The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: The Client (1)

The scenery around him started to blur and run like ink in water.

Upon arriving at Han Seo-yeon’s officetel, Kang-hoo finally relaxed and let go of all his burdens.

Not because he naively trusted her, but because she had always been foolishly trusting of him.

Despite the affection they shared until their breakup, they had become nothing more than parts of each other’s past.

Han Seo-yeon had always kept him in her heart.

Even after the breakup, she couldn’t forget him.

That’s why he trusted her.

Even if others betrayed him, she couldn’t, still clinging to her lingering feelings.

Han Seo-yeon was also a hunter.josei

Her level, at 150, was considerably higher than Kang-hoo’s.

From the moment they met, Kang-hoo had seen information about her constellation.

As a hunter, he considered her far more advanced than himself.


Han Seo-yeon looked at Kang-hoo with a pitying expression.

Although he looked much better than when she first brought him to her officetel, his face was still pale.

“What exactly happened to you? Were you kidnapped or something?”

She sighed deeply with a distressed look.

Kang-hoo responded to her rhetorical question.

“I was kidnapped by Eclipse.”

He had woken from a deep sleep some time before.

He was just resting with his eyes closed.

Even this was enough to feel his body rapidly recovering.

“Oppa, didn’t you sleep?”

“No, I slept well, thanks to you.”

Kang-hoo shook his head.

Time had changed Han Seo-yeon too; her appearance was different.

Her once waist-length black hair had been cut short, and her body was more muscular and tanned than before.

The last time they spoke, she was just a novice entering the world of hunters.

Now, she seemed like a veteran hunter who had seen and survived it all.

“Eclipse… Were you dragged to the magic stone mine? They’re known for kidnapping hunters.”

“Mana is essential for mining magic stones, so a low-level hunter like me was an easy target.”

“How difficult it must have been for you, oppa… I’m sorry. If I had kept in touch more often, this wouldn’t have happened.”

Tears seemed ready to fall from Han Seo-yeon’s eyes.

Before her emotions could deepen, Kang-hoo replied coldly.

“You don’t need to apologize for my fate, just as I don’t comment on yours.”


“Let’s leave it at that. This is the first and last time I’ll be indebted to you. Let’s call it even.”

“Pretending to be cold on the outside when you’re not… You haven’t changed, oppa. It’s obvious.”

“There’s nothing good about being associated with me anymore. Eclipse might track me.”

“Oppa, I’m a hunter too. Level 150. I’ve reached a level where ordinary ones can’t easily mess with me.”

“Good. Use that strength for yourself. You don’t need to worry about me.”


Instead of responding, Han Seo-yeon nodded silently, accepting his words.

Kang-hoo was known not to open up easily once he had closed off.

Knowing his nature well, she didn’t press further.

Instead, she offered him some prepared items, continuing the conversation.

“Here are some new clothes for you to change into, and a clean, untraceable smartphone.”

“It seems your guild is operating cautiously in a grey area.”

“Yes. And here’s one million won. I only took out as much as necessary, thinking you might refuse more.”


“I’ve also prepared some basic materials. If you’re not planning to go to Seoul right away, it might be good to look at these.”

The materials Han Seo-yeon handed him concerned unofficial mercenary groups, not formal guilds.

This was precisely the information Kang-hoo needed.

Joining a guild would be too risky for him.

He needed to minimize contact with ‘The Thirteen Stars,’ as Jang Si-hwan’s influence extended to many domestic guilds.

Even if there was no direct connection to Jang Si-hwan, the possibility of falling under the influence of ‘The Thirteen Stars’ was high.

In other words, it wasn’t safe.

At the moment, ‘The Thirteen Stars,’ or rather their underlings, were unaware of the constellation ‘Dimension Plunderer.’

But once they became aware, relentless pursuit and elimination attempts would follow.

That’s why being an ‘independent client’ who only accepted tasks from mercenary groups, without worrying about guilds or crime syndicates, was the best fit.

An independent client became a complete stranger once the task was done, with no further entanglement.

Seeing Kang-hoo focused on one place for a while, Han Seo-yeon added,

“I can connect you to the nearest mercenary group. An acquaintance of mine is the leader.”

“Any issue with using an alias?”

“Not at all. They won’t ask anything beyond a basic level scan and verification.”

“Then, connect me there. It might be my last request.”

“Why do you keep saying ‘last’? Think of it as paying back the love and care you’ve given me.”



“Don’t get trapped in the past.”

Han Seo-yeon’s hand paused as she was about to contact her ‘acquaintance’ at the mercenary group.

Struck by the deep resonance of Kang-hoo’s words, she wiped her reddened eyes and made the call.

At the same time, she spoke to Kang-hoo with a voice strained to suppress her emotions.

“Take care, oppa. Always stay healthy.”

“I wish the same for you.”

With that, all past affection was buried in that moment.

Preparations moved swiftly.

The connection was made, and a meeting place with the mercenary group leader was set near Daejeon Station.

After a brief hug with Han Seo-yeon, Kang-hoo stepped into a taxi heading back to Daejeon Station.

He then briefly examined the items he had acquired during his escape.

The axe seemed unnecessary, as he had no skill in wielding such weapons.

He could sell it later for a decent price, as there were hunters who specialized in axes.

[Necklace of Favorable Winds]

[Grade: 7]

[Agility +15]

[Bracelet of Rising Vitality]

[Grade: 6]

[Stamina +25]

[1 additional stamina recovery per minute]

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