The Gamer's System

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Unexpected Foe

I. Sylph

"Arghhh these guys just keep coming. There's no end to them." Sylph said as she rained arrows upon her pursuers. While Zeke began the onslaught on the capital, the sisters each had their plates full. All three of them are in the same predicament, each facing a whole wave of soldiers that has enough force to fight with the other continents.

Another problem is that the [Party] system got interrupted. This means that, Sylph and the other two cannot use the [Minimap] function of Zeke's system. Hence, Sylph couldn't see the exact number of her opponents. All she knows is that they just keep on coming without end. josei

"Can I at least explain myself first?" The elf said, placing three arrows upon her old bow and, upon release, she successfully sniped down three more pursuers.

There is a reason as to why she didn't use her [Infinity Bow] just yet. With the numbers advantage of the enemies before her, she needs to have one ace up her sleeve. She needs one attack which could catch them of guard and surprise them. In her arsenal, there is only one weapon which could provide her this. And that is the said weapon.

Currently, it is strapped to her back, with the quiver of arrows also being used up little by little. Fortunately for the elf, other archers tried fighting back against her. Not knowing that she is an evolved elf served to her advantage as, these enemies took her a bit less seriously than they should. This enabled Sylph to dodge their arrows which, in turn, became a way for her to refresh her ammunition.

"Okay, time for a little game of hide and seek." She said, going behind one of the trees and activating [Camouflage] a skill learned by all Wood Scouts. The skill in itself cannot permanently hide her presence but, Sylph didn't; intend to stay in that state forever. She used a wind spell, making the leaves on the tree rustle and, diverting everyone's attention to it. At the same time, she leapt away and entered a seemingly empty alley.

"Damn this is tiring." The elf said as she drank a bit of the [Medium Stamina Potion] and [Medium Mana Potion] which she still has. In the process, Sylph tried to open the [Party] option again… but to no avail. The system still refused to work and, just as she is trying, a seemingly innocent child walks up to the alley she is in.

"Shhhh" Sylph motioned as she placed her finger on her mouth and, the child nodded in agreement. But just as she stood up, that same child shouted:

"She's here! That's definitely the Windsprite!" 

"Ahh kid. I hope you get eaten by a [Giant Mucus Toad] when you grow up." Were the thoughts on Sylph's head as she once again leapt to the roofs. Unfortunately for her however, many of the soldiers have already caught on to her tactics and positioned themselves on a higher position.

"You're dead now!" Soldiers ran towards her, bringing their swords and spears. But Sylph only smiled at them and shot an explosive arrow on the roof they are stepping on. Soon enough the whole ceiling collapsed, bringing down the soldiers in the process.

"That's it, I'm done with all of you." Sylph said out loud. She's annoyed because, no matter how many times she one-shots the comrades of her enemies, the soldiers seem to not mind…at all! They continued pressing on.

"If you want to die so badly then, I'm going to give you just that. Death." Sylph continued

Under normal circumstances, an archer cannot win against a large number of enemies. This is because, there is a limit to an archer's ammunition. Specifically, once the arrows are depleted, then an archer practically becomes powerless. 

If the weapon, the bow, breaks before this then an archer becomes even more useless. However, Sylph has the [Infinity Bow] providing he with a limitless amount of ammunition. And not just this. She has her [Rain of Arrows]; a skill which can a cause a huge amount of damage in a large scale. Adding to this is the fact that she has evolved and, still has potions of both [Mana] and [Stamina] reserved. 

With all of this, fighting a measly group of speed trained soldiers is not a big deal for her. 

Sylph finally unstrapped the [Infinity Bow] and made it levitate in mid-air. As expected, this made all soldiers focus their attentions on the bow for a single second. And this is all Sylph needs to fire three spell charged arrows into the sky. 

"We've been playing tag all morning and, unfortunately for you, I know all the areas where it would be safe to fire this skill." She continued, actually running around to collect information on the town.

Currently, there aren't many civilians on the place. Aside from the annoying brat that she saw, there is only one place for civilians to stay in. The majority of the town is populated by the soldiers who are armed for deployment.

"Rain of Arrows!" The barrage came like an unexpected and harsh downpour. Everyone had their hands full on the seemingly endless number of arrows that kept on coming. And this isn't the end of their problems. As soon as Sylph drank the [Medium Mana Potions], she used the [Infinity Bow] and her old bow simultaneously. 

"Range Multiplier."

"Double Accuracy."

With this, Sylph continued firing corrosion emitting arrows all over the place. Upon contact with anything, the arrows released green gasses which immediately spread. She used [Flash Step] in order to swiftly pass through the whole area. This made it impossible for the soldiers to escape as, passing through the thin mist of corrosion created by the arrows burns through their flesh in the blink of an eye.

Loud screams of pain and agony followed the sound of arrows cutting through the air as they dropped from the sky without mercy. The clouds of dust rose and rose until it seemed like a mist. And, as soon as this died out, Sylph is left with nothing but the dead bodies of the arrogant soldiers who fought her.

"That's what you get for being so cheeky." Sylph said, cleaning out the leftover soldiers which still showed signs of life. 

"I should meet up with the others now." Were the next words spoken by the elf before a blast hit her back. 

"AHHHH!" Sylph shouted as she hit a nearby debris.

She didn't even feel the opponent coming nor sense any hostility. Yet now she lay on the ground, looking at the silhouette of the person who attacked her. An identity covered by the rays of the sun that beamed just behind this creature.

"Don't worry. I'll bring you there personally." Were the last words she heard before losing consciousness completely.

II. Allesiah

"Drop the floating orbs of death and we promise to turn you in peacefully." A commanding officer said.

Allesiah floated in the middle of a large group of soldiers. While transporting, she felt the flow of mana getting disturbed, as if another being tampered with something they shouldn't. And not only this, she felt how cleanly this was executed meaning, whoever the culprit is, it would have a better grasp of mana control than her. 

"Yeah I'd love to but, you keep trying to shoot me down with spells so I can't do that." Allesiah replied. Unlike Sylph, she wasn't lucky enough to get any head start against her opponents. She spawned in the middle of what seems to be an arena, with the soldiers preparing for battle. 

The color of mana they emitted gave them away immediately. She felt blood elf aura flowing through them and, a large number of these could not be at one place at the same time. Evolution is rare and, she has never heard of beings that have semi-evolved before. Until that very moment at least.

Allesiah immediately did what she could to control the situation. She blasted off the ceiling, ensuring that no surprise would come from the top. She then surrounded herself with 10 [Darkness Spheres] and, made an invisible layer of wind which could either destroy an incoming projectile or, deflect it at a random area.

The soldiers wasted no time and tried attacking her but, soon learnt their lesson the hard way. Allesiah's [Darkness Spheres] worked so rapidly and accurately that, in the end nobody knew how to react anymore.

"What class is that? How in the world do we fight something of that caliber?" A soldier asked as he tried falling back. Unfortunately, two orbs found their way through his legs, cutting them off entirely. Then the same orbs curved back, hitting his throat and, piercing through his stomach.

This continued until all soldiers have been informed of the massacre going on in the arena. Soon enough, the area got filled. There are even some flying units which Allesiah could see from the corner of her vision. And, this leads us to the current predicament.

"I don't think you have any right to order me around, not when you are as weak as you are." Allesiah said proudly. Nobody could figure out how she is attacking and, have no idea that the ornaments she wears are what aides her spells.

Allesiah knows better than to negotiate with her enemies. The only reason she is speaking is to somehow buy time. She knows that the same could also be true with her enemies but, this is the safest chance she's got to get out of the arena.

The commanding officer and Allesiah locked stares and, though nervous, the officer spoke the command for all the forces.

"Do it now!" He said, releasing a gravitational field that immediately pulled Allesiah down. At this, the soldiers came up bit by bit but, as they did, Allesiah dispelled her orbs and created them again on a distance which is not covered by the [Gravity Bind].

With the assaulting enemies getting wiped out instantly, those next in line had second thoughts about recklessly charging in.

"How do you like that? You think you can just come inside our training grounds without any consequences?" The commanding officer said with a proud smile on his face. He is also afraid of the [Darkness Spheres] but, did not let the enemy see this, continuing to speak as if they've got the upper hand.

"Gravity altering magic is a lost art to us elves. However, with King Gallio leading, we were able to reconstruct something like this! An almighty spell that can bend any opponent to their knees!" The officer continued and, at this Allesiah already got annoyed. There are a lot of things that need to be done and she can't waste any time with these fake blood elves.

"Shambles." Allesiah said. There actually isn't any spell with this name, it is an original made by her through her understanding of the flow of mana. 

Zeke told her that, giving names to her spells will make it easier for her to conceptualize what she wants. And hence, she created this spell named [Shambles]. A skill which disrupt the flow of mana in spell as long as Allesiah understands what actually makes it work.

Everyone in the field got shocked as [Gravity Bind] broke. Allesiah floated up again and, commanded the next spell which she has been preparing. There is enough mana around them to create a massive scale AoE attack. Her only problem is knowing just how far it should be applied. This was provided for as her enemy continued talking to her. While she pretended to be trapped, she continued analyzing just how far the malicious mana reaches. And, upon getting the accurate range, she released her spell.

"Sub Zero." She uttered, covering the whole area in ice instantly. With every creature being filled with mana themselves, Allesiah could alter even this. Thus, everything turned to ice with all signs of life vanishing in a split second. But then, a larger pool of mana repapered which gave Allesiah shivers.

She was able to sense it a bit too late as, this gigantic pool of mana struck her, slamming her to a pillar of ice and leaving her unconscious.

III. Sylvia

The eldest of the Windsprite didn't enter into as much predicament as her younger sisters. Although Keith is with her, she had no problem dealing with her opponents. All she did is summon a gigantic meteorite while pressing every opponent down with [Force]. The area covered is so massive that, as soon as she casted both, she needed to chug down the remaining [Potions] she still has.

The result is an overwhelming victory. Leaving nothing but burnt copses and cinders from her spell. But then, a person stepped forward, clapping his hands as he saw the massacre that had bene done.

"Look at you, destroying a whole platoon all by yourself." He said with a wide grin on his face. 

There was a moment of shock that left Sylvia vulnerable. The man before her wasted no time in grabbing this opportunity. He snapped his fingers and, Keith suddenly had burns showing around his face. The boy screamed in agony while Sylvia could only shout:


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