The Gamer's System

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: The Blood Elf Monarch - V

[Name: Samael]

[Species: Knight]

[Specification: Overworld Grand Knight]

[Rank: S]

[Information: The creatures exist only within the legends of Mythos. It is said that, even before the dwellers came, there were 10 of these creatures which roamed as nomads all over Mythos. Their fights would cause so much destruction that the terrain would change significantly. Each Grand Knight has their own specialty.]

[Information: Samael the Grand Knight specializes in utilizing the corpses of dead beings and the life force around it. There is no limit to this power however, it can go out of control, harming even the Conjurer along the way.]

Aside from the basic information give, Zeke also looked into the unique passives of the creature. Samael, as a mutation of three strong [Conjures] has a bunch of skills that proves its worth.

[Skill Name: Knight's Vow]

[Skill Type: Passive]

[Information: 50% of the damage done to Samael's master will be treated as his own. Furthermore, the master gains 50% of Samael's defensive attributes and capabilities. ]

[Skill Name: Will of the Dead]

[Skill Type: Active]

[Information: Samael is able to create his own undead army based on the creatures which died on the battlefield. The deaths must at least be within a day in order to count. There are no unique summons, all will be generated and categorized as knights using shields, spears, swords, lances, and arrows.]

[Skill Name: Grand Chariot]

[Information: Samael's ultimate move which creates a pocket dimension. Inside, Samael gains a 100% boost on all his attributes. The skill lasts for only a minute and, will force Samael to be unsummoned once the duration is over.]

Both Gallio and Zeke looked at the figure which loomed. Zeke in particular didn't have high hopes that the Conjure would succeed. If anything, he thought that he could just prolong the fight even more if it fails as he still has some cards up his sleeve. And, even if it would succeed, Zeke though that the chances of getting a monster which could actually rival Gallio is slim.

Yet, here it is. A [Conjure] which is not only evolved but also, of an [S] ranking. This defeats all expectations of Zeke for the monster. But, like all good things that come so suddenly, it is not without a price.

[Notification: Summoning Disparity]

[Message: The system registered a creature that goes beyond the Gamer's current algorithm and numbers value. As such, the creature will be locked from usage until the Gamer has reached level 100. As compensation, the system will allow 1:00:00 of free usage on the monster before applying the rule.]

[Thank you and have a wonderful day.]

"I knew it. This is just too good to be true." Zeke told himself as he viewed the creature and the timer. The numbers on the countdown are already going down meaning, Zeke doesn't have much time. He needs to utilize Samael as much as he can and, hopefully end the fight before the [Grand Knight] disappears.

Samael wears an armor which looks even more compact than before. Adding to this is a blade large enough to be held by two hands yet, Samael only uses one. On his other hand is a shield and, not just any kind, but an upgraded version of what Zeke initially gave him before the fight begun. To make it eve mor frightening, Zeke saw an interesting passive embedded on the shield.

[Abyss Barrier]josei

[Information: The shield may absorb a whole physical attack from time to time. Skill shots may also be absorbed but, only by half. The shield has a limit and, upon reaching it, the weapon will break.]

Zeke didn't take that much time browsing through all this information. With [Inner Archive] all he needed was a quick and clear glance at the abilities, getting them memorized immediately. This note is important because, Gallio didn't wait that long. A few seconds after Samael was summoned, the king leapt to face it head on.

"Shadow Dive." Zeke created as much distance as possible between him and the two, hoping that Samael would be enough to fight back on equal terms against the king. 

"So you want me to decide between killing you and actually having some fun?" Gallio said, looking at Samael which had eyes that burned a bright yellow. Gallio could feel the gaze of a predator coming from the [Conjure], making his smile widen even more.

Samael wasted no chances. As soon as the second swing of the king came, it placed its shield in front to cushion the blow. With [Abyss Barrier] activating, Samael suffered no damage from the attack nor did it contain any force. This surprised the king who got slashed on his armor, getting flung away as small burns appeared where Samael's sword hit.

"I take everything back now." Gallio continued, pressing the flame using his palm and waiting for it to die out.

"You've properly entertained me." The king leapt towards Samael who prepared to use the shield once more. Moments before impact, Gallio planted his sword on the ground and, placed his feet on the blunt part of it, all while still holding on to the weapon. 

This made Samael's timing go wrong. Gallio then leapt forward, punching the shield with his gauntlet. A swing to the side of Samael followed, giving the [Conjure] a taste of what just happened to the king.

At the corner of his eyes, Gallio sees Zeke running around the battle area. The king is no fool. He knows that playing with the creature will make things more difficult later on as, his real opponent is a cunning human. But he has no worries. Gallio believes in his strength and, this is even truer with his [Ultimate Berserker] state active. 

Samael made a primal howl and got itself to position once again. Its shield is placed in front while, the sword is extended to his back. The creature's legs are bent down, with the left leg positioned a bit back for momentum. Then, it disappeared colliding with the king who decided to match the [Conjure's] force.

The first blow is unlike any other which the creatures of Elysium have ever experienced in their entire lives. With a single swing of their blades, Samael and Gallio have widened the crater even more and, released a force so strong that it made nearby structures crumble down.

"Yes! This is what I've been waiting for!" Gallio said in excitement, using his other hand in order to punch through Samael's armor. But the monster simply blocked it with its shield once again. They then exchanged looks and, Samael proceeded to creating skeleton knights around them.

"You think that's enough to stop me?" Gallio mused, backing away and, swinging his blade rapidly. Force came from every swing, destroying Samael's summons even before they could make a move. This didn't matter. As soon as Gallio got to the ground, skeletal hands reached for his feet and, even before the king could move, Samael has already dashed toward him. Bashing him with the shield and sending the king flying.

"Now that is a proper hit." The king said, seeing a part of his armor actually getting dented. He went back immediately, returning the favor to the [Conjured] creature. Samael again deflected with the shield but, because [Abyss Barrier] is still on cooldown, the creature is also sent flying – hitting a number of rubble. Samael screamed and Gallio laughed even louder. And thus, their fight continued.

Meanwhile Zeke is concerned with the timer left on his creature. There is [45:00] of usage left for the creature and, if Gallio is still standing by that time, then Zeke would once again be backed down to a corner. And so, he began devising a plan, going around the area of the fight while Gallio has his hands full with Samael. Zeke can't afford for the creature to get destroyed so; he also sent other conjures to assist Samael in the fight on any means that they can.

Samael on the other hand have once again summoned skeleton knights and, this time, it is not just a few but enough to fill the crater created by Zeke. The monsters all had the same yellow glow on their eyes, just like any other conjured monster of Zeke and their bodies are also shaded by blue. This is mainly because, the source of their summon is also a conjured. Hence, they share the same form with Samael.

Gallio simply laughed as he began rampaging through the knights lead by Samael. The king began getting hit on every spot, getting his armor chunked bit by bit. His hair also began getting all roughed up. Finally, Gallio began sweating profusely - like he ran five whole laps through the continent.

"Keep it coming!" Gallio said in excitement, completely getting engulfed in the fight. So much so that, he even forgot that Zeke is still there and that the boy is the source of the [Conjure's] presence.

Zeke thought how lucky he is with this fight. Even I if Gallio has enough strength to destroy the whole of Mythos all by himself, the king is more dedicated to fighting than to actually using his brains on fights. Gallio relies on instincts and on his raw strength to dominate. It gives him an exhilarating feeling that nothing else can compare to. 

If it was Glade who had this power, Zeke would already be dead. The elf would definitely begin at 100%, destroying him even before he could even make a move.

The destruction continued as the battle raged on. A tremor began, with all the movements of the skeletons and all the attacks made by either Samael or Gallio. This didn't stop and, even on the farthest towns of Elysium, everyone can feel the same tremor faintly.

Gallio began slicing through multitude of enemies at once, using a reverse grip as he zoomed through his opponents. A wave of wind follows this, destroying another set of summons. Samael didn't allow this to continue on for long. The [Grand Knight] blocked the next swing of Gallio, nullifying the attack and, following this up with its own swing. The king blocked this using his armguard but, the amor got completely destroyed, breaking a bunch of Gallio's bones along with it. And not just this, the swing came with flames which instantly burned through Gallio's skin.

"Hang in there." Zeke thought to himself as he continued moving without any pause.

"My preparations are almost complete."

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