Information: Due to the materials used on the crystal, it is compatible to the chaos element and has the capability to store "Chaos Energy" within it. The crystal will glow once full and automatically stops absorbing when the said limit is reached.]

[Information: Upon absorbing the proper amount, the "Empty Chaos crystal" will evolve into a "Chaos Crystal". An item which can be sold for a high price in the "Chaos Shop".]

"Oh now that is what I needed to see." Zeke thought to himself getting motivated to make even more of the item as, there were things which he needed to buy from the said shop.

Zeke continued crafting for hours without end. Unlike what the elites thought, Zeke's strength didn't come just from his talent. It was from his relentless pursuit to improve. This was also what he employed at that moment, aiming to improve even at that point until, daybreak finally approached – with Zeke coming back to the world of the living.

He immediately went to his inventory, checking the new item he forged. Even before everyone else were to be told about it, he wanted to test the item out. His also ensured the integrity of the things which he was to say to them.

Hence, Zeke teleported to a red area all by himself. What greeted him there was an [AoE] skill. The same one used by the four horned beasts on Quinn which raised multiple spikes from the ground. josei

"That's a very sharp and distinct greeting you've prepared for me." Zeke said as he stood on top of the spikes. He didn't want to raise the [Conjures] that time around. Thinking that his skills would be too rusty if he didn't go to actual combat himself.

The next set of attack that came targeting the gamer was a wave of mana. This also came from a four horned monster which Zeke easily dodged using [Shadow Dive].

"Okay let's play by your rules then." Zeke said as he threw both of his pistols in the air and took out the extraction item on his hand.

The monsters didn't hesitate to begin charging in. Attacking Zeke as if they did not fear death and maybe this was actually the case. With [Chaos Energy] restoring them over and over again, there was no cause for the creatures to fear and, Zeke smiled at this idea.

"Don't worry, you'll be understanding what death means soon enough." He said as he [Shadow Dive] once again. Using the rising sun's rays that created a shadow in between his twin pistols. He then released all the bullets on his hands, all partially charged ones with the flames of the fire god himself and, as these made *clink* sounds on the ground, Zeke finally casted:


Spirals of flame soon erupted, catching every monster that was within the area. Zeke held one piece of [Death's Void] while hiding the other one. As soon as he dropped to the ground, the spell was already finished; destroying most of the monsters and leaving only the four horns which were at least at around 50% in health.

Zeke noticed the crystal begin doing its work on his hand. As he continued dodging, he noticed that he could see the [Chaos Energy] as soon as it came close to the crystal. He felt the immensity of it being stored within his item to the point that, he couldn't even believe that all of it could be placed on such a small [Crystal].

While doing this, Zeke enjoyed dodging the attacks of the remaining enemies. This time in the normal manner. Using only [Mana Conversion] to boost his body as, after reaching [Level 100], he was already beyond these creatures. With only Pier possibly being the threat to his life within Mythos.

"You need top do better than that." Zeke said as he leapt out of the range of another ground spiked area. He then came close to the ones using the mana waves. The monster immediately casted, thinking that there was no way for the gamer to dodge them.

Zeke was still in mid-air as this attack came. Yet the gamer only smirked as he sliced the attack in half using [Death's Void]. Relying only in his physical strength to force the slice through.

"Come to think of it, my bloodline is technically connected to Hark and Gallio so I'm probably innately skilled with the sword and also with spell casting. Huh, I never tried that out did I?" He furthered, moving away from another set of attacks as he kicked one of the monsters causing the ground spikes. This sent the head of the creature flying away. Decapitated without Zeke ever intending to do so.

"To think that your heads would come off that easily. Man my stats must be on steroids whenever I use [Mana Conversion] now." Zeke said as, it was also his first fight after reaching[Level 100]. With all the other fights being handled by his conjures that he also needed to test.

The scene couldn't even be called as a fight anymore as Zeke completely dominated the area. There were no attacks hitting him and, even if they got close, Zeke would somehow dodge them. Sometimes even in the craziest angles.

One of it was when the spikes came at dangerously close to him again. This time it was homing while also gaining speed as the seconds passed by. To deal with them, Zeke hit the tip of each spike with the tip of his gunblade. Shocking the monsters which finally felt fear creep in. Zeke noticed this and enjoyed how the monsters realized all too late.

With the sun hitting his face, Zeke realized that it was almost time for breakfast. His stomach automatically grumbled at the thought of this as the gamer finally decided to finish the fight.

"Well I hate to break it to you guys but, I guess this is the end of our little sparring session. I hope you don't mind because I have places to be and things to do." Zeke threw the [Crystal] up the sky as he took out the other pair of [Death's Void]. 

He went to melee mode and activated [Overdrive] topping it up with [Flash Rush] and, in a split second, the fight finished. With the monsters becoming minced meat as Zeke was showered with the blood of the butchered monsters.

He then caught the crystal just in time before it hit the ground. Saying: "I'm hungry" as the gamer proceeded to head back to base.

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