The Gene Gamer

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Ruin

Even though he knew that the people he had formed a team with would end up becoming enemies, he needed them to increase his chance of survival.

And it was better if they were people of the same strength or weaker than him so he could try surprising them with his power. 

Where he would find the teammates? Well, in the Nine Claws City, there are people everywhere looking for teammates they could search the Abyss Pit together, more precisely it was a large public building where finding teammates was just one of its features. 

So after a while. he set off to the city. 

Unlike before, entering the city was easier as he didn't need to climb the rigged walls and could instead just fly over there.


Entering the city, he saw the tall trees everywhere. Some of the monsters choose to live here due to the order and benefits they could get, so they had rented or bought a tree from the city. 

The benefits this place offered was large and even though it was hard for them to improve in this kind of peaceful environment, finding artifacts became much easier while they could also try tempering their mind with the peace.

Monsters weren't allowed to disturb the peace of other people or sleep outside. Disturbing peace would result in a warning and in the second warning, you would be directly banned from entering this city. 

The rules were harsh. 

After passing through all the shops and any other facilities, he directly went to the teleportation platform. 

He didn't have a good impression of the teleportation platform but it was needed so he couldn't always ignore it. 

Last time, he had lost an eye and got polluted deeply by the dimension rune.

If not for him rebuilding his whole body and his soul having ghostly characters that could resist against and even digest the dimension rune, he would've gotten a scar, 

Because of the fourth-tier existence, he encountered this problem and if he met him again, he didn't know what fate awaits him.

He could go to other cities asking to form a team but due to the circumstances, he was only limited to the Nine Claws City. 

First, even if he picked the closest city, he would need a few months to traverse to them, and second, each city was close to a major important location. For example, if the Nine Claws City was close to the Death Gorge and Claws Forest. 

The people there would rather go to the location closest to them, rather than spending a few years traveling back and forth as they might not have the dimension rune. 

The probability of the people there choosing to form a team with him would be slim.

If he really spends a few months traveling back and forth, then he would waste the mission's time not to mention that the road to there would be very dangerous.

The seven cities spread all over the planet after all, and some forbidden zones couldn't be intruded.

As he came to the church like house once again, he knocked on the door.

"Knock knock" 

As he knocked at the door, it opened by itself leading him to a big hall with a fresh wooden scent while also having an ancient feeling mixed in it. 

The hall was still as ordinary and large as before but there was no one in the middle. 

There was no one standing guard at all, but considering that he was swept with a spiritual perception when he had knocked at the door, it was possible that the person just didn't want to show himself or maybe it deemed itself as higher than him. 

At least the spiritual perception had nothing in common with the fourth-tier existence from before, it had an entirely different feeling, the person had changed.

After the spiritual perception, he heard a voice in his head saying "Close all of you're perception and open them back after a second" 

He did as he was told and didn't try to peek at what was going, he knew what would happen to him if he did that.

The person guarding over, most probably a third-tier existence would become displeased and possibly warn him and he would see the same dimension rune on the teleportation array like before.

This time, he could try defending himself and could even try comprehending some part of it but he didn't want to exchange the displeasure of a third-tier existence for a mere comprehension of some rune he would naturally develop.

Ghosts were the darlings of the void and the traverser between the cosmos. They were one of the races that had dominated the entire universe before the humans had invaded, and even when the universes merged together, they still held an honorable position.

Just that their numbers are few, they would be considered one of the ruling race in of the monsters.

Those people of third-tier could kill him with a slap and he didn't dare to try them.

As his eyelids slowly opened, he could sense the surrounding situation and the light that assaulted his eyes. 

After looking around for a bit, he knew that he was in a different place he was teleported to from before. 

The housing here was much different with human activities and transportation devices roaming the streets.

It was much more advanced than the place he first ended up. 

Maybe the lord there had sensed his strength and race, so teleported him to a place different from the last. The previous fourth-tier existence may have just discriminated against him or felt that his strength was too weak to qualify in such region, so chose to transport him to a rural place. josei

Looking at the bar that was only for creatures below 3 meters and the rule was that the creatures were only allowed to walk on two legs. 

Rules like that were quite common here as creatures that live in this area were only humans. 

Now, he needed to form the team to go exploring. The second-tier people would be common and finding a few would be easy. He didn't need them to have power, it would be better if they just become his meat shield. 

But creatures of any race after they had advanced to second-tier, they would be very intelligent and wouldn't get fooled easily

He also heard that there was a public meeting place around here, and people could meet up and form a team to explore the Abyss Pit. 


The building wasn't much different, just the same energy and monsters going in and out of it. After entering, he saw that the technology here was much more advanced, automatic doors and weapons on display. 

There were also underground passages leading to other places serving fr other purposes, such as brothels and auction. 

This place was merely the start of it, the place that connects all the locations. 

Pressing the button, the dor in front of him opened as he walked into it. The inside was luxurious, the passage was a lounge itself. From a robot assistant and drinks you could choose from. 

You could directly access the internet from here and could enjoy some pleasure in VR. You could also choose to just relax in a container that could provide a good night's sleep in 10 minutes.

Passages like these are only for one person, so the number of them was huge considering how many people and monsters go through the channel. 

If you see it from up you could see that an intricate web had been produced.

After 30 minutes of relaxation in the passage, he was in the hall specific for forming a team. 

The request would appear as a mission after you have posted it, and people would join if they are interested in the offer.

He didn't have many requirements except being at the second-tier, others could be ignored. 

"Forming a team to enter the Pit of Abyss. The destination won't be too deep or difficult to reach. Don't have any requirements except being at the second-tier. Contact ********** or meet at 'Faint Heart'

Requirements: Had to be second-tier

Members: 1/3

Time: Will discuss

Reward: Will discuss"

After waiting for 2 hours, he got his first call while after a day he had already received seven requests and he deemed two of them as useful. 

He had chosen his teammates and deleted the mission he posted. 

One was a snake with feathers while the other was a force type genetician.

The snake was black colored with feathers on his tail and two horns place on the top of its head. With four legs coming out of its stomach, it was standing and moving using the legs. 

As for the rune it had comprehended, it gave him very unstable feelings, along with negative energy. In conclusion, it may have sacrificed something for a rune or had a cultivation deviation in his path that would lead it to madness and temporary irrationality. 

As for the force type genetician, he had five genes in his body that had already assimilated with him completely and one that was currently getting refined and it was of the rare grade. 

Both of them were unstable time bombs if he could use them well, so he chose these two. 

After a bit of discussion, they chose to start the exploration after two days.

So he only had one thing to do before going on to explore the pit and that was seeing whether the fox was still there.

He still remembered his deal with the three-tailed fox, a crystal ball for 3 silver.

After comparing some same locations he found his way before heading towards the stall. Walking for some time, he was out of the human territory, leading to the monster area. 

Thinking now, he had been away for more than a month and the fox may not even be there, even if it was whether the crystal ball was still not sold or not wasn't known, so he didn't hope much for this meeting. 

Just that he wanted to know whether it was there. If it was there, he would buy it and if it wasn't there, he wouldn't, simple. 

As for the crystal ball itself, he didn't sense much out of it, it merely interested him and this was the case. 

He didn't hope for much. 

As for his wealth, he had 10 silver coins plundered from the 3 undeads. Considering their power, they were quite rich. 

Maybe it was because they had been exchanging the resources of the mountain to get coins. 10 silver coins were much more than it sounds, creatures like them would've usually had a silver coin in their wealth.

Arriving at the location, he didn't see the tailed fox in the place they had met before. But this was also expected, she was of royal blood and places like this couldn't interest her. 

He just wanted to confirm his doubts, and see if he could get the crystal ball.

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