The Gamer's System

Chapter 239

Chapter 239: Into Full Bloom

"Master, all of the [Chaos Plants] have been successfully deployed on Helios." Glade said, entering Pier's room where the god was enjoying a glass of cold wine.

"Wait what? All of them?" Pier said in disbelief.

"Yes master. Is that not what you ordered?"

"No you idiot. I told you to only deploy a few. Ahhh"

"I'm terribly sorry master."

"Honestly, what even gave you the idea that you need to release all of them anyway?"

"Oh, I don't know how many, "a few" should be. So I decided to just send one on every location in Helios."

"Didn't you just say that you deployed all of them?"

"Yes master. All of the mature ones that were ready to sprout." Glade corrected himself, putting the god at ease.

"Ahh Glade. You and your wordplay."

"I am sorry if I confused you master." Glade furthered.

"Don't worry about it. If anything, this is actually a good thig because, we'll be giving even those heroes a hard time. This way that Zeke fellow would have his hands full. Good job." 

"Thank you master. I shall be taking my leave now." Glade immediately exited the room; and leaving the god to himself once again.

"Too bad though, I wanted to play with that human a bit longer. I guess this is checkmate for the infamous god of games."  Pier continued sipping on his cold wine. There was no rush nor panic in his mind because, everything was still flowing smoothly. 

"I spent all my immortal life planning for this. A mere mortal won't be the one to defeat me." He thought as the elites began battling the [Chaos Plants].

"It's not even moving! How the hell is an unmoving enemy defeating me!" Jake shouted, irritated by the fact that the main opponent wasn't even a strong monster but an amplifying plant.

"Don't think too much about it. Just focus on conserving your energy for now." Sylph commanded, taking charge of the whole operation as it was too pressuring even for Amare.


That was the perfect word to describe the fight that the elites were going through at that moment. Their enemies were at a level where, no matter what move they performed or what actions they took, things still ended up in favor of their enemy.

Yet the problem didn't even end here. There were the troublesome monsters to worry about. The same ones which were amplified by the [Chaos Plants].

"How the hell am I even supposed to play safe if I'm cornered like this?" Julia thought to herself as the [Conjures] of Zeke weren't able to do much to the amplified [Chaos Monsters].

The horned monsters charged without any plan. They all aimed to land a blow, not even thinking of the weak spots or the damage they could take and, this much is understandable because of their state. 

"They aren't dying! How the hell is that even legal!" Eerie complained, not even thinking about the fact that the summons lent by Zeke also worked on a similar concept.

"Just focus on cutting the vines. That removes their connection to the main plant and places them back to their normal state." Allesiah said, giving the elites a hint on what they should put all their efforts to.

With all that suddenly happened, this concept escaped their minds. Inf act even Allesiah forgot about this at the moment as she was too busy figuring out the whole structure of the [Chaos Plant].

"Zeke would've been able to finish with this minutes ago." Allesiah thought to herself. Wanting to have something as handy as the gamer's [Analysis] which would've shown her the following data:

[Name: Chaos Plant]

[Type: Plant]

[Specification: Chaos Amplifier and Disperser]

[Grade: S+]

[Information: The plant is relatively dormant in most cases. The only occasion where it was said to bloom was during the war against the Blood King, upon which data was collected on the nature of its flowering.]

[Information: The plant actively amplifies all Chaos Energy while also releasing an immense amount into the air. This plant also works as a converter of whatever form of energy exists around the area. Turning it into Chaos rapidly.]

[Information: Creatures which it roots its vines to will actively gain the Chaos Energy gathered by the plant. Increasing their power immediately by twofold yet, this also destroys their cognitive function as the plant will then order the rooted monsters to kill any hostile creature nearby.]

Zeke's allies were not aware of all these things yet. They only placed their faith on both Allesiah and Amare and on the speed they could make out the weakness of their opponent. Sylph's leadership was also coming into play here as she was actively giving commands even though she was also in a pinch in the battlefield she was in.

"It's no use, the vines just keep multiplying." Curio said who was one of the swiftest to do such a task.

"Yeah and they keep targeting me whenever I try to get near." Mordred followed up.

"The melee units should go and look for a tight space within the terrain. Watch out for any unusual movement that may come from the ground and just continue defending from that point on."

"Yes ma'am!" Red said in reply. Going in the middle of two brick walls and making the [Conjures] protect him from all sides."

"But what if we can attack?" Jake suggested.

"If you think that you can beat the speed of the vines then be my guest. But don't go in too deep. I believe that it's level of defense and offense gets stronger the closer you get to the plant itself." 

"OKAAAAY!" Mirio said in a tone that was getting more heated up in the battle.

"The long-range ones can try and deal multiple types of to the plants. Don't exhaust your mana. Just use the shots to see if it would cause any change to our enemy."

"Understood." Gawain immediately fired one arrow. Deflected by a group of monsters that served as a wall of flesh.

They weren't safe from any damage and, in fact, they were slowly accumulating a lot. The monsters were just too strong for them. Even with Zeke's [Conjures] backing them up, they couldn't perfectly defend against these enemies and, the same was even more accurate for their offense.

Even in the [Infernal] form of the [Conjures], they didn't hold any chance as the monsters just kept coming. No matter how many of their bones were broken. Even if their head were decapitated. Even if their hearts were taken off. Even if they were burned. As long as most of their structure was intact, they continued regenerating and fighting.

"Allesiah how much longer do you need?" 

"Just endure a bit more! I'm almost finished with this." The elven mage said. But this wasn't fast enough.

One by one, the support type elites got taken down by the monsters. As soon as their health fell down the said percentage, they were transported back to the base. Something which Zeke noticed right away.

"Man, they must be facing some real difficult enemies right now." Zeke said as he continued the scouting on Elysium.

The things that were happening at that moment wasn't hidden from the gamer. In fact, even before their health fell down these amounts, Zeke was keeping tabs on all his allies. He knew that they were in a pinch but dared not interfere. Wanting his allies to grow from the experience as much as possible.

"Well at least the offensive types are still in play. I expected this much from situations such as this." Zeke said.

Things only increased in difficulty from this point onwards. The monsters which were already amplified grew even stronger, making them opponents that were hard to deal with even for the Mythos dwelling allies of Zeke.

They were being pushed into a corner quicker than the first few minutes of the fight. Not knowing that the plant was actually reaching the final phases of its transformation. With its flower going into full bloom as it destroyed every ounce of mana in the field.

"Hey is it just me or are these things getting stronger?" Jake said as he was flung to a nearby wall. Followed through by a flame attack that almost burned him completely.

"It's the flower. I think that these things are getting stronger the more that it blooms." Allesiah said, reaching the final phase of her analysis. Yet even the elf couldn't focus anymore as even she was cornered by the monsters.

This was not the end of their problems. Even the [Conjures] provided by Zeke which were maintained through the devices he made have been depleted. Meaning, all the mana he poured on to the said devices have run out. Something which was only possible if the fights went beyond the estimated mana usage for the mission.josei

With their vanguard gone, the elites were easier to attack. The monsters didn't waste any time to do so and, no matter how good the elites were in maximining their movements. They continually got hurt. Badly.






Every type of injury was being inflicted on them as they were sent back to the base one by one. And, with the end finally reached, it was Zeke's turn to step in. 

"I guess it was too much even for them to handle." Zeke thought to himself, recalling all the [Conjures] he sent out for scouting. 

He knew that this was Pier's doing. There was no other entity that could influence such a large area and buff the monsters all at once. This was how the gamer knew that his enemy finally recognized him. Having a cheeky smile worn on his face as he finally teleported back to Helios.

"Let me answer in kind to you self-centered gods."

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