The Gamer's System

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: How Many Heads?

[Name: Sting of the Void]

[Rank: A+]

[Durability 100]

[Information: The weapon can pierce through any physical defense. This does not include spell made defenses.]

[Information: Due to the corrosive venom added – the weapon can speed the toxic substance to anything upon piercing the flesh.]

Zeke looked at the new weapon in his hand. It doesn't look much, not as badass as Erio's sword. Also, it's much shorter as the weapon is nothing more than a dagger. 

Zeke still prefers using long ranged weapons but, this is the only thing he could create at the moment. However, the weapon is strong enough to pierce through any physical object. And, for Zeke, this is all that matters.

"You know that you need to do right?" Zeke said over the [Voice Chat], contacting both Sebastian and Harun.

"Yes, we'll handle giving the plans to our three masters." The servants replied, closing the [Voice Chat] as the timer had only a single minuet left.

"This isn't a very ideal situation for me." Zeke said as he looked at his surroundings – trying to get a better grasp of the terrain in order to have a bit of a leverage over the monster that would appear.

He doesn't have time to place the detonates. He doesn't have time to do anything more. As the mission states, the monster must be fought immediately or else it will simply go back to the crystal. Hence, it isn't an opponent which Zeke can strategize against. It is a monster which he needs to face head on and, develop the plans as the fight prolongs.

"Conjure." Zeke said, releasing all his faithful servants into the platoons they have been assigned to. 

Leading this is the group of Lupus who has Samael as the vice leader of the [Tank Platoon]. Part of this platoon are the [Carnivorous Turtle Hatchlings] which has a high defense trait. Due to Lupus leading the group, each member to the platoon gained an additional amount of health and, has the same speed of regeneration as Lupus does. As the vice leader, Samael has an added amount of defense and, could also use the same counter skill of the hatchlings.

The other group is led by Erio with Cull as the vice leader of the group. This set of conjures focuses on offensive capabilities. With Erio leading, the whole group has an added 10% in their attack damage while also gaining a berserker trait – allowing them to get stronger the longer they remain in the battlefield. Cull, as the vice leader of the group, can use a floating ability similar to the [Winged Monkeys]. The strong conjure may use this in order to dodge some attacks that require it to move freely in mid-air.

Zeke viewed the crystal in front of them which continued getting an even darker shade of red. That is, until it turned into a black color which bursted like a pillar of flame. A strong wind also came that is coupled by a terrifying roar.josei

Zeke backed away immediately and, so did all his monsters. But then, a tail quickly came out from the pillar which caught Zeke by surprise. 

He dodged this by jumping up. However a lot of his weaker conjures got hit and, what shocked Zeke even more its how that single swing of the monster's tail wiped out most of his summons.

"This isn't good." Zeke continued, looking at the eyes of the monster which glowed a dark violet as it emerged from the pillar of black flames. 

One head.

Two heads.

Three heads.






The beast had ten heads in total and Zeke knew right away what kind of monster this is.

"It's a hydra." He began.

Without any further delay, the monster began its attack. Spitting out three emblements at once. One is a torrent of flames, another is a storm of frost, while another mouth shot out a green colored air which seemed to be poison. This made Zeke rule out the possibility of using any poison type attack, making the situation even more dire than it already is.

In an instant, all the offensive type monsters of Zeke got wiped out, with only Lupus, Erio and Samael remaining on the battlefield. Lupus immediately healed from all the deaths that came from the attack while, Erio swung its sword toward the monster's tail, hoping to create enough damage in order to heal back some of his health. Unfortunately for the conjure, its blade couldn't pierce through.

The Hydra noticed this right away and proceeded to using its claws in order to wipe out Erio and Samael.

"Conjure." Zeke said again, this time, releasing his summons on multiple areas. This prevents the monster from wiping them all out in a single strike and, prolonged the interval between the deaths of Zeke's creatures and their re-summoning.

Zeke backed a way a bit and, drank a mana potion. He then activated [Mana Conversion] and began analyzing the opponent. However, not much information was offered to the unfortunate human as the monster is of a much higher caliber. Hence, the added feature of [Analysis] refused to work properly.

[Name: Serzk'hra]

[Species: Dragon]

[Specification: Dragon Hydra]

[Rank: C+]

[Information: The monster has ten heads, with each being able to use a separate element or trait.]

[Information: ???]

[Information: ???]

[Information: ???]

"Gee thanks that's really helpful of you." Zeke said to the system, already gaining this idea with the earlier attack and, having nothing else provided to him.

"Try damaging the monster." Zeke ordered his conjures. The hydra immediately noticed this and, with its ten heads, it began spouting different spells all over the battlefield. The [Winged Monkeys] escaped this as – all the attacks focused on the ground while, both Lupus and Erio survived trough the damage. All the conjures hit the monster separately but, not even a single scratch was made against the beast.

Zeke examined the skin of the beast and saw the thick looking scales that covered it everywhere. Even the heads of the hydra is covered with the same kind of material. He didn't notice this at first because, the scales are so small that one would just mistake them for lines on the monster's skin. However, with the deflecting of Erio's blade, Zeke saw the skin shine in a luster that is not produced by normal flesh.

"A skin that must be much harder than the [Steel Golem's]. A range that is longer and wider than any monster I've ever faced. Speed that goes beyond the normal for its size and, such a large destructive capability…"

"…how do I win against you exactly?" Zeke thought to himself and, with this, a solution came to him through the [Voice Chat].

"Master Zeke, the two have finally woken up." Sebastian said, with Zeke's mind already racing through the possibilities.

Zeke remembered the cores which were used in order to regulate the mana during Allesiah and Sylphs' evolution. Adding to this is Sylvia's staff which would also be overflowing with mana. 

"Sebastian you're a real life saver do you know that?' Zeke said over the [Voice Chat].

"Eh?" Was the servant's only response as Zeke immediately added another command.

"Once I give the signal, you guys will teleport to my location and, shoot at the beast do you copy?"

"Yes master." Was Sebastian's response as Zeke proceeded to making an opening for the elves.

"I'm going to have to finish you as quickly a I can." Zeke told himself, jumping up from the branch where he stayed and, proceeding to facing the monster. He made an immediate stab to its body and, unlike his conjures, his dagger got through without any problem.

"Would you look at that." Zeke commented, feeling like he is simply stabbing through marshmallow.

The hydra screamed as it noticed the new opponent which dealt it damage. The creatures is not be used to getting hurt. And so, it began furiously directing its attacks towards Zeke.

The human then conjured all his creatures… with all of them being at a single location. And at this, all the heads of the monster fixed its gaze on Zeke and the conjures. Then, with a smile on his face, Zeke finally gave the order.

"Now!" As soon as he uttered this word, the monster breathed all its spells on Zeke. Wind, fire, earth, water, ice, poison, darkness, electricity, light, and poison. All these attacks targeted Zeke and his conjures. And while this went on… darkness began consuming the sky.

The hydra immediately felt the strong amount of mana which suddenly came but, it couldn't turn its head any longer. Floating on the sky are two elves which forced the Hydra to lower its head. The hydra felt like the who sky is weighing it down as it couldn't move that much.

Then, A rain of arrows followed though which began wounding the beast little by little. Walls came soon after, blocking any escape path for the hydra and, while it tried to break its way through the walls using its tail, a fortifying spell was used in order to further strengthen the walls.

The onslaught continued with the rain of arrows tripling in numbers and, being even sharper than they were before. The monster then realized that it needs to focus on raising its defenses but, even this would not be enough for what was about to come.

With two sorceress' working on the spell, the object that blocked the sun grew even larger. The meteor not only got formed faster but, even larger than the one fired on top of Heron. Adding to this is are black orbs which began going within the meteor, covering it in the same darkness that burned intensely.

The hydra screamed with all its might and, Harun came to pick up Zeke who is still alive due to the last reincarnation he has for that day. And then, with all of them finally getting at a safe distance, the two sorceress' proceeded to their attack.

"Abyss Meteor!

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