The Gamer's System

Chapter 280

Chapter 280: Divinity

Zeke was right about one thing. There was really a catastrophe which went on in the heavens as soon as he defeated Vardus. In fact, it was all aligned to what he hypothesized because, the other half of the Grand Monarch has awakened in the heavens.

It came suddenly. While the main deities entertained all the questions of the doubting minor gods, Vardus suddenly woke up. He didn't let this show. In fact, he simply observed his surroundings, trying to figure out what was happening. Then, as soon as he got a good grasp of it, Vardus stopped time.

"Ahh so even these self-proclaimed gods have no way of escaping my powers."

"Time Spears!" Vardus was caught a bit off guard, unable to dodge all the projectiles and getting hit by one.

"Of course, a poor imitation."

"Look old man, I don't know who you are but, you can't be messing with my stuff like that."

"Oh don't worry you'll know me soon enough."

The two rulers of time were the first to clash. With the infinite duration of [Emperor's Time] nobody was able to intervene between Chrono and Vardus. Their fight was evenly matched as they had similar powers to make use of, yet, the difference in experience evidently showed.

Little by little, Vardus was able to take the upper hand. He used his [Time Eaters] which continued attacking Chrono while also defending himself. He used [Durthas], creatures made of time which barraged Chrono with their attacks.

This was all the leverage Vardus needed in order to capture the other ruler of time. However, it proved to be taxing just to contain the said god in one of his [Time Eaters]. Preventing him from maintaining his [Emperor's Time] which shattered at that moment.

All the gods and goddesses within the council room had their eyes widen in horror as they became witnesses to the event. Chrono was captured and was slowly getting absorbed by the [Time Eater] while, standing right beside him was a man whom only Sinclair knew of.

"I guess this must come as a bit of a shock to you but, you all need to die."

A lot of things were revealed at that point. Nisha's death came into light as well as the things which Pier secretly did to the other worlds. With the use of the powers held by the god of deceit and the goddess of darkness, Pier was able to hide some of the worlds which began rotting away due to chaos. This was still in a restorable state but, with only two main deities maintaining the balance, the task was close to impossible.

"Oh darlings that won't work against me." Vardus drained multiple spells through the use of his [Time Eaters]. This inevitably caught the gods and goddesses in a state of shock but, not as much as the other feat which Vask was able to perform.

He was able to catch one more god with his [Time Eater]. With the thought that they are immortal, the gods and goddesses weren't as afraid. But, this immediately changed as the said god began screaming.  The [Time Eater] drained the very existence of that god until, nothing was left.

"And now I have something new to use." Vardus said, releasing razor sharp wind blades which he obtained by absorbing the said god.

"What have you done!" Sinclair shouted but, the only reaction she received was a hysterical laughter.

"HAHAHAHA! What have I done? Dear I'm just getting started."josei

The clash within the heavenly realm continued. And because it was in such a state, nobody noticed the birth of the new god on Mythos nor the other tings which Zeke was up to.

Vardus was immersed in eradicating all the gods and goddesses while, the said divine beings tried their best to take him down.

"Oh don't be shy, just accept this little gift of mine and all your troubles will be over."

"No! We will not allow you to win Vardus!" Sinclair fired lightspeed projectiles. Each with enough force to create a new world.

"Ahh to call me by that name brings back memories." Vardus cancelled them out, catching the projectiles through the seemingly infinite amount of [Time Eaters].

"Speaking of which, do you remember how I slept with your mother?"

"SHUT UP!" Sinclair fired a beam of light so bright that it even erased some of the starts along the way. On the various worlds below, the mortals could even see it in the form of a gigantic star.

It was the same light of a universe being created. All of this power was fired at Vardus. Yet, as the light diminished, she saw that the attack had no effect.

"Tsk. Tsk. Princess."


"Oh you truly are the daughter of your mother. Both seemingly calm yet aggressive when it is their loved ones that are being hurt." Vardus showed the magic circle, the symbols and runes used for his incantation and the effect that it created.

"This is basically a barrier made of the same principles as my [Time Eaters]. Any spell casted on me, any attack, as soon as all these things hit my barrier, they would simply get absorbed." He snapped his fingers and a hundred [Time Eaters] appeared. All coming after Sinclair who did her best to dodge and attack at the same time.

"Tik tok. Tik tok. Your time is running princess, you cannot escape the hands of time forever."

At that moment Vardus was unstoppable. Within the heavens nobody had enough power to stop him as he was. The slimmest chance they had was with Chrono and yet this same god has been successfully contained within a large [Time Eater].

As if this wasn't bad enough, Vardus had the powers of some deities. Darkness from Nisha. Deceit from Pier. Ice and Lightning from the foolish gods that perished upon descending in Mythos and, Wind from the last god which he consumed.

"This is just a pointless struggle! You and these so-called gods cannot defeat me!"

Vardus summoned all of his powers at once, creating multiple layered magical circles. This covered the entirety of the heavens, and nobody could do anything to stop it. With the [Time Eaters] chasing them down, they needed to put their full focus on defending.

"Your attacks are absorbed by my [Time Eaters]. Even if you all attack me at once, my barrier would simply absorb everything and strengthen me even more. If you lower your guard, you'd be easy prey to these same spheres." Vardus commented, trying to put some sense into his enemies who refused to give up.

"Look princess, no matter what you do, your end is inevitable." Vardus didn't even look like he was trying. He simply sat down, preparing all the divine energy to make his final strike.


"I tried reasoning out with you but, it seems to be pointless." The magic circles began rotating, like gears of a clockwork waiting to be aligned.

"I just want you to know that, all you've created, the balance and harmony which you did your best to maintain. All of it will be devoured by Chaos."

With this the condensed attack was fired down on all of the heavens. With the amount of power poured out on it alone they knew that, it was enough to shatter the very reality of their existence.

Some gods closed their eyes. Some continued fighting. Others pleaded to be saved by Vardus but, none of it was of any use. They were all waiting for their imminent death. And, this was when things began to turn.

"You all look pathetic right now."

Instead of dying, they were shielded. Not by any god or goddess but by two summoned creatures nonetheless. With one looking like a knight while the other seemed to be a mage.

"And who might you be?" The nullified attack irritated Vardus who got up from where he sat.

Vardus and all the divine creatures stared at the new entity that appeared out of nowhere. He looked nothing like any of them yet, they could tell from a glance that he also had divine aura.

"Oh me? Nothing much, just gamer passing his time."

"It can't be. Zeke Elwood is that you?"

"Oh my god it's the useless boob goddess." Zeke commented, disregarding Vardus altogether.

The Monarch of Time didn't let such insolence go unpunished. Sending fifty [Time Eaters] toward Zeke. And for good measure, he even increased their speed a thousand-fold.

"Ultimatum Overdrive."

In one fluid motion, Zeke summoned the Blood King's halberd and destroyed all of the spheres dispatched by Vardus.

"Of course you'd try attacking when I'm not looking. Typical video game goon." Zeke said, referring to Vardus.

"Who are you?"

"You know I'm getting tired of being asked all these things over and over again. Just think of me as Death, and I've come to pick you up."

"HAHAHA! Death? You'd do well to mildly entertain me boy!"

Vardus used [Emperor's Time]. Deciding to simply pause everything and attack the dangerous opponent while he couldn't move. But, just as he casted the said skill, it got nullified. Putting Vardus in a state of disbelief for the first time after he woke up.

"How…" he looked at Chrono but the child was slumbering within the time eater. There was no one else who was supposed to be capable of such a feat.

"Like I said, I am death." Within one fluid motion, Zeke destroyed all of the [Time Eaters] and cancelled out every attempt at rewinding, pausing, or speeding up of time. Within the span of ten seconds, Zeke's halberd was already piercing through Vardus as he whispered.

"Tell Vask I said hi." The gamer twisted the halberd, creating a burst of divine energy and, killing Vardus along the way.

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