The Gamer's System

Chapter 71

Chapter 71: The One Who Cheated Death

"NOOOOO!" Sylph screamed, recognizing the corpses right away.

Sebastian still has his shield on his arm. And, Harun has her former spear on her back. The scene itself is hard for the group to believe. But, that's just how things are. Zeke didn't expect that the quest would reset. Nor did Zeke think that this is a possibility with the [Gamer's System].

The group didn't even have time to collect the dead. The [Dragon Hydra] roared and, Allesiah immediately saw an overflowing amount of mana. However, it is nothing like the normal mana which she normally sees as, the one being released by the [Dragon Hydra] was dark and, off putting. The hair on Allesiah's skin rose as she witnessed this and, the mana began growing even more immensely. This made Allesiah puke as the sight was too much for her to bare.

The [Dragon Hydra] didn't waste any time to continue on with its attack. With the Flames covered the ground, making it impossible for them to step down. Zeke couldn't give any orders anymore. The development came so suddenly and abruptly that, there was only time for all of them to dodge the attacks. He didn't allow the corpses to get tainted any further however. He brought out two conjures which picked up a respective body and immediately brough the dead elves to a safe spot.

The [Dragon Hydra] followed through with its attack. With the ground being cleared of the enemies, it made sure that they cannot move freely on the terrain as another head began releasing magma, turning the terrain into an uninhabitable state. Two more heads roared and, the sky darkened, with the clouds covering any light that came from the sun. 

Zeke didn't care about the plan anymore. He knows that they need to run away because, right now, the enemy has finally shown its true colors. During boss fights in games, some monsters gradually increase in strength and, at a certain percentage of health, these opponents would suddenly change attack patterns and deal a lot more damage.

Zeke could adjust to these games as he would simply follow through with the flow of the game. But this is different. The monster waited for the whole group to dish out everything they could and, just when everyone thought that the fight is over, the creature rose again – releasing even more power than it initially did. 

Zeke counted the heads of the [Dragon Hydra] which appeared to have healed from all the damage it acquired. Instead of just [10], there are now [20] heads with the newly created ones shooting out the other elemental attacks. Just like before, Zeke couldn't see any information about the monster. The rank remained at [C+] but Zeke could feel the monster being more powerful than this.

The beast turned its gaze on the remaining members of the party. Then, Zeke gave the order for the group to close in together as he summoned the [Winged Monkeys]. These are the only conjures he could make use of at the moment as, the magma still boiled on the ground. Zeke added a detonate to these creature - containing two spells. One is the [Poison Cloud] and the other is [Umbra Slash]. 

As soon as they got near the monster, Zeke released the [Poison Cloud]; preventing the monster from making any accurate attack. Zeke followed this up by releasing the [Umbral Slash] which bought enough time for Zeke to regroup with the others.

Then, two heads roared which made the sky crackle with the sound of thunder. The creature then stomped its feet, creating a barrier that covered the whole area. This is nothing like the earth wall used by the group to contain the [Dragon Hydra]. The barrier is dark colored with a semi - transparent effect as, Zeke could still see beyond this. On the minimap, he also saw the range which this spell covered.

"This is bad, we need to run away." Was the immediate command of Zeke to the group.

"What are you saying! We need to avenge Sebastian and Harun!" Sylph responded with rage. Zeke could understand what the female elf felt at the moment. He knows that, out of the Windsprite siblings, it is Sylph who is the most emotionally attached to those around her. 

But this didn't mean that Zeke supported the idea. And so, he sent a slap to the female elf's face – shocking the whole group especially Sylph.

"This isn't some heroic story where you could suddenly win just because you're fighting for a just cause. That monster is beyond anything you can handle and, if you still want to continue, then knock yourself out." Zeke began, bringing out his scroll and motioning for Sylph's sisters to do the same. 

"But I don't think those two would be happy with the pointless death of someone who could've easily run away." Zeke finished. He looked at the map and saw how his [Winged Monkeys] fulfilled their job properly. They got crushed by the [Dragon Hydra] soon after the [Detonates] have been released. With that being said, Zeke resummoned the creatures – placing more detonates unto them and sending them to the enemy. 

"Hurry up if you want to escape." Zeke said, not forcing the group to come with them if they wish to continue the fight.

The two sorceresses are more level headed than the second Windsprite. Hence, they agreed to the plan, immediately bringing out their transportation scrolls. They didn't force Sylph as; they knew that she is not that much of a fool to not listen to the logical explanation of Zeke. Hence, Sylph bit her lips and proceeded to doing the same act. 

[Commencing transport…]

And, just as Zeke thought that they could escape… disaster struck once again.

[Transport failed.]

"Crap." Zeke said, realizing what happened right away. He knew that the interference must be due to the barrier as, nothing lese could explain what just happened.

"It must be the field created by the [Dragon Hydra], there must be a form of jamming which it could create." Allesiah added, still unable to recover completely. Now she knows that, seeing the mana flow could also backfire at her. Her eyes now have a distorted vision of the mana flow, unable to analyze the barrier at all.

The [Dragon Hydra] felt this attempt and, immediately focused on the group once again. It ignored all the [Winged Monkeys] which have just finished releasing the [Detonate] of [Umbral Slash] and [Poison Cloud] once again. The creature roared once more and, at this, the winds swirled in a fury that began creating a tornado.

Two more heads screamed and, a set of tornadoes rose with it. One being a lighting covered tornado while, the pother is made up of water. This created enough pressure to suck in the things around them as they swirled towards the group. The [Dragon Hydra] then screamed once more and, as it did, the three tornadoes combined, creating an even larger version of the spell – more vicious and destructive.

The group felt the crushing force of this spell that began sucking them in. Sylvia did her best in order to counter the effects with her [Force]. But, by doing so, she is completely unable to perform any other attack. Like what was mentioned, she has run out of the mana reserves which could be used and, this applies to the other two Windsprites who went all out at the first attempt to kill the beast.

"Allesiah, create a tornado that spins the on the other direction." Zeke commanded, with the sorceress forcing herself back on her feet. There is no time for any rest and, even though she still feels weakened, Allesiah was able to do as she was told. Out of all the members, it is only Allesiah who can draw strength from the flow of mana. And so, even without the mana reserves, she can find a way to match the output of the monster's tornadoes.

As soon as she did however, the monster released another spell. These are yellow orbs that began flying toward the group at a fast speed. Sylph covered for them, hitting these down with her arrows. And, upon contact, these orbs exploded – cancelling out the two hurricanes with the sheer force it created. 

There was smoke and dust that came right after. Then rain began falling from the sky which the [Dragon Hydra] forced to turn dark. The monster didn't wait for all the smoke and dust to clear out as it began shooting out gigantic sharp needles which aimed at where Zeke and the Windsprites are.

With hurricane finally dying out, Sylvia was bale to use [Force] in order to change the direction of this attack. Zeke saw the strain of the spellcaster as she turned the needless around the area until, they hit the [Dragon Hydra]. This gave an opening for Zeke to carry out a plan.

"Focus on the offense for now. I need to prepare something." Zeke said as he opened the [Gamer's System] in front of the elves. 



He said in quick succession. Knowing that, there is only one option left in order for them to win. And that is, to destroy the [Dragon Hydra] with a single strike. Hence, he finally bought the skill which he was reluctant to get earlier on. With it, he could've saved both Sebastian and Harun but, there is no time for him to regret his decisions.josei

"Miss Sylvia, use force to push me toward that monster." Zeke said, holding the dagger in his hand and, buying the costly skill from the shop. 

"Please use as many defense raising skills on me but, don't nullify the damage." Zeke added.

The sorceress immediately followed this command and, as she did, Zeke activated [Mana Conversion]. The enemy spotted Zeke soon after and began creating attacks. Zeke evaded these by using the [Winged Monkeys] which he partially summoned one after the other.

The Windsprites still continued on with their attack. And, this created enough opening for Zeke to strike the chest of the beast. Apart from the head, Zeke knew that this is also a possible way for a decisive blow to be dealt. He released all his remaining mana into the strike, spreading the corrosive effect quickly.

The monster screamed in pain and, is able to hit Zeke with its tail. It then created another barrier which prevented the Windsprites from hitting it any further. And then, the [Dragon Hydra] gathered the dark clouds on the sky, healing the wound at the cost of clearing out whatever skill it was charging up. It then proceeded to pinning down Zeke to the magma.

"Don't try and save me." He said over the [Voice Chat] as the monster poured out skill after skill on the body of Zeke which got torn apart. This didn't happen quickly as, all the defenses put up prevented him from dying right away. However, this didn't last long and soon after… 

Zeke Elwood died.

[The gamer has fulfilled the requirements for the skill's activation.]

[Death is attained.]

[Activating Skill…]

[The One Who Cheated Death] 

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