The Gene Gamer

Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Solifur

People who had awakened their genes were all very peculiar... high intelligence, overwhelming strength and many unique varieties because of them the government had actively hunted them from the beginning, trying to research their uniqueness and the details of their genes.

The genes of them could equal powerful beings self developed genes and they could perfect the genes while they were advancing and the result was that its realm, power and everything would be above the self developed genes. This was the harsh reality of the world.

One risked their lives on the line and trained arduously to finally become a powerful being but some people had this from their birth alone, the difference of talent was immeasurable!

Looking at the large fruit in his hands Cylius stabbed it with his nails. The fruit shrank quickly turning into wrinkled fruit with nothing but skin. All the color drained from it as it was thrown away. The fruit was found in the nest of the beast he had killen earlier. There as only one and judging by how much importance the beast placed on it he tool it with him.josei

The fruit was a special fruit that had absorbed universal energy and it was a treasure for a genetician. Eating it would allow the energy in the gene increase ultimately leading to a breakthrough.

Feeling the energy flowing into him he smiled before he broke through to the maturity stage. He was only lacking in universal energy before and with the fruit's help he broke through two stages, reaching the Maturity stage.

"Eternal Laugh Cylius, our leader invites you to join the Alliance of Black Knights. Our alliance is the original Section D leading alliance. We promise you the status of a Vice-President once you join." said a male with electricity running through his skin. He seemed to be the leader of the group that had come, he looked rather mighty and threatening with the electricity running through his skin but this didn't affect him at all.

"I refuse" he wasn't interested in joining any alliance during the time as he was powerful enough. During the time of a week the alliances had gathered their people together and had finally started organizing. The alliances were graded into three grades, the first grade would be the alliances containing extraordinary people like Haler and Fanton while the second grade would be the alliances leading a Section.

The second grades didn't have any extraordinary people but they were strong, if this Alliance of Black Knights really did recruit Cylius they would immediately be upgraded into first grade. The third grade would be the smaller alliances, they were weak and didn't hold a candle to the second or first grade alliances.

"What?" said the boy uttered, dumbfounded. Then the next moment he flew into a rage "You dare refuse! Do you know what you are doing you little piece of sh*t? Well this is also good for me as I wanted to check the power of you, since the President instructed to kill you if you refused, kill him!"

Immediately the group activated their genes and started attacking him. He dodged the attacks hurled towards him and stabbed his nails into the neck of one of the woman attacking. The woman shrieked in pain before she was absorbed dry of his lifeforce.

Seeing it the people surrounding him became hesitant and paused for a bit. Not allowing to lose the chance he activated the energy around him to the people. Earlier it might've required some effort but since he had broken through to the maturity stage it didn't even require any effort before he could kill them.

If he was able to breakthrough others would surely also be able to too. Fanton was surely to be in the Maturity stage while the others would likely to be in the Halfling stage.

Immediately the people who had come closer to him shrank in seconds leaving only dust. Seeing this scene the people were terrified and they quickly lost the formation they had. The leader appeared to be terrified as he unconsciously stepped back.

But in the next moment he decisively gave up all the subordinates he had to escape. The subordinates once saw the leader leaving lost all hope as they appeared to be in despair as they glanced at him reluctantly. Seeing the metal mask without any hole and only with a thin line that was curved upwards had immediately made them terrified.

The surrounding vegetation had turned to dust long ago and the desolate, barren radius made an extreme contrast with the outside greenery and the forest full of life.

"Please 'sob, sob' please forgive me almighty 'sob'" some of them started getting on their knees and pleaded while the others tried to escape with all their might. But unfortunately invisible tentacles held them as they tried to escape. The tentacles forcefully brought them into the misty barrier.

'Hmm, what an interesting fellow' Cylius was now gazing at a boy sitting in a meditating position while his face didn't show any expression. The eyes were shut while his body didn't react to the yin energy trying to suck his lifeforce. He appeared to be in a unique state of mind.

The shut eyes finally opened and what he saw surprised him. It wasn't any resolution or any reluctance, indomitable will or anything it was just peace or in another perspective the mind of not fearing death, taking death lightly and not taking his death heavily, just the middle. He had the same mindset as himself, in Cylius's perspective this was an extraordinary thing as he viewed this thing as a form of comprehension of 'life and death'.

If one died one would enter the void and forget all memories or reincarnate without any memories. If they won't remember this then there's no need for any struggle and any need for putting in any emotion.

Instantly the shriveled up body of the boy suddenly regained his health and his complexion turned normal again. Even then the boy's eyes showed no reaction and looked directly at him. Looking at the boy "What is your name?" asked Cylius.


"Solifur. Then do you want to join me."

"What is the benefit"

"Your life. And riches whatever you want! You can gain anything, I PROMISE YOU ANYTHING! AS LONG AS YOU JOIN ME EVERYTHING IS YOURS! HAHAHA" said Cylius maniacally. If there was no mask one would feel that Cylius was crazy as just before he was maniacally laughing while now everything returned to normal.

"You will gain your life. But you will have to obey my orders from now on. If you don't hehehe" once again a dramatic change of expressions appeared on Cylius's face. Before his face was normal and cold then it turned into laughing sinister expression.

The seal from before had weakened due to the massive extinction of the positive identities he had possessed. Furthermore the identities coming up and gaining control of his consciousness became more common. If the first abnormality was the 'maniac' side of him gaining control the second would be the 'bloodthirsty' side of him gaining control.

'F*ck I need to repair the seal quickly' this was his thought. Fortunately the seal had its effect and the multiple identities couldn't get out often, the main side of him gained control quickly.

Clearly sensing the changes within him Solifur kept quiet.

"Then do you accept or not"

"I do not want to join you" with that Solifur had ended the conversation. 'A pity' this thought emerged in him but was quickly eliminated, any emotional weak points would be used to break the seal and it would be terrible if it happened. After he said that the yin energy that had been avoiding him stopped avoiding and immediately rushed to him, within no time Solifur died.

'I could've devoured his comprehension to add it to my own and it would've strengthened the seal.' He was first considering plundering his comprehension by making him a subordinate and absorbing him. This way he would've had a more complete comprehension as the opponent had submitted to him and there wasn't any animosities between them.

But since he wasn't willing he could only devour him roughly.

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