The Gamer's System

Chapter 86

Chapter 86: The Blood Elf Monarch - III

This is how the fight began and, how the first few minutes proceeded. Zeke activated [Mana Conversion] in the get go and refilled his mana immediately through his [Potions]. On the [Minimap] is a dark violet color, telling Zeke that the opponent is there already. 

As Gallio left the portal, he immediately sensed his opponent's presence. While coming to the capital, Gallio actually wore a wide grin on his face. However, his excitement toned down a bit as he felt the measly aura emitted by Zeke. But what shocked him more about this is how he recognized the aura as, owned by someone who is supposedly dead. 

"Glade I may be mistaken but, isn't this the same person I killed before dealing with Aeolus?" Gallio began, starting to sound suspicious of his descendant. Glade simply grinned as he heard the words, feeling no pressure or nervousness from the quick catch-up of his ancestor.

"I am not sure my King. As you know, I do no poses the same sensing skills as you. All I know is that he is the one who killed our troops and, created a large crater in the middle of the city." Glade replied with ease. 

"Let's deal with that later. Anyway, I think there seems to be some kind of mistake. All I sense is a small fry." Gallio spurted, not minding the fact that his opponent is supposed to be dead.

"My king, he is the only presence left in that area. If he isn't the one who killed our troops then I don't know who did." Glade replied.

The king had an unimpressed look on his face. With [Mana Conversion] alone, Gallio didn't feel like Zeke could pose much of a threat against his life. And, if the kid bores him too soon, he will simply hack off Zeke's head and return to meddling with Sylvia's body.

"Come to think of it…I haven't tasted a woman since the war broke out. Hey you don't mind if I make your woman mine, don't you?" Gallio said to Hark and again, the human tried taking control of the body but failed miserably.

"That's' it. Keep struggling. Otherwise this won't be any fun." Gallio said, finally finishing with his dialogues and, waiting for what his opponent has in store for him.

"Sun Eater." Zeke continued, feeling the mana drainage that comes from activating the skill. It isn't much but, Zeke could sense that it is there, slowly reducing his mana points like a leak in a water bucket.

"Ohhh now that's something interesting. You remind me of an opponent I had a thousand years ago." Gallio said, finally stretching his muscles as he sensed Zeke's power still rising.

"Don't die easy kid." Gallio continued, placing himself in a sprinting position and, dashing out of sight. 

"Damn he's fast." Zeke said, activating [Shadow Dive] immediately and, transporting to a nearby building. But…Zeke felt a chill creep up upon him. Even before the transport completely finished, Zeke heard a voice whisper behind his back.

"That's a nice party trick." Zeke couldn't even react on time, he is sent flying by a kick made by Gallio.

"That's just 20% kid!" Gallio taunted as Zeke crashed to the ground, covering himself in dirt as his body dug through it. The kick was enough to break some of Zeke's bones but, because of the [Gamer's Body] Zeke didn't feel any pain. 

But things didn't end there. Gallio unleashed a powerful barrage of wind skill shots, slashing the air over and over again as the barrage went on. 

"Flash Step!" Zeke said, repeating the skill over and over again. He couldn't stop because, if he did, then the barrage would hit him head on. By the looks of it, the skill won't be ending anytime soon and Zeke didn't want to get one of his trump cards [Blood King's Curse] getting exposed to the enemy before it proves to be beneficial to him.

"Conjure!" Zeke summoned two [Winged Monkeys] and [Cull]. And, even though it's a huge gamble, Zeke tried a combination with what he currently unleashed.

The first thing he did is to use [Flash Step] again. He fired two bullets from [Death's Void] as he did. The king needed to do three things against this attack. The first is dodge it. The second is block it. And the third is get hit head on. The third is the least probable of them all and, true enough, Gallio evaded the attack. Halting his skill barrage for a second and giving Zeke an opportunity to make a counter play.

Cull began barraging Gallio with arrows which the king continued deflecting. The king got bored of the measly attack easily and, vanished once again. He reappeared near Cull but just as he was about to slash the Conjured creature in half, Zeke used [Shadow Dive].

If there is something that is almost impossible to perform, it is changing an attack when it is at full momentum. The king had this specific circumstance with his swing. He couldn't do a single thing even as he saw the [Conjured] creature ready to take the blow. Another creature appeared on the ground where the king is standing. Lupus head came out and bit both feet. Meanwhile Zeke repapered on the sky, on the shadow made on the back of a [Winged Monkey] that floated just below another. 

Zeke aimed for the head, wanting to finish the fight even before his opponent could power up. But at the last second, the king powered up. Releasing 30% of his strength and, pouring his mana onto his weapon. This is all it took for Zeke's plan to crumble.

As soon as the King's blade slashed through the conjure and hit the ground, a huge amount of wind was released. This blew away Zeke and destroyed Lupus along the way. Zeke composed himself again releasing all his conjures as he landed on the ground. With what he just witnessed, Gallio got his smile back on his face,

"Okay I take it back, this'll be fun." Gallio continued, seeing the mass of mana-filled creatures before him. He couldn't even begin to comprehend how the number of creatures before him are all summoned by a single creature… and a human at that!

With all the forces that he has, Gallio instinctively knew that only a few of his troops could match up to some of Zeke's conjures…namely the [Commanding Conjures] and the [Vice Commanders].

Both Zeke and Gallio measured each other up. The king looked at his opponent's eyes and felt himself getting even more excited. With this, he finally unsheathed his sword from its scabbard meaning one thing – Gallio is beginning to get serious. josei

Zeke didn't mind the sudden pauses made by his opponent. After all it benefits him greatly. With [Sun Eater] being active, Zeke continually gets powerful as the battle prolongs. He drank two [Medium Mana Potions] knowing that Gallio won't suddenly attack like earlier. 

Zeke knows that Gallio contains a power that has been cultivated over the course of a thousand years. What he doesn't knows is how much power this actually is. He can see the stats of his opponent and, at the moment, Gallio is already too strong to attack head on. 

"I can think about it when I'm actually dead." Zeke thought to himself, unleashing an attack using his [Conjures]. Gallio gladly accepted this invitation and rampaged through Zeke's troops. Only to be halted by the [Blood Elf Swordsman – Erio].

"I know you." Gallio said, looking at the [Conjured] version of Erio which seemed to resent him. 

The two battled with their blades and, although Erio is losing, he is able to keep his stand against Gallio. This is mainly because the [Conjured] do not feel any pain and, can regenerate immediately as long as Zeke feeds them with mana. 

Gallio's troubles didn't end with Erio. The synchronized attack of all the [Conjures] made Gallio break a sweat, feeling his body's temperature rise and his heart thump a bit faster. Zeke knew that this isn't enough to finish the opponent. If it was, he wouldn't have gotten into all the trouble of running away from the capital in the first place. 

True enough, Gallio began laughing like a madman. The king began getting more serious, raising his power output up to [35%]. He tried escaping from the formation of the [Conjures] but, found it to be a difficulty because of the long-range assault lead by Cull. With an infinite supply of ammunition, Cull continue shooting down Gallio – limiting the king's movements.

Gallio tried taking down the archer, only to get blocked by Lupus which is sturdier than any other conjure. Every time he wounds the monster, it simply regenerates back. And to top it all off, he needs to seriously swing his blade just to deal damage. 

As mentioned with all the deaths happened earlier, Lupus' regenerative ability even exceeds Zeke's. So, unless Gallio one shots the beast, he has no chance of winning. Not only this, Zeke also planted [Poison Cloud] and [Umbral Slash] on the [Winged Monkeys] – deploying them toward Gallio without a second's hesitation. As for the [Carnivorous Turtle Hatchlings] Zeke placed [ground Spikes] on each of them, making sure that Gallio will not be able to move freely within the terrain. 

During this time, [Sun Eater] has continually absorbed energy, expanding Zeke's own shadow. This means that aside from the primary effect of a power boost, Zeke benefits from the large shadow area which he now owns. 

"Pathetic." Gallio stated, using a wind spell to blow away the [Poison Clouds] which Zeke have just detonated. But, as soon as he did, the [Umbral Slashes] came at him. Dealing a fair amount of damage to the king who has little [Darkness Resistance] developed. 

Drops of blood finally came. Adding to the mix is Erio successfully landing a blow to the King's waist. But instead of feeling the chances of victory go up, Zeke only felt malice grow much stronger around the king.

"Okay. You passed." The King said, finally using up his physical boosting skills. And increasing his power output to [50%]. It must be remembered that, when he used his skills against Aeolus, not even top tier magic could harm him. But this didn't concern Zeke at all. He doesn't specialize in magic; he specializes in combinations.

With a single slash, the king found his way through all of Zeke's units and, it didn't stop there. The king effectively damaged Zeke himself. Even with all the passives related to defense, Zeke's health bar still went down to half as he took the blow head on.

He couldn't adjust to how powerful the king got in a matter of seconds. Actually, the change is so quick that no normal human being could possibly adopt to it immediately.

"Surrendering and begging for your life is out of the question kid." Gallio followed up his attack with wind slashes once again. Zeke dodged this but found Gallio appearing beside him, slashing with his sword.

Zeke's [Counter] activated at that very instant. It's a good thing that it did because, Zeke felt that the blow would've cleanly cleaved him in half. Zeke shot two bullets from his guns and, made the king back away with a hole on his shoulder.

"You've got my blood boiling so were going to continue this until one of us is dead." Gallio said, as if he didn't feel any pain from the wound he got a few seconds ago. 

"For someone who's about to be a corpse…you sure do talk a lot." Zeke replied, effectively rousing the laughter of Gallio and, a second later, the two continued with their bout.

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