The Gamer's System

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Forced to Reincarnate

"Welcome, my child." A woman wearing a long silk dress, covered in a seemingly golden veil appears before Zeke. She has long cream looking hair reaching up to her waist. She has a fair white complexion. Her eyes are of golden color, matching the color of her veil and her lips.

"Erm…where am I exactly?" Zeke answered, trying to get a grip on what is going on.

"You are in the council room of the most powerful beings in the universe." Said a boy who seemed to have clocks ticking inside his eyes. His hair is lime green while his choice of clothing is simply a moss green hoodie that covers most of his body.

"Yeah, that's a really nice introduction you got going there." Zeke answered, realizing that these are probably the three beings mentioned at the beginning of the game.

The third person in the room is a woman with long black hair that reaches up to her hips. Her eyes are obsidian black, with a certain depth to its darkness. However, completely contrasting these colors is her complexion which is even fairer than the first woman who spoke. She wore a long and elegant black dress, with enough skin shown to lure a normal healthy adult.

However, Zeke isn't normal in the slightest bit so he just shrugged her looks away, preferring the women inside games over real ones.

Zeke quickly stood up, looking around him and seeing how, the room looks more like the universe.

"Are you sure we aren't in space?" He remarked jokingly, knowing that he'd already be dead if that was the case.

"Well that's more or less like it." The boy with green hair said, beginning the introductions

"You are in the realm if the gods." He continued.

"Okay." Zeke replied. The woman wearing white seem to be taken aback as her eyes furrowed together.

"That's it? You're not going to be shocked in disbelief or make us prove what we just said? Surely none of this comes as something natural to you right?" She said.

"Ermm yeah. Listen lady, I'm a gamer by profession. You think something as distasteful as this cliché situation is enough to shock me?"

"Excuse me?! Cliché? May I remind you that it is by our mercy that you are brought here!" She continued, making the room shake with her words.

"Calm down Claire." The other woman with black hair said, making the tremors disappear.

"Righ. Right. Let me guess, you brought me inside the game I just played and you three are…" Zeke started pointing at them one by one starting with the goddess who was furious a while ago.


"Nisha." Zeke pointed at the black-haired woman.

"Chrono." He pointed to the boy with clock-like eyes. The boy clapped as Zeke made this remark as if he's enjoying the scene.

"And I'm brought here because, also mentioned on the introduction of the game is the fact that, you guys bring "heroes" from earth to other worlds." Zeke continued, making the deities seem impressed.

"Basically, you screwed up on a world you made. Probably created a Demon Lord by accident, and now you want me to go there and do the dirty work for you." Zeke finished.

"I gotta hand it to him. His brains make up for his manners." Nisha replied, confirming everything Zeke just said.

"Do I have a choice on this?" He asked, wanting to just go back to playing games instead of risking his life on a mission which would probably kill him along the way.

"Hahahaha, you don't. We get to decide everything and you just listen to what we say." Chrono said in a childlike manner.josei

"Guys come on, we need to wrap this up, there are still worlds that needs to be created and the minor gods may get pissed if we take too long." The goddess Nisha remarked, making the two other deities behave properly.

"Fine." Sinclair said.

"There are things that needs to be done on a lot of worlds we created. Basically there are a lot of things that are messed up and, going down there to personally deal with them might destroy the balance." She continued.

"And that's where I come in?" Zeke answered.

"Yup mister. You're going to be our janitor and clean everything up for us!" Chrono said in a playful tone.

"But we're not sending you there unequipped. That's why the trial was made before you got transported here. Depending on the results, we can forcibly place blessings on you or you can be the one who'd choose the blessings for yourself." Sinclair intervened.

"As for the results, you not only cleared it at an unprecedented speed, you also accomplished everything with an SSS grade. Adding to the fact that you took no damage from the monsters whatsoever." Nisha continued.

"Gee thanks." Zeke said, used to getting praised in games already.

"So? What will it be?" Nisha asked, referring to which blessing Zeke would ask for.

"Can I have a system instead?" He replied.

"Now you really got my interest." Chrono replied.

"Are you sure about this? We cannot give you anything else other than the single blessing which you ask for." Sinclair said.

"Yes, and I want this to be a Gamer's System complete with all the features that can be found in games. A minimap, a free analysis, data collection book, inventory storage, crafting, looting, and all those other things."

"Look at you, getting all greedy on us mister." Chrono replied, having an ominous smile on his face.

"Plus, I want a contract which would not allow you to take this system from me, nor weaken it by any means." Zeke added, ensuring that the gods wont toy with him.

"Okay, let us discuss about it for a minute." Nisha said, moving closer with the two other deities as they talked. Chrono laughed from time to time which made Zeke feel even more uneasy.

Then, after a minute or so, they finally came to a conclusion. The deities approached Zeke and gave their verdict.

"We have agreed to your terms. Please hand out your wrist to us, we will embed our symbols on it to ensure no desecration of our agreement." Sinclair said, making Zeke move forward to gain the system and the contract.

[Gamer's System is now Active] The system window appeared in front of Zeke. This means that he has now received the system. However, there is still something bothering him which is, the idea that the system might have rebooted from his experience at the trial stages.

He wanted to ask about this but, before he could even open his mouth, Nisha already spoke.

"Farewell Elwood, may this be enough for you to cleanse the world."

"Don't die before I punish you." Sinclair added.

"We'll be counting on you mister." Were the final words said by the deities.

At this, Zeke is consumed by another blinding light. The feeling of warmth came with this, but not the kind that would burn a person. It is a gentle warmth mixed with the feeling of his body falling down from the sky.

On the continent of Elysium, night has already fallen. A man and his son, travels down the country road but suddenly halted at something they saw from the sky.

"Dad look, it's a bright shooting star." Said the boy, taking a peak out of the horse wagon.

"Oh you're right my boy. The Goddess Sinclair must be blessing us with light for our journey. We should make an offering as soon as we head back home." The man said, taking a small glimpse of the light. He then took his eyes back at the road, but noticed how bright it really is.

"Dad?" The boy said again.

"Yes son?" The father responded, noticing how the brightness seem to get stronger by the minute.

"Do shooting stars actually shoot at things?" The father laughed at his son's question and answered in a lighthearted note.

"No son, of course not!" The father responded, wondering why the light isn't stopping from getting brighter.

"Then, that's not a shooting star." The boy said, making the father stop the carriage and look at the shooting star again.

"OH MY GOD!" He shouted, holding on to the horses and making them run faster as if his life depended on it.

"I can't die now. My wife bought that sexy new underwear and I can't pass to the afterlife without seeing her wear it!" He said, motivated by the piece of lingerie to run the horses like they're made of jet engines.

"Faster dad! Faster!" The boy said, enjoying himself and not completely comprehending the situation they are in.

The man did the best he could to get away from the light. But then he realized how impossible it is for them to escape. So, he stopped the carriage and went inside to hug his son. Hoping that his body would be enough to shield his son from whatever it is that's about to come.

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