The Gamer's System

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: A Battle of Regeneration

"Damn, this whole place got packed while I was gone huh?" Zeke said as he arrived to where the [Carnivorous Turtle] is. The whole area is filled with blood as the monster ate a lot of monsters within the forest.

But this is not the end of it. As soon as the crystal summoned the boss monster, it began summoning the weaker ones as well. These became the target of the turtle which went on an eating spree. Aside from the hunger however is the fact that, all monsters eaten by the turtle soon came out as eggs. These eggs hatched after a minute, creating smaller versions of the turtle which are ranked [E+].

[Name: None]

[Species: Turtle]

[Specification: Crystal Turtle Hatchling]

[Rank: E+]

[Name: None]josei

[Species: Turtle]

[Specification: Iron Turtle Hatchling]

[Rank: E+]

[Name: None]

[Species: Turtle]

[Specification: Rock Turtle Hatchling]

[Rank: E+]

The smaller versions are of various materials which excited Zeke. The only problem is that. They have an insane amount of health which makes it difficult to deal with them.

"Okay time for a little test run." Zeke said, taking out Lupus which is his most capable defensive conjure.

He gave the orders for the monster to attack one hatchling which is isolated from the rest. Zeke stayed at a safe distance, hiding himself from the enemies as he began his experiment.

The smaller turtle then attacked his conjure and, just like he figured, the hatchlings have a terribly small amount of offensive strength. Lupus didn't take much damage from the monster considering that its an evolved [E+] monster.

"So, the tradeoff that came with the insane amount of health is the reduction in offensive strength huh?" Zeke said, taking back Lupus and summoning Erio. The conjured general had [Mol'thaw's Blade] which turned into [Crimson Fang] as soon as the general held on to it.

This is the reason why Zeke took the [Blood Elf] evolution for the general after all. But he didn't expect the transformation of the blade which came along. Adding to this is another passive which made the weapon even more fearsome.

[Additional Passive Name: Vampiric Strike]

[Information: All damage done through the weapon is given back to the owner as health reserves. The reserves may be used by the weapon owner to regenerate or to create a damage absorbing shield.]

"Okay, try attacking that thing." Zeke said, making Erio rush toward the monster and slash it with the blade. The smaller turtle had a significant amount of its health chomped off. This created a barrier for Erio but then, the turtle screamed and as it did, Zeke saw the barrier completely break off.

"That's not good." Zeke said, understanding more about the opponent he is facing.

The barrier which was just made could withstand a large amount of damage. But then, the same barrier got destroyed by a monster which could only create a small amount of damage. This led to Zeke concluding that, the turtles have a skill similar to his [Blood Counter] which converts the damage they have taken into an attack.

"This also means that their mother probably has a similar ability." Zeke said, glad that he didn't use [Poison Cloud] right off the bat.

He looked at his minimap and, with the number of hatchlings which would continually use the counter, he would've died if no preparations were made. But that's just about it. He only needed to prepare before using the skill.

"Poison deals continuous damage so, these things need to use the skill continually, giving me bits of damage instead of a large chunk." Zeke thought to himself.

He then went to the shop and bought [Medium Health Potions] for the battle that is about to come. This is what ran through his head as he bought the potions:

Together with the current limit of his [Mana Conversion], Zeke's health pool will increase by a large amount. Adding the fact that his [Regeneration] skill and [Endurance] attribute works on a health percentage basis. This means that, he'll get more health regenerated if he has a larger health pool.

However, this much is not enough for the number of turtles and so, he bought potions in order to provide additional healing. His only worry is how their mother could create attacks other than this. That's why, Zeke will placed the [Poison Cloud] on a level below the [Carnivorous Turtle] ensuring that it doesn't get damaged together with the smaller ones.

With all this being set. Zeke began to put his plan into motion. He began by summoning all the lesser monsters which he could currently conjure. On all of them, he placed multiple [Detonates] of [Poison Cloud]. He then ordered these monsters to circle around the area where the opponent and its hatchlings are.

Zeke then restored his mana by drinking the contents of two [Mana Potions] which he followed by his [Mana Conversion] skill. After doing so, he drank another set of [Medium Mana Potions] which he followed by summoning Lupus along with all the other major conjures.

Within this time frame, his minor conjures have already made contact with the monsters and thus, he began detonating the layers of poison cloud stacked on top of their bodies. He followed this by ordering his major conjures to attack the minor monsters while Lupus and Erio try to distract the [Carnivorous Turtle].

A lot of screams came after this. Zeke is familiar with the sound as this is the same one created by the turtle which he tested things out on earlier. Zeke's health began dropping but, just as it did, his [Regeneration] and [Endurance] began their work. There is a considerable amount of health that this combo could not heal through and, Zeke provided the missing amount using the [Health Potions] which he bought.

The [Carnivorous Turtle] saw all this commotion but, is currently preoccupied with the two monsters facing it. Erio basically has unlimited shield as long as he continually deals damage while, Lupus has a set of passives that lets it endure through longer periods of combat. Zeke knew that these two cannot defeat the [Carnivorous Turtle] but, that's not their job, that's his.

Zeke then took out the upgraded version of his twin pistols which still didn't have a name. He hasn't tested the new features out and, he thought that the [Carnivorous Turtle] would be perfect for the first run.

The new feature basically made it so that, the bullets in themselves already have the condensed amount of electromagnetic force to fire without charging up. This meant that, the same attack which defeated the [Earth Golems] has reduced its shooting interval to that of normal guns. Along with this is a scope and night vision that appeared in front of Zeke's eyes.

Zeke began pulling the trigger, creating bullets that dented the [Carnivorous Turtle's] hard shell. This isn't his target however. Zeke aimed for the smaller opening which the turtle has. The only problem is that, they are so small that, he's getting a hard time shooting through them. However, he was not labeled the God of Gaming back on earth for nothing.

After 3 shots from both pistols, he now has the weapon's aim completely mastered. After all, there are also shooting games back on earth and, killing with only headshots on these games was something that Zeke could perform.

"You can try hiding those all you want, I'm still gonna hit them." Zeke said, piercing through the openings which made the first boss scream in pain. Zeke followed this up, looking for all the other openings and firing at them.

The damage began stacking up and, after 30 minutes of moving around and firing at the monster, Zeke is able to take a quarter of the monster's health. But there is a problem that came up along with this.

As soon as the smaller turtles began dying, the health of the [Carnivorous Turtle] also went up and, soon after, its health went back to full.

"Damn, that's one sturdy monster." Zeke thought, knowing that it'd be a waste of ammunition to continue attacking the monster in the same manner.

Zeke actually thought of just waiting for all the smaller ones to disappear before continuing but then, the [Carnivorous Turtle] screamed. Its eyes turned red and, crystals from its shell began shooting out. Zeke dodged a few of them that came his way but, just as he did, he noticed something odd. The crystal glowed red which turned brighter and brighter.

"Crap." Was the word that went through his head as the crystal exploded. It covered a large area, hitting Zeke who took a considerable amount of damage and even lost one of his arms.

The other explosions cleared out the [Poison Cloud] which he built up. As soon as this happened, the hatchlings went back into their shells making them look like rocks that shot out of the ground. They then began glowing with different colors and, as they did, their health also began regenerating.

"I guess this much should be expected from a [D+] ranked evolved monster and its minions." Zeke said, thinking of a way to win with the current situation.

He withdrew his monsters which are still in the battlefield and waited for his arm to regenerate.

"There's not much time left before [Mana Conversion] wears off." Zeke thought to himself. Of course, he could just activate the skill again but, the problem is, he'd waste too much money on potions just to win through a battle such as this.

Then, he thought of another crazy idea. His resurrection skill is available and, with that in mind, he rushed toward the [Carnivorous Turtle]. He fired two bullets at it, making him get the undivided attention of the angry monster. Then, as soon as the monster saw the human, it opened its mouth and ate Zeke completely.

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