The Gene Gamer

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Pit of Abyss

Looking at the dark red blowgun with tiny scribbles before him, a glint flashed through Cylius's eyes. This thing before him could make him comprehend a rune once he achieved limit-break.

His perception of things was high from the start, achieving second tier was only an obstacle in the way. Not mentioning second tier he had the potential to become a third tier, a great existence.

But having the potential and actually becoming one was an entirely different thing. There were obstacles along the way and many would die.

The cardinal sins in other words the seven deadly sins were exactly one of major reasons they die. It was easy to get in but was hard to get out of it. Like his previous self, sloth had polluted his thinking too deeply that when his natural talent forcibly separated it from him, he had actually felt a grudge.

It was polluted too deeply that it had no choice but to separate the good and positive personalities along with sloth from himself.

Positive emotions emerged from indulging in sloth rather than the negative ones. So it had become a nature of the positive personalities, while it only slightly polluted the negative personalities.

With them, kindness had faded away from himself. Pity no longer existed, benefit determined everything. If he had to he would massacre millions of people but if he had the choice he wouldn't. This would make him a wanted criminal and also an enemy of all of humanity.

Humanity had great potential, while the upper echelons of the monster race was also intelligent, they were only the minority while all humans were intelligent.

This was the comprehension he had gained in the span of one month.

Just as he entered the Gorge of Death, he felt the side effects of the 'pollution of sin' decreasing. Grabbing the chance he entered seclusion to remove it completely. This was a big thing as if the side effects didn't go away, his future bottlenecks would be harder and his future would be limited.

So to limit himself from getting polluted again, he had to create a goal for himself. With a goal in mind, his willpower would be tougher and the chance of getting polluted again would decrease dramatically.

It couldn't be too small or after achieving it he would relax which would in turn make his willpower drop sharply.

There wasn't much to think about. Becoming the supreme and the most powerful or one of the most powerful existences. That was his goal.

Even after achieving it, and even if he was polluted he could do basically anything so it wouldn't matter. This train of thought, it was rational and it met the standards so he was going to follow it.

With this in mind, he got up as chak, chak sound came from his body. He hadn't moved from this meditating posture for a month.

As he was getting up, the yin energy circulated around his body. The chak chak sound became louder as it went off continuously. After a moment all went quiet. Not caring about the sound he placed his hands on the boulder that was blocking the exit.

Cracks started spreading like a spiderweb on the boulder. After some time the cracks had enveloped all of the boulder. Then the next moment the boulder had broken into many pieces that fell down.

Inhaling deeply, the polluted air of the Gorge of Death came in. If it was a normal human, they would've gotten sick if they inhaled this air for a long time.

But to Cylius, it was the perfect air. The smell of desperation, sickness, death it stimulated his ghost characteristics. In the dark of night, a ghostly person who had gray skin with cold and cruel eyes emerged, if children saw it they would've screamed and have gotten nightmares for awhile.

Children had better spirituality than the adult. They were perceptive to paranormal things much better, that's why they were also regarded as sacrifices for evil ceremonies and the like.

Children from seven to twelve, that period was when they were more perceptive. That was also the age where starting the cultivation of the spirit was the most suitable.

The genetician way had many diverse paths contained in it. The main essence was that it would be to obtain genes from monsters and make it become his own and develop a rune from it.

This was the only requirement. There were many monsters, and the gene they had absorbed would determine their future. Soul monsters genes would make someone become a soul genetician while an element monster gene would make someone become an element genetician. Physical genes would make someone become close combat and so on.

Inhaling the air, a cold glint flashed through his eyes. Today he would gain the opportunity to kill the Strangling Tree, completely. Last time he wasn't so prepared and now he had also gotten the run artifact blowgun. josei

With this he was sure he could kill it, and absorb its essence to into the limit-break stage!


Ten minutes later, at the Pit of Abyss.

The Pit of Abyss was a huge hole that was very deep. No one knew how deep it was but it was a fact that it was one of the important places of the planet.

Its size was very big, connecting various places from the Death Gorge to the Claw forest to the Metal Mountain Range. Its depth unknown it was suspected that supreme existences fought and this hole was the casualty.

Due to its unknown death and the demons that lived in it it was named the Pit of Abyss. Legend contained that the entrance to the Abyss was there. It was just a legend but the demons seemed to be very interested in it.

Strong existences lived there and the numbers weren't small, it was very dangerous as one could encounter one at anytime. Well they may not be interested in them and could also be in seclusion but the danger can't be ignored.

Cylius hadn't come this place before and he didn't want to but the Strangling Tree had hid in it, making him leave with no choice but to come there personally to kill it.

Looking down at the darkness that overwhelmed his vision, Cylius felt his scalp tingling. His instincts were warning him not to enter this hole other wise the consequences may be serious. But it also reminded him that there were great benefits to get along with the danger.

Well, benefits don't come free unless your a protagonist or a destiny blessed one.

His luck was average or could even be described as awful. Him getting in the same class as the destiny blessed one, and even becoming enemies with it, this could be described as only awful. The ordinary character couldn't even get in touch with one.

The strangling tree should be in one of the caves within this pit, hypnotizing demons to enter its hunting range so it could absorb their essence and heal its injuries.

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