The Gene Gamer

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Runic Energy

"Yes, Larray. I am the mister you had encountered while guiding and I'm also the person who gifted you this gun." a soothing voice spread that made people close to this person subconsciously.josei

"Are you here to... save me mister?" a tired voice came out from a boy that was lying in his own pool of blood.

"No" the soothing voice instantly turned into a cold indifferent voice instantly surprising the boy.

"Wh... wh... what?" the tired voice instantly turned into a loud unbelieving voice. It had even forgotten his state as it instinctively wanted to stand up, but then it groaned and fell into the pool of blood again.

A chilling smile emerged on Cylius's face as he said a simple word "No". As if a cold bucket of ice was splashed onto his face, the boy's facial features showed a twisted expression as blood dripped down from his eyes.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH" a sudden shriek came out of his mouth as one of his eyes splashed and dissolved into blood mist.

A painful voice boomed inside his mind as he suddenly felt that the person in front of him wasn't the kind uncle he knew but instead an illusory figure that was surrounded by a gray mist with thousands of screeches and cries reverberating inside it.

Without stopping the boy let out continuous screams, with how he was forcing himself while also screaming continuously, his vocal cords, in the end, was close to tearing up.

The silhouettes of monsters and demons along with children came into his vision as he was surrounded by the monsters in no time at all.

The silhouettes doubled in his vision as his head felt like it was hammered by a thousand-pound hammer many times. One of his eyes had already exploded from the stress.

The only wasn't much far from the fate of the other eye as blood vessels were clear on its surface, in the end, the eye was filled with blood vessels as many also exploded.

Like the fate of the other a small drop of blood formed on the surface of the eye as it slipped down the eye.

This was purely an illusion he had created, with his analytical abilities.

But with the data from the creatures he had killed, he could multiply this number to achieve this horrifying result.

With this simple illusion, he could make his impression in Larray's mind go down ultimately leading to a hole in his spirit and a way for him to obtain the runic energy.


Just as the other eye was going to explode it stopped and the complexion of Larray also changed back to normal.

This was the doing of the yin-yang runic energy.

If the mastery over this rune isn't much it will become a poison as to maintain the balance it would first change the object to the right opposite. Making things extreme.

If not for the fourth-tiers not even glimpsing at this thing, he really wouldn't have obtained this treasure today.

Maybe they would only glance at a complete yin-yang rune.

Just feeling the weakness in the spirit of Larray, he immediately forced his entry into it. Entering the spirit, he saw a black and white pile of energy right in the core of Larray's soul, smiling he made a grabbing gesture by his arm and traces of void black substance exuded from his hand.

The void black substance came in touch with the black and white energy as it covered it immediately.

The yin-yang rune resisted desperately but to no avail, it was finally digested by the black substance to become dormant and pure, even though its volume had decreased a lot.

It wasn't a bad thing as if it hadn't been purified the pollution inside the runic energy would even affect him.

Clearly, he felt unknown energy entering his body, but instead of causing damage, it was dormant just in his soul, staying away from the dimension rune.

The only eye of Larray had rolled back as saliva dripped from his mouth, he had become a vegetable.

This was the side effect of forcibly separating this runic energy from his soul.

From young he had already grown accustomed to this energy, forming a symbiotic relationship.

The rune changed his body and kept balance which kept him uninjured, while he kept a place for the runic energy to stay so it wouldn't dissipate.

If he had ever become a genetician he would've known of its existence and have tried to comprehend it. With the amount of time he had spent with this runic energy, comprehending it would be as easy as eating and drinking.

Becoming a second-tier was just predestined, with his physique changed by the yin-yang rune he had hope of becoming a third-tier runic existence.

But due to him being a bastard child born from a monster race servant, he had no chance of becoming a genetician.

A great future wasted because of a single thing, and it wasn't because of his fault.

At least this potential that he didn't need, was used by him as a cultivation resource.

After going out, he could find a place to stay and after a month or so he should be able to comprehend the death rune. With all the time he spent and the plan he had, would total four months, leaving two months until the survival mission ends.

Once he comes out of seclusion he will be in the Nine Claws city for some time and will try to explore the Pit of Abyss. Then try going out to explore the planet to see if he could chance upon a fortune.

As for interacting with other trainees? He didn't plan on doing that unless he chances upon them.

His power had grown by leaps and dealing with these people would only waste his time.

But for some special people, he had to be cautious. Such as Fanton and Farold. Especially Farold. With their potential, they might have advanced to the second-tier. This also meant a chance for Farold to awaken his second gene, boosting his power greatly.

As for Fanton, he also couldn't be ignored. His gene ought to be powerful since his innate genes had already influenced him even though it wasn't awakened, resulting in his white hair and blue eyes.

Garen had potential but as long as he doesn't chance upon a fortune he had no possibility of advancing to second-tier in this short amount of time.

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