The Gamer's System

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: Level Spike

"Defeat the fifth boss." Yaeger thought that these words would be enough to deter Zeke from asking any further questions. However, Zeke didn't stop. On the contrary, this fueled him to go even further. 

He turned his back on the goddess immediately after she said these words. When Yaeger asked what Zeke is planning to do, the human answered with confidence: 'I'll defeat any monster you throw at me." This made the goddess roar in laughter, completely forgetting the fact that, Zeke is nothing like the other humans which she has encountered.

Within that same day, Zeke went back to the forest clearing out a decent number of monsters along the way. Zeke targeted the two areas left – those which still has [Boss Monsters] that are yet to spawn. Zeke summoned his Conjures, employing the same tactic which he used on the [Carnivorous Turtle]. He planted layers of [Poison Cloud] on his loyal spawns and, immediately ordering them to go within the areas designated. He then detonated the spell – beginning another monster massacre.

"I'm sorry guys but, the training needs to be cut shorter." Zeke thought to himself as he completely contradicted the original plan.

What was supposed to happen is a steady pacing of leveling and honing of skills. With Yeager's challenge however, Zeke cannot afford to waste any time. After all, he does not even know if he can defeat the fifth boss in a single day. Hence, he plans to finish off the remaining bosses the following day, stopping with exactly one [E+] ranked monster on both areas to be killed before the bosses are summoned.

"That should be enough." Zeke said to himself as a number of notifications came up.

[You have reached level 70]

This is the first thing which welcomed him. Zeke's leveling capacity got even higher as he collected an artifact from Heron's loot. The artifact's name is, [Prodigy's Bracelet]. The bracelet raises the amount of experience one can gain by 30%, making it possible for Zeke to reach the current level he is now at.

With the levels adding up, Zeke invested a lot of attribute points into his [Intelligence Stat] and, finally decided to raise his [Mana Conversion] skill which did not rank up like the other skills did. As soon as he added points to the skill, [Mana Conversion] turned into [Mana Conversion II] which required 20 skill points in order to rank up again. 

Zeke thought that, the amount of skill points needed for the upgrade is quite understandable. After all, the skill suddenly went from [F] rank to [D+] in just a single upgrade. Though this costed Zeke [15] skill points, the upgrade benefited him much as the percentage of conversion went up significantly. 

Aside from this, there are features added to the Gamer's System which delighted Zeke so much.

[Scope Function – The system will provide a scope function whenever the gamer uses a long-range weapon. This will cover a significant distance and, upgrades to this feature can be bought from the store; reaching until a [x32] scope range. The range however does not mean that the projectile fired will reach that length, it only means that, the distance which can be aimed from can get higher.]

[Night Vision – The user of the system can see even in darker areas. As it is a night vision function, the gamer cannot see anything more than what Night Vision devises can offer.]

These two came in handy for Zeke. With the added features, Zeke can now move to creating another weapon which may be used with his [Death's Symphony]. This is a sniping weapon and, Zeke plans to make two variations of the said weapon. One is for pinpoint assassination, creating a bullet that is small, fast, accurate and, capable of penetrating most, if not every object. The other is a large-scale weapon which could devastate a large number of opponents in a single instant.

Apart from these, there are other features that Zeke benefitted from greatly. josei

[Conjurer III] 

The upgrade to his job class finally came. The first rank up happened as he reached level 60, with the patch giving him [Conjurer II]. And now that it reached the third stage, there are a lot of benefits which Zeke can now enjoy.

[Information: The conjure cap is now raised to 500.]

[Information: Hierarchy function has been enabled for the conjures. The gamer may place the monsters in a hierarchy, permitting those whom he/she favors to lead the weaker ones. Various platoons can also be added and, these groups may also be divided based on their function.]

This is the thing which made Zeke all jittery. As soon as this notification came, his mind got flooded with new ideas. Those which were not possible at the base level of his skill. 

With the leveling up of the [Conjure], time will soon come when Zeke no longer needs help from anyone. In short, he will deal with every situation himself, no matter how many opponents need to be faced or how strong these opponents are. 

He can make platoons which focuses on support. Platoons on long range assassination through sniping and, close range assassination through stealth. He will also be able to make platoons that focuses on tanking for the group while, there will be damage dealers of four categories. Melee, short range, mid-range, and long range.

However, there is a limitation to the upgrade. Zeke didn't mind this so much as he can easily find a way to get through it.

[Additional Information: Monsters with the [Intelligence] attribute of [50] or lower will have a detrimental effect on leading. Mistakes will come although, making these conjures lead is not prohibited.]

Aside from this, there is another information about the [Conjure] update. Unlike the previous information, this one is beneficial to Zeke and to his tactics.

[Additional Information: Every platoon commander will have an influencing aura on all their subordinates. Depending on what Conjure is used to lead, there will be different buffs to the group.]

Then, there is another information which isn't connected to the creation of the hierarchy.

[Information: The master of the conjures may freely use the weapons of all the creatures he/she owns. This will give the master a conjured copy of whatever weapon this may be.]

With all of this being stated, Zeke took great joy in learning that, the success chance of raising a defeated opponent has also gone up significantly. In fact, he now has a [30%] chance to raise an [A+] ranked opponent. The percentage may be low but, he took delight in knowing that this used to be just [5%].

"This would probably be enough for those bosses." Zeke thought to himself, finishing with his training for the night earlier than he excepted. Along the way, he also conjured a lot of [Dark Blooded Imps], merging them together to form an [Imperial Imp].

This is how Zeke completed the fourth day in the realm of the goddess. He walked home instead of using another [Teleportation Portal]. He figured that, it would a nice change of pacing, enjoying the night sky on Yaeger's realm which has an aurora blanketing it for this specific time of the night.

As he walked, Zeke thought of the interval between Yaeger's realm and Mythos'. There are sure to be a lot of changes and, probably even more problems. But this is exactly the reason why he strengthened the elves which came with him. Aside from ensuring that they will not be dead weight once he fights Hark, Zeke also wanted to make sure that they could properly fend for themselves.

After all, both Gallio and Glade are tricky creatures. Both have played Zeke quite well and, frankly speaking, Zeke does not have a countermeasure for everything. Hence, the least he can do is to raise the chances of survival for the elves that came with him. Giving them experience points, battle tips and, stronger weapons.

While it may be true that Gallio is also accomplishing great progress in his plans, Zeke hasn't exactly been slacking off. Even with the elves which he is currently strengthening, Zeke continued finding ways to make himself stronger without having to necessarily raise his level. 

He was able to create a lot of weapons, even for himself. And, with the new functions., he has a chance of creating even stronger weapons before leaving the realm. If he still has spare materials after creating his own weapons, Zeke will use the remaining materials in order to improve the weapons of the elves. As they are however, the weapons are already strong enough but, these can grow even stronger if the proper materials come from the next bosses which they would face.

At this note, he stopped in place, having an important detail rush to the top of his head. Just this day, after defeating the [Dragon Morpher], there was a massive amount of experience given to all the slaves of Zeke. During that specific time, Zeke still hasn't recovered the [200] conjures which was greatly cut down. Thus, the elves shared and even larger amount of experience points among themselves. Adding to this is the [Carnivorous Turtle] which also handed out a large amount of experience points.

"Don't' tell me." Zeke began, looking at the [Party] option and seeing the names of both Allesiah and Sylph blinking in another color. As soon as he did, the [Voice Chat] opened up, with Sebastian updating him on the things that are currently happening in the cabin. And Zeke knew what the male elf would say of course.

Allesiah and Sylph. The two of them are now:


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