The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Encounter With Kang Dong-hyun (2)

Han Seo-yeon safely changed into her pajamas and made her way to her room, thanks to the conveniently stifled atmosphere.

It seemed she had something to retrieve. Kang-hoo sat in the living room, savoring the subtle scent of coffee.

He could have given in to his instincts to any extent.

Though his emotions might have become desensitized, his desires were sharp and plentiful.

Sexual desire? Of course, he had it.

To survive in this insane world in a sane and ordinary manner, even sexual desires had to be managed.

But he didn’t want to take advantage of her feelings just to satisfy a fleeting urge.

Treating Han Seo-yeon simply as a business partner was not easy for him, unlike for others.

It was likely that the character of Shin Kang-hoo from the original work had naturally overlaid a pure heart.

No matter how many times he tried to dismiss it, it persisted like an indelible emotional imprint.

Soon, Han Seo-yeon returned with a thick stack of papers, announcing that she had found them.

“Oppa, look at this.”

“What is it?”

“You know, the disease you’re afflicted by.”


Han Seo-yeon was the only person aware of Kang-hoo’s congenital mana hypersensitivity.

This was the disease that had plagued him ever since he awakened his hunter abilities.

Given their once passionate love affair, it was not surprising that she was privy to his condition.

“I’ve been researching it non-stop, and more recently, I’ve delved deeper to find someone who can cure this disease.”

“There isn’t anyone. It’s incurable.”

He stated to her, although he wasn’t entirely without hope.

Yet, high hopes often lead to severe disappointments, so he deliberately kept his expectations low.

“There’s a researcher in Romania who has been focusing on hunters who develop rare diseases post-awakening.”


“Yes, a researcher named Mihai Bancu. He’s also a hunter and has been afflicted with potion hyperreaction.”

“Potion hyperreaction…”

It was not a common incurable disease.josei

However, Kang-hoo was not unfamiliar with it; he had considered the disease before.

Sensing something familiar, Kang-hoo immediately asked her.

“So, he has an allergic reaction to potions?”

“Yes, exactly. He absolutely can’t drink health or mana potions. Even the smell triggers a reaction.”


Despite his dry expression of interest, Kang-hoo was inwardly surprised that the symptoms precisely matched those he had envisioned in the past.

This, too, was an unconscious realization, a kind of reality he often encountered these days.

“There are also cases where he not only studied but also resolved conditions like epidermal proliferation and congenital analgesia.”

“He treated them?”

“Yes. It happened a month ago. It’s a recent case. Here’s a translated version of the interview.”

Looking at the materials handed to him by Han Seo-yeon, Kang-hoo saw that there were indeed cases of incurable diseases being cured.

It was not some third-rate tabloid article, but a high-quality piece meticulously written by an accredited hunter media outlet.

“It really was cured. The follow-up article also states there were no relapses or remaining traces.”

“Right! I really wish you would meet him, Oppa. You’ve suffered a lot. It’s an ongoing issue.”


He thought Master K might be the only solution, but it seemed necessary to consider options abroad as well.

Yet, caution was also needed.

His congenital mana hypersensitivity should not disappear entirely. Only the pain should be selectively removed like with tweezers.

If the hypersensitivity itself vanished, his greatest strength would disappear along with it.

“Thank you, Seo-yeon. You didn’t need to go through all this trouble for me. You’ve worked hard.”

“Hard work? It was just good luck that I came across it.”

“That’s hard to believe, considering the amount of research you’ve done.”

Kang-hoo knew well that Han Seo-yeon was thoroughly lying.

Given her personality, she consistently looked into it and possibly even went out searching herself.

She was that kind of person: devoted and always putting others before herself.

Kang-hoo added,

“I want to repay you for these materials somehow. I hope you won’t refuse.”

“Hmph. It’s okay. I have plenty of money too,”

Han Seo-yeon replied with a smile.

It wasn’t an empty boast.

She was a talented hunter and had received a hefty signing bonus when she joined the Jeonghwa Guild.

“Still, I don’t like the idea of it being free.”

“Then just grant me one wish. That’ll make me happy, and you won’t feel like it’s for free.”

“What is it?”

“Just spend today with me. Just for one day, like old times. Just once.”


Seeing her eyes redden before she even finished speaking, Kang-hoo’s mind grew heavy.

He couldn’t return to the feelings of the past, but he could recall and relive those memories.

If that was the repayment Han Seo-yeon wanted, he could certainly give it.

Not as an act, but with genuine feelings, because memories of those passionate times still remained.


Kang-hoo responded briefly.

There was no need for a long conversation. They knew each other too well; a simple glance was enough.

The sun was already setting in the western sky.

The night that was about to come…

Since he opened his eyes to this world, it would be the longest night, yet not a lonely one.

For just a brief moment,

He thought it might be alright to throw off the overly controlled reins of reason and be true to his feelings and instincts.

Perhaps not all emotions needed to be restrained.

With that, their time together flowed deeply, heatedly, and as quickly as the tide.

The next evening,

Kang-hoo arrived at a point about 500 meters away from Club Hades.

It was thriving, almost making one wonder if this was the same place where a large-scale bloodbath and kidnapping had occurred.

The evidence lay in the customers who began to gather even before the sunset.

Groups of young souls entered, eager to revel in the pleasures and entertainment of a Friday night.

Most of them, he surmised, were either affiliated with Eclipse or were simply ordinary people.

Eclipse, a criminal organization, tended not to bother ordinary folk.

More precisely, they disregarded them for their lack of value.

Their primary targets were hunters who could manipulate mana, whom they abducted and sent to detention centers to mine mana stones.

In essence, they needed workers capable of using mana, not ordinary people who were merely a drain.

‘The only concerning point is that the internal structure might have changed.’

Given the previous battle, it was possible that the interior layout had been modified.

The stairs’ location might have remained the same, but the path could be different from what it was before.

Entering stealthily and hiding his presence in the shadows now seemed to be the best approach.

However, maintaining invisibility indefinitely was not feasible, which complicated Kang-hoo’s plans.

“Whatcha doing here?”


Suddenly, someone tapped Kang-hoo’s shoulder from beside him.

Given that his only acquaintance at Daejeon Station was Han Seo-yeon, who could have recognized him?

He turned his head.

There stood a woman clad in a body-hugging dress that matched Club Hades’ bold ambiance.

Her makeup and look were so altered that he didn’t recognize her at first glance, but upon further inspection, it was indeed Yun Sang-mi.

“Why are you here?”

“That’s my question. What brings you here, Oppa? And is that all you’re wearing?”

“Did you come out to have fun?”

“Of course! It’s not like someone like Oppa would come to a club for fun. Did you come here to fight?”

Her question was typical of Yun Sang-mi.

And she was not wrong.

There was no reason for Kang-hoo to visit a club just to dance; Kang-hoo was, in fact, quite a poor dancer.

His movements as an assassin were smooth and spectacular, but as a dancer, he was as stiff as a board.

He laid out the situation for her.

After all, it was a dungeon that she couldn’t enter anyway.

In part, he also understood Yun Sang-mi’s heart, which was a million times more favorably inclined toward him than toward Eclipse.

After listening to his story, Yun Sang-mi appeared intrigued. It seemed like news to her.

“Should I help?”

“I didn’t tell you this because I need help.”

“Still, you have to go to the secret 7th basement level, right? It’ll be difficult on your own, won’t it?”

“Whether I go alone or with someone, it’s the same. If I’m planning to solve this by force, it’s easier by myself.”

“Sure, if you’re planning to brute force your way through. But you’re making it sound too simple.”

“Then you have a not-so-simple way?”

“How about we pretend to be a couple madly in love for today?”

“Can you explain more simply?”

“This is a club. It wouldn’t be odd for a man and woman to seek a more private space, driven by emotions that are heightened in this setting.”

Kang-hoo was well aware of how emotions could escalate among young men and women in a club, even though he himself was not fond of clubbing.

Yun Sang-mi’s suggestion seemed feasible.

“Why bother? Even if you get in, you can’t go any further than I can. There’s no benefit for you.”

“I just want to be in your debt, Oppa. You don’t like owing favors.”

“Creating a debt on purpose. Heh.”

He chuckled.

This was the same tactic Kang-hoo had used with Lee Hyun-seok the day before, and Yun Sang-mi was thinking along similar lines.

Truly, the human heart is fickle.

Creating a bond by having the other person feel indebted was undeniably effective.

“So, will you help or not?”

Yun Sang-mi’s voice took on an edge.

Her assistance would certainly facilitate the task.

If they could directly access the 6th basement, it would minimize the time he needed to spend on stealth and concealing his presence.

Moreover, Kang-hoo’s face was not yet widely recognized by Eclipse.

Since Kang Dong-hyun had kept Cha So-hee’s death a secret, only a few were aware of Kang-hoo.

If there was an opportunity today, this was it.

“Help me. I’ll gladly owe you.”

Kang-hoo requested Yun Sang-mi’s assistance.

Reflecting on it, his connection with her seemed to be a bond that was not easily severed.

Currently, he was ready to synchronize his movements with hers once more in Club Hades, which had a more intense concept than before.

Upon entering Club Hades,

enough time had elapsed.

Just as Kang-hoo and Yun Sang-mi were about to pose as a couple drawn to each other, seeking an excuse to descend to the 7th basement,

Kang-hoo, surveying the area, unexpectedly noticed someone.

It was Kang Dong-hyun.

“Everyone’s working hard.”

He wasn’t too distant, but luckily, their gazes didn’t cross.

His appearance at that moment seemed far too convenient to be mere chance.


Kang Dong-hyun exhaled a plume of smoke from his cigarette, scanning the surroundings.

At that instant,

“Excuse me.”

Kang-hoo used Yun Sang-mi as a cover and kissed her on the lips.

Kang Dong-hyun’s eyes just skimmed over the top of Yun Sang-mi’s head.

Displays of intimate touch and flirtation were so commonplace in clubs that they almost went unnoticed.

Kang Dong-hyun looked away indifferently and then moved off in another direction.

They had narrowly escaped detection.

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