The Gene Gamer

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Finding Pleasure

Who knows he might even be a battle maniac who wanted to fight all the time, or a crazy maniac who gets pleasure by torturing others, or some saint who would want happiness to all the people in the world.

Each person's way of getting pleasure was different. The main problem for him was that all the other personalities should approve of it to prevent future rebellions.

Previously he hadn't paid any attention to any other way of gaining pleasure as he was content with the one he had. But right now it was long gone he was desperate for one or else they might just choose to suicide in the long run. They knew themselves clearly if they didn't find one quickly it was possible for them to have suicidal thoughts.

Now that they weren't too much affected, they had to do it quick. After reaching the Training Hall he rented a second grade training room. If he was a battle maniac then the most plausible would be fighting strong opponents and fight like a maniac.

The battle started but this time he attacked first, he didn't wanted to be cornered like the last time. This time he wouldn't use his GC2, or else it would be too easy, only if necessary would he use it. Earlier he bought a saber, made with mythril, it was expensive priced at three hundred points but it was tougher and also lighter than steel.

The saber was silver and gray in color with sharp edges, earlier he checked it and it sliced through his finger tip easily, he had a lot of confidence in this sword of his. Right as the sword was going to plunge it into the dummy's chest it moved suddenly evading it by an inch.

He wasn't surprised by it all the dummy's would have this feature which even in the counting mode when it detects danger it would evade and end the battle immediately.

He immediately reacted with a slash to the thigh, after all he wasn't planning on actually hurting the dummy with the first move, it was just in preperation to the second move. The dummy retreated backwards but was still late by a few moments.

The saber was able to slash the dummy successfully, and immediately the surrounding area of the cut froze, if it was any human instead they would've moaned in pain and let down his guard by a bit but unfortunately the dummy's reaction wasn't such from the start it didn't have any nerves, other than fighting it didn't have any other functions.

Disregarding the injury it squatted downwards and performed a kick at his legs.

Cylius jumped before getting his saber out of the dummy's leg. The saber went out of the leg smoothly and then vertically slashed towards the head of the dummy. Even with its extraordinary agility, it was hit.


A dull sound was heard as the metal body of the dummy fell to the floor.

Disregarding that he consecutively got out three mid healing potions and drank them.

To achieve this overwhelming victory he worked his body to the limit, damaging it greatly but in his thought if he was really a battle maniac then fighting with all he had would be satisfactory...

Besides, the fully frozen body of the dummy a gray kid stood looking downwards at the frozen dummy with dullness in his eyes.

'This, I don't find this enjoyable' quietly said the boy before getting out of the room. He didn't feel any pleasure at all, this meaning that he was no battle maniac.

Next, he went to the dining hall and looked for one.

There he saw a boy getting bullied, the person was in full tattered clothing and he was skinny and malnourished. It was already quite a few days since the end of the training project, it was possible that they lost all their points and didn't eat at all.

Looking at this his eyes didn't have any fluctuations but he went to the person. A group was surrounding the boy as they constantly beat him.

"Huh, who are you?" Cylius didn't answer but the crowd around him looked at him curiously.josei

"Don't you hear me, its our business here don't go around dipping your nose in someone's business" seeing that he went to help the boy stand up, seemingly the boss of the group yelled at him.

He placed no attention and helped the boy stand up before trying to go out of the surrounding crowd in order to help the boy get a nutritious meal.

Seeing that he wasn't listening to him the group surrounded him and the boy.

"Heh, since you didn't obey us then prepare to receive punishment. BOYS, beat him up until he can't stand up anymore" the boss ordered the group around him. As soon as he said it people of the group exposed their genes and attacked him. But he paid them no attention and froze all of them, keeping their lives, of course, he needed them later.

The boss was obviously terrified and shrieked and tried to resist it but failed to do so and also became a frozen statue.

The surrounding crowd was terrified as they gave way for him and the boy before dissipating. He directly went to a table to sit and ordered several meals. Soon the meals came in and he gestured for the boy to eat them. The boy looked obviously stupefied as he stutteringly said

"Ah... ah... can... I... I eat it?" the boy said weakly, Cylius nodded and the boy immediately started eating. He ate a lot and also fast, fortunately there were lots of drinks and food so it was enough for him. Cylius didn't eat any of them since he wasn't hungry and he wasn't in the mood either.

Looking at the happy face of the boy Cylius once again shook his head and left, obviously the boy was moved by him but due to choking he only managed to say a few words.

"Thank you sir for saving my life. I'm indebted to you I will definitely repay you for this"

'This doesn't work, I am no saint. There was no pleasure.' this was his thought and he went back to the frozen group. Earlier he didn't suck their lifeforce out and only froze them, the crowd from before had also disappeared and went back to their own tables.

He put them back to normal when the captain started pleading him. Due to fear several of the group members even tried to run but couldn't as the energy surrounded all of them in a circle.

One of the members trying to escape from the energy encirclement right before their eyes turned very skinny that he looked like a bag of bones.

Cylius first came to the leader and brought out various kinds of torture tools.

"Wh... wh... what are you going to do!?" the leader asked terrified, he almost peed his pants but the frost came out and didn't make him. His eyes were still as cold and he said nothing.

He sliced slices of meat from the body of the leader, the leader was tortured alive!

But he didn't die even when he should've from blood loss the energy was constantly keeping him check and even injected lifeforce into him, since the yin energy could absorb lifeforce it could do the opposite too.

The people from the dining hall saw this scene and was terrified, even though there was no blood the screams coming out of the leader paired with the gory scene and slices of meat lying on the floor made them puke their food back.

Hurriedly they shifted their gazes away. Unknowingly he grinned slightly but it wasn't because of the torture he was doing right now. It was because of the intense emotional fluctuation.

"I am no sadist, I don't gain any pleasure from torture it seems but I love these intense emotions, especially fear. It seems that I'm also devouring these negative emotions of fear. Controlling someone and seeing intense emotion fluctuation is the one then." Cylius muttered quietly.

He didn't pick these unfortunate people because they were good, just that they were unlucky to be close to him, and it was also because he wanted to hit two birds with one stone.

With these tortures, he could determine if he found pleasure by torturing people while also making the boy emotional by killing them and feel gratitude for him. This was the test to see if he liked manipulating people.

He didn't want to continue with this scene any longer, he snapped his fingers and all of the group members became as skinny as a mummy. Point cards were forced out from them and he collected all of them.

"Is there anyone lifting these corpses, there will be a reward of fifteen points. I will only hire seven people" he announced loudly that everyone could hear it. Even though the people here didn't want to have any relation with him and the corpses, the rewards enticed them greatly.

In a short span of time, there was already people surrounding him, still they were three meters away from him.

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