The Gamer's System

Chapter 274

Chapter 274: Graduation

Due to how Samael's [Grand Chariot] was tampered with, it didn't even take a whole hour passing in the real world as Zeke and Vardus' finished their battle. All four thousand attempts of Vardus into making his opponent submit was reversed into his utter defeat.

The ominous black orb in the middle of the sea suddenly shattered, sending waves of [Chaos Energy] that could only be described as strong. Everyone looked at the figure who came out and, a smile crept up on their face immediately. It was Zeke.

They were just about to cheer. In fact, they were about to come near him when they noticed another figure coming out of the shattered realm. It wasn't Samael nor any of the other [Conjures]. It was something much more powerful. It was Vardus.

"Mister Zeke! Behind you!" Jake screamed but just as he was about to strike, Zeke raised his hand.

"Calm down will you." The gamer mentioned as Allesiah used her [Chaos and Mana Sight] on Vardus. Understanding what was happening right away as she asked:

"He became a Conjure?"

"Well basically yes. He lost all of his will to live and to fight so, I just did him the favor of returning it."

There was something different about the Zeke that came back to them. It may be because of the four thousand fights he had to go through or, the effects of [Grand Chariot's] darkness leaving residuals around him, or it may even be because of the ominous Grand Monarch who turned into a [Conjure]. Nobody knew for sure.

Yet something was clear to them. With all the fights they've gone through and all the opponents they needed to face; their instincts screamed out the same thing. Zeke, at that point in time, was a potential threat.

"Guys, stand down." Zeke commanded, feeling the animosity from all his allies.

"Zeke, are you still on our side?" Allesiah asked, also showing hostility towards the gamer.

"Stand down." Zeke repeated but instead of doing so, everyone just prepared to attack.

"Look. I don't have a moment to waste on this so, this'll be the last time I ask you. Stand – "

Even before Zeke could finish speaking, Vask attacked him right away. Cutting off one of the gamer's arm. And this was all that Vask could do as the [Conjured] Vardus activated [Emperor's Time].

Only Zeke and all of his [Conjures] could move at that moment. And bringing out his trusted halberd, he stabbed through Vask's heart. Every member of the elites was pinned down by the [Conjures] as well as all the Mythos dwellers.

[Emperor's Time has reached its limit; time will now resume.]

There was a shocked expression on everyone's faces. Especially because, Zeke was restraining them like they were his enemies.

The whole thing was confusing for the gamer's allies. But for Zeke, things couldn't be more crystal clear as he twisted his halberd, creating spikes that grew all around Vask's body.

"Mister Zeke what is the meaning of this!" Quinn demanded but, all he got was a static gaze from the gamer as the notifications began popping up.

[Information: All the Monarchs within Mythos has been eradicated.]

[Information: King Glade has been killed.]

[Information: The mortal form of Pier has been killed.]

[Information: The elites will return to earth upon death.]

"Zeke is this some kind of joke? If its is then it's not funny at all!" Sylph suggested but, the gamer didn't even look at her. Instead Zeke summoned Samael once again.

"NO! ZEKE DON'T DO THIS!" Allesiah shouted but it was too late as she, along with all Mythos dwellers were placed inside Grand Chariot.

This left a peaceful battlefield. Zeke even took away all his other [Conjures], including those that restrained the elites. Leaving only him and the other humans who floated in mid-air.

"Well, I'm sure you've got a lot of questions yourself but, honestly I don't have the time to answer them all."

Zeke didn't wait for any of them to speak. He released his bloodlust and killing intent, so much so that it put every member of the elite on edge. Their emotions were still conflicting between attacking and retreating so, Zeke made the option clear to them as he took out his halberd.

"I will not speak to you after this so listen carefully." Zeke began, and because the elites still held a respectable image of Zeke, they did as was told.

"From the very beginning, both of us have been using each other for our goals. You cannot deny that nor would I ever do so myself. And I know that some fights and missions were a bit more dangerous for comfort. I sincerely apologize on those parts. Nevertheless, you all came out alive and stronger." For some reason that he could not explain, Jake had tears forming on his eyes. And it wasn't just him, everyone else were also getting teary eyed.

"All of that is finished now. Those notifications made it clear and I only have one last favor to ask for all that I've done for you." Zeke released his fighting aura at that point and, he was oozing with mana.

"Fight me with all your strength and skills, that is all I ask in return."

Nobody knew how to describe what they felt at that moment. It was such a weird mixture of emotions but, even without knowing what Zeke's true goal was, they accepted this plea. With a single "UNDERSTOOD MISTER ZEKE!" coming from all of them as they began attacking the gamer.

Five summons attacked Zeke all at once. Monsters ranking at an evolved [A+] tier at that and this got the gamer impressed. He looked at Horus who had resolve on his eyes, showing every intent of killing the gamer on the spot.

"Dear me, he might've been able to surpass me in summoning if he was the first one called upon by the deities." A dragon type monster tacked Zeke head on and this was met with the gamer slicing it in two.

However, as he did, he noticed that there was something inside it. Explosions soon came, provided by nobody else but Zilg. The trap expert who turned into an outright lover of explosions, sprayed almost dust sized objects, all with [Detonates] placed on them.

"DETONAAAATE!" The explosions looked like fireworks as they continued crackling in the sky. The waves on the ocean below them continued rising because of the force it created. Yet Zeke came out virtually undamaged and targeting Zilg and Horus right away.

However he was stopped by the defensive type summons among the [A+] ranked. All being given an extra layer of barrier provided for by Vorst and Gerard which was even reinforced by Lizzie. This deflected the blow of his halberd but also shatter the barriers in the process.

Two other summons appeared behind the gamer. And before he knew it, Zeke was already in a trap masterfully crafted by Amare the tactician of the group.

"Amare, she turned out to be a more capable leader than I thought." Zeke mentioned as [Oblivion] was casted both on top of him and below him.josei

On his back was Jake who charged up his spear, condensing all of the flame mana scattered around them. Multiple magic circles appeared in front of him, provided for by Curio who gave him a speed boost and, without a second to lose, Jake went to attack.

A streak of flames and lightning was left on his path as he moved even faster than the speed of light at that moment. He even activated [Overdrive] in order to ensure that he would land a blow.

Yet all he was able to do was graze the gamer who still managed to pivot his body to the side. Zeke used his halberd to hit Jake's spear in such a way that, he could move his body while getting the lightest amount of injury possible.

"NOW!" Jake shouted and at this, three cores appeared right in front of the gamer. Teleported to him by Zane and Merlin.

The objects lighted up and activated right away, sending out a shower of bullets each. These were provided for by the weapon of Eerie who still had two cores to spare.

Gawain didn't miss this chance and snipped down the target who was unable to move from that point. He aimed for the forehead of the gamer and condensed as much wind mana as he could into that singular attack.

To his surprise, Zeke was able to grab on to the arrow. Just before the moment of impact, Zeke was able to get a grip on the body of the projectile, sending a strong blast of wind towards the gamer.

"These two archers have really grown themselves." Zeke thought as he sliced though the cores, halting the attack altogether.

The joint attack of Gawain and Eerie left him with even more wounds. Zeke wondered why these weren't closing even with his healing skills and, this was when he took notice of Red. A healer who was focused on him as he casted:

"Reverse heal!"

"Man, even the healers are troublesome." Zeke was genuinely enjoying himself. Fights of that caliber didn't comer often and, unconsciously, he might've also been preparing the humans for this end.

Every move he made had risks involved and, every strategy he was cooking up on his head had a similar consequences. It was a true fight to the death and yet, everyone was enjoying themselves.

"Come on then kids, show me all that you learned." Were the words running through Zeke's head as the battle continued.

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