The Gene Gamer

Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Class C3

After declaring that, he went to the blank seat within the classroom. The teacher hadn't yet arrived so he was lucky to not offend a fourth-tier. 

Although the lord wouldn't get offended that easily, they would still be sure to punish him. 

Soon after he arrived, the homeroom teacher walked in. Arthremis was lucky by a hair's breadth. 

The teacher was dressed casually with her scarf covering her head, making it impossible to look at her face. She was radiating a carefree aura as she walked in, releasing the oppressing aura that was spreading within the classroom.

She had a curvy figure that made some unconsciously gulp their saliva. 

After introducing herself, she started the class. The classes were concentrated on battle. Their mentors would be teaching other studies such as alchemy and potioneering.

The first class was a theory class which was teaching the students the various weak points of a human and a monster, and also how to react quickly and precisely in different kinds of situations. 

"First we need to start from the basics. As you know, the human race and the monster universe weren't one, to begin with. The human race had no powers but they had the technology while the monsters had the powers but technology hadn't been developed much.

Only after the technology of the human race had reached a certain point did they try to break the shell of the universe and find ways for humans to develop. 

About a millennium after the 21st century, the infinite expansion of the universe stopped and instead started to regress backward. From the change, a far more solid shell was created which made it possible for us to grasp the ever-changing mysteries of the universe and break through this shell. josei

This was the renowned B.S. project and from there on, the start of the Genetic Technological Era began, in other words, the Gonidio calendar. 

The monsters invaded first and the war between the humans and the monsters continued for a long time before coming to a stop. With the war, humans gained the power of genes while the monsters gained the power of technology. 

Although the two sides still fight until now, no war on a large scale had been declared ever since.

From the power of genes we have found, we were able to create a path for extraordinary power which is the genetician path. We ranked the genes based on grades and then ranked the geneticians by their power and what they had comprehended.

To start on the path, as our own bodies don't resonate with heaven and earth, we absorb the genes created from the monsters. Only by doing that will our body have a pathway for spiritual energy to enter us and cultivate. This is the first-tier.

To enter the second-tier, we will have to use the genes we have refined as a tool to comprehend a rune, the secrets of the world. As long as we comprehend even a thousandth of a rune, we are considered to have entered the second-tier.

From the second-tier, we would have the ability to access the secrets of the world and display unimaginable powers. As all second-tier beings have the ability to control the power of rune, even a tiny little bit of it, we are considered runemasters. 

Runemasters study the secrets of the world and also have the ability to access and use them.

If you advance in the path of runemasters, you also advance in the path of geneticians. Similarly, if you advance in the path of geneticians, you also advance in the path of runemasters.

However, the path of the runemaster is more preferred than the path of genetician. 

After the second-tier, then comes the third-tier. Upon advancing, the use of foreign genes will be less and less necessary for us and we will start to develop the core, our own genes.

However, there are some unique, lucky people that will have their own innate genes from birth, either inherited or obtained by their constellation. They can advance quickly through the path comparing to others. They are the blessed ones.

After building our core, we will inscribe the rune we have fully comprehended onto it and advance into the third-tier, where we will be called runic existence. 

From this path, we won't need foreign genes anymore. We will only cultivate our own genes to advance from thereon.

That will be the information you need to know for today. You're dismissed." ending the class, the teacher left. 

Hearing her words, Cylius fell into a deep thought. Although he somehow guessed this, it was still surprising to him. 

Humans didn't have the body to cultivate spiritual energy from birth, unlike monsters. 

Although they suffered a bad start, they could grow to become much stronger than the monsters. The reason why was that since humans could absorb genes, they require lesser effort compared to the monsters to comprehend a variety of runes. 


The next class would be the close combat class where they will have to fight and determine their skill.

Within the training room, Cylius could see that it was very large and could fit a few hundred people. The person standing before them was the teacher responsible for close combat. 

He had the countenance of a middle-aged man and he had an orange mustache that seemed to have been shaven recently. His eyes were spitting fire and his body was also in an energetic state. 

"I am teacher Doak and I will be teaching close combat lessons. Within this class, we will only concentrate on pure skills and using other powers such as genes would be strictly forbidden. Only physical prowess could be used. You could battle with your genes in another class. No complaints would be allowed and if a student were to complain..." saying this point, a cold glint flashed through the eyes of Doak. 

He didn't finish the sentence but many students understood this. 

"Since this is the first class, I will be testing each of your skills. So pick a weapon from there and match up with each other." 

Looking to the place Doak pointed at, Cylius unconsciously looked at it seeing a variety of weapons. If one wasn't satisfied and wanted an exclusive weapon, they could imagine the weapon in their mind and the machine would process it fro them using liquid metal. 

Liquid metal was an important material within the world. With a silver color, it had the ability to change and simulate the various characteristics of materials if the genetic energy was injected into it. Some planets were made out of it entirely so the demand and supply of it was balanced out. 

Cylius deemed his hands more useful than other weapons since with precise control he would be able to quickly immobilize a person. However, this test wasn't about showing off. He would be choosing saber as his weapon.

Instructions said that they could choose whoever they wanted to battle with. 

Soon after, a person came to him, looking for a battle. He seemed to want to show off to the others by defeating the weaker person who was him. Although it would incur the wrath of him which might result in him coming with a group of people to bully him later, he didn't want to show off in the open. 

Although it was likely that they will bully him in the open to secure their position, he could dispose of them in a random corner in the academy. They would be sure not to mess with him anymore. 

Planning this, he rejected the battle proposal which made the other person frown in displeasure. With blonde hair and a noble aura, it was obvious he came from a powerful background. But he couldn't care less. The noble clans would have many children and seeing that this person had been assigned to the average class, it was obvious he didn't stand out much from his family. 


After some time, another person came to him asking for a match. Since he didn't detect any hidden motives from the person, he obviously agreed to the match. 

By now there were 15 pairs ready to fight at any given moment. 

"There will be some rules you have to follow when fighting against each other. 

1. The use of genetic powers will be strictly forbidden and any who break this rule will be punished. 

2. You can't kill your opponents. You can break or severe their limbs but can never kill them. If you break this rule, you will be heavily punished. 

3. You can't cheat 

If you follow these three rules, you're good to go. Now start!" 

As the words of Doak finished, Cylius's opponent quickly lunged at him, trying to gain the upper hand by striking first. 

He had brass knuckles on both his hands and seemed to specialize in hand to hand combat. He was blunt, not hiding that he was going for his armpits at all. 

Cylius wouldn't let him take the chance so he responded with a kick to his head. The opponent obviously ducked but he was unaware of the foot that had somehow appeared right above his head, kicking down. 

Although he was unaware of it at first, when it closed in, he immediately put up his hands in a cross position to defense. 

However, he was still late and didn't manage to defend properly resulting in him spitting out a mouthful of blood. 

After getting him, the opponent immediately retreated to the back where he observed Cylius once again. Cylius, having the chance to attack, didn't miss it as he bowed before running to his opponent. 

Looking at the cold eyes of Cylius, the opponent shuddered slightly. 

During the time, the opponent tried to do an uppercut with his right arm, but Cylius skillfully evaded to the left, having an advantage in position where his opponent wouldn't be able to dodge nor defend. 

Grabbing the chance, Cylius slashed at his opponent's right arm in a weird way, severing one arm. 

The arm of his opponent flew into the air, splashing blood. 

With one arm cut, the rest of the match was determined. Cylius was able to cut the right ear and the left leg of his opponent while sustaining a broken arm. The match ended in victory. 

The match continued for 3 minutes.

If they had battled using genes, considering that he will be holding his power back, it will continue for about 10 or so minutes. Cylius's fight was neither quick nor slow. It was considered just normal between the students. 

As for the person who was trying to use Cylius to show off earlier, he finished his fight in 15 seconds, gaining the attention of practically everyone in the class. As for Arthremis, who was a destiny child, he seemed to especially suck at close combat, losing miserably. 

After all matches ended, high-grade nutrition along with medicine was given to them. The medicine had miraculous effects. It could regrow limbs and heal severe injuries. It also replenished their stamina as well. 


Going into the dining building, he could smell the aroma of various delicacies. He could also see that many people were here, dining while chatting nonchalantly. The lesson for today was done so he could come here and enjoy his meal. 

However, just as he was seeing through the foods available, he saw a group of people heading in his direction. And the leader of the group was the noble that was trying to show off from before. 

They seemed to have just finished eating and wanted to leave but after seeing him, the leader expressed an arrogant yet mocking expression before ordering the group to surround him.

"Hey hey, who is it that we have here?" saying this, the leader threw his drink at Cylius, intending to insult him. The drink was covered in a type of poison that would burn and corrode the person that touched it. 

It was obvious this liquid came from his opponent's gene. 

Cylius now had two choices. Whether to catch and act high profile or to not catch and get insulted. 

Cylius of course chose the latter option.

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