The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Journey To Ulsan (1)

[Skill Book - Back Attack]

[Special Note: Assassin Exclusive]

[When attacking a target from behind, damage is amplified by an additional 33% compared to a regular attack.]

It was a passive skill.

No need to consciously activate it or consume mana, and it didn’t trigger mana hypersensitivity.

Given Kang-hoo’s frequent lateral movements enabling back attacks, this skill book was a perfect match for him.

He absorbed the skill immediately.

It would be effective from the next battle, a reliable skill that promised efficiency.

[Shadow Step]

[Skill Proficiency: Lv. Max]

[Creates five shadows to move and then instantly transports to one of the shadows.]

[Shadows immediately disappear if they move beyond a 100m radius or suffer physical damage.]

[The unconsciously created shadows mimic the owner's movements, each moving differently.]

Kang-hoo checked the details of Shadow Step as well.

With maximum proficiency achieved, it was significantly more advanced than when Zanyoung had used it.

“And my level has increased.”

His level was now 33.

As was his custom, he allocated bonus points to vitality and reviewed his overall stats, which he had ignored for some time.

[Shin Kang-hoo Lv.33]

[Class: Assassin]

[Unique Talent: Quite Superior Strength / Exceptionally Keen Dynamic Vision]

[Strength 70][Agility 60]

[Health 198][Mana 20]

[Magic Resistance 45][Resilience 70]

Compared to his time before escaping Cheongmyeong Detention Center, he had undergone a complete transformation.

From a frail body at level 10 with vitality 10, he now possessed the vitality enviable by an athlete.

Of course, when his congenital mana hypersensitivity was triggered, it became a cursed body with a three-minute countdown.

But now, he had the foundation to endure that period.

It was a different story from when he immediately felt a threat to his life.

His mana was sufficient as it was.

Given his high ability to draw mana compared to other hunters, he didn’t need to worry about mana supply.

“I’ve only started to fulfill my role; the journey is still long.”

He didn’t revel in happiness; such thoughts didn’t occur to him.

Kang-hoo focused only on the fact that he was now significantly more resilient than before and moved on.

It was time to meet the main boss in this small dungeon.

Although he had never met the boss before, discovering its name was too easy.


“Shin Kang-hoo.”

Another version of him was the main boss of this dungeon.

Meanwhile, at the same time.

Chae Gwanhyeong, who suddenly showed up in his office, incessantly downed strong whiskey.

He was someone whom even Chae Gwanhyeong respected as a superior.

Jang Si-hwan, the owner and founder of Jeonghwa Guild.

The two were close friends, beyond a mere superior-subordinate relationship.

So, Chae Gwanhyeong’s impoliteness of coming to him and drinking without a word wasn’t a problem.

Jang Si-hwan stood up.

His long hair fluttered.

His long black hair, reaching down to his shoulders, was so fine that the word ‘lustrous’ instantly came to mind.

Jang Si-hwan asked Chae Gwanhyeong,

“What’s the matter?”

“One of my favorite tools has broken. And the research on An Young-ho has also fallen through.”

“Isn’t that a common occurrence?”

Unlike the fretting Chae Gwanhyeong, Jang Si-hwan smiled and patted his shoulder.

But Chae Gwanhyeong looked at him as if to say, how can someone be so nonchalant, and added,

“There’s nothing as frustrating as when things don’t go as planned.”

“Gwanhyeong, a minor setback or a step back isn’t a big deal for us. A bright future is already unfolding.”

“What’s so bright! Damn it.”

“Our dreams will inevitably come true. Anyone who stands in our way will become our enemy and reduced to ashes.”

“Jang Si-hwan, don’t be too optimistic. Not everything is guaranteed.”

“Understand that the disappearance of one or two insignificant people won’t change our future.”

Jang Si-hwan’s expression suddenly shifted, his disdain for the deceased Heo Jeong-tae and the missing An Young-ho evident.

His look conveyed that the disappearance or loss of such ‘insignificant’ people was meaningless.

Jang Si-hwan went on,

“The world revolves around me. I am justice, I am good, and I am the path. Nothing can stop us, so don’t take it too seriously.”

“Are you saying you’re the protagonist of this world?”

Chae Gwanhyeong, Jang Si-hwan’s friend and rival, retorted sharply.

Jang Si-hwan then nodded, his usual benevolent expression intact,

“Yes. I am the protagonist.”

At the battle’s climax, Kang-hoo found himself increasingly intrigued by his fight with ‘another me.’

This encounter was actually less challenging than his previous one with Zanyoung, as he was fighting against himself.

Thinking alike and employing similar strategies made the other Shin Kang-hoo too predictable.

Wasn’t this a past version of myself?

Engaging with his past rather than a more advanced future self, he harbored no fear.

His recent improvisation of a combination attack had left his counterpart struggling.

“Kang-hoo, I don’t just use daggers. I always have a second, a third plan. But it seems you don’t.”

Watching his faltering duplicate, Kang-hoo patted his shoulder.

This gesture was more a signal of the impending end than one of encouragement.

As expected.


The other him, unable to defend against Kang-hoo’s newly crafted combination attack even once, coughed up black blood and died.

Since he was fighting himself as the boss, there were no new skills to claim.

Thus, the system message presented an alternate reward, like the one Jang Si-hwan had obtained in the original story.

[Skill Enhancement (1-time)]

A chance to enhance only skills at maximum proficiency.

It’s a skill enhancement.

In Kang-hoo’s case, due to the effects of his constellation, all his skills were at maximum proficiency, so he faced no restrictions.

Upgrading any skill would be destructive, making it usable as an ‘ultimate skill.’

Such skill enhancement rewards were extremely rare, even in dungeons.

In terms of probability, it was less than 0.001%, a figure that could easily be attached.

Moreover, to utilize this effect, one had to have a skill at maximum proficiency, which was no easy feat. It was a stringent requirement.

“For now, I’ll hold off.”

Kang-hoo decided to keep the opportunity without using it right away.

There were a few skills he considered, but none fully convinced him yet.

After all, he could enhance it immediately whenever he felt like it, so there was no rush.

Just then,

[Red Ore – Special Material]

“This is a windfall.”

A loot item appeared from the ‘dead self.’

He thought it was a stroke of luck when he obtained a skill book from Zanyoung. Things were going well.

Red Ore was extremely precious.

It was essential for upgrading item grades or unlocking hidden options.

It could not be bought with money, and if it could be, there would be no limit to the price. Its worth was what people were willing to pay.

Such value could easily skyrocket into the billions, not just millions.

Of course, if he were to sell it, there was a 99.9% chance that crazed criminals, rather than honest buyers, would flock to it.

So, it was better not to think of selling it unless necessary.

“If Jang Si-hwan had gotten his hands on it, I would have regretted it.”

Kang-hoo nodded.

Though impulsive, his decision to come here and the benefits he reaped had been substantial.josei

Shadow Step.

Skill Enhancement.

Red Ore.

None were easily obtainable, and for some, they could be once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

His business here was done.

He planned to return to Lee Ye-rin.

He considered visiting Ground Zero, but he still felt a bit underpowered for it.

Ground Zero was a place of various variables, without recommended levels or standards.

In other words, it was a wilderness for hunters.

Hence, diving in with mere bravado could prove problematic.

Instead, he planned to extract a more lucrative contract from Lee Ye-rin and acquire better items with it.

Leveling up was important, but the basic item setup was just as crucial.

At the same level, the right item setup could make power feel ten times stronger.

The next morning,

Kang-hoo arrived at the prearranged meeting place with Lee Ye-rin and met her.

Usually, they would meet at Daejeon Station, but today’s meeting was at Pyeongtaek Station.

Thus, Lee Ye-rin initiated the conversation about the changed location.

“The place is a bit unexpected, isn’t it?”

“If it was always Daejeon Station, that would be stranger.”

“True, you’re right.”

“I’ve handed over Heo Jeong-tae properly.”

“I’ve already received a call. Did you say it was our request? Haha, I didn’t ask you to do that.”

Kang-hoo just nodded.

Though he didn’t say it directly, this was business.

By subtly mentioning the name of the mercenary group he was associated with, he raised its status…

Naturally, the mercenary group then provided the client with better, more useful requests.

“Before we discuss the next request, there’s something I want to tell you. Do you know Cha So-hee?”

“I know. I’m aware that I’m being followed.”

“Did Seo-yeon tell you?”


“Right. It seems Eclipse is after her. I put someone on her tail thinking it might help Seon-kyu. Heh.”


“I’ll keep sending you secure messages about Cha So-hee’s location.”

“Thank you for the favor.”

“Well, it’s not like I’m using expensive resources. There’s someone under me who enjoys tailing. Haha.”

Kang-hoo expressed appropriate gratitude.

It wasn’t his request, but Lee Ye-rin was offering the favor.

He was thankful, but there was no need to be overly humble.

Rather, it meant that Lee Ye-rin found him attractive enough to be so meticulous.

Lee Ye-rin shifted the topic when she deemed the conversation sufficiently covered.

“The initial task for you was ‘infiltration,’ but it appears we need to modify it to ‘assassination.’”


He could undertake it if the compensation was right.

Assassination jobs usually targeted those who merited death.

Lee Ye-rin might navigate a moral gray zone, but she wasn’t one to kill without discrimination.

It was likely she screened the requests, meaning this target probably had it coming.

“Have a look.”

Lee Ye-rin passed him a file.

Kang-hoo’s face tensed as he glanced at the first page.

“The Butcher of Ulsan?”

A name he recognized appeared.

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