The Genius Doctor, My Wife, Is Valiant

Chapter 190 - Jing Qian got cyberbullied

Chapter 190 - Jing Qian got cyberbullied

Chapter 190: 190: Jing Qian got cyberbullied

“What about now? I heard from Ah Xuan the other day that Saka was found dead.”

She had given up on Lu Jinian only because he had become crippled, which made Lu Xuan the better choice amongst the brothers.

However, if Lu Jinain’s legs could be treated, what had she been doing for the past two years?

“Saka is dead, but Hong Lu suddenly found grandfather and told him that there is a new neuro specialist that joined the Lawrence Institute, and they would be able to treat his legs.”

Yang Yue was at a loss of words.

She had no idea how she walked out of the Lu mansion.

As she arrived back to her home like a zombie, she found her uncle, who told her that Hong Lu’s incident was a huge matter that was extremely influential. If Hong Lu didn’t agree to remove the charges, and if the evidence towards Lu Xuan was conclusive, Lu Xuan may not be sentenced to life imprisonment, but he would definitely be spending at least 15 years in jail.

The only thing that Lu Xuan could do now was to hold on to the fact that it was Dong Yuetong who had asked for his men. Lu Xuan needed help from her in order to treat Lu Jinian’s legs, which was why he agreed to send his men to her.

However, Dong Yuetong wasn’t a citizen of Country Z, and she even had diplomatic immunity in other countries. Without any solid evidence, they would not allow Lu Xuan out of jail and capture Dong Yuetong.

Therefore, the chances of Lu Xuan being free of charges were slim to none.

Plus, in regard to Hong Lu’s kidnapping incident, both the Dean of National Tsing Hua and the Imperial University of Medicine had come together, asking for a thorough and strict investigation in this matter. It was something that a mere police chief could not intervene into.

The Young Master of the Lu family that she had given up on not only turned out to be the next heir, there was also a chance that he could recover fully. She had strained the gnat and swallowed the camel. Now, the one that she picked was in trouble, and even if he had the chance to be freed from prison, Master Lu would never pass the inheritance rights to him.

Then, what the hell was she doing?

What was the point of her marrying Lu Xuan?

For the past three days, when she went back home, Yang Yue had been occupied with Lu Xuan’s affair wholeheartedly.

This was because she had no other choice. She had no idea what else she could do other than grabbing onto Lu Xuan, who was the last straw.

As long as Lu Xuan got out of jail, she would still be married into the Lu family. Even if Master Lu would never acknowledge Lu Xuan’s identity, it wouldn’t matter as long as she was still known as the Young Mistress of the Lu family in the eyes of the public. She would figure out the rest when the time came.

However, this wasn’t something that neither she nor the Yang family could resolve. josei

As she thought about what happened back on set and saw pictures of the dinner that everyone went to after the table read this morning, Yang Yue felt dissatisfied, her jealousy crashing into her heart like a vigorous storm.

The only reason why she dared to argue with the director was that she had strong support.

Thinking about how all her efforts from the past ten years would soon be flushed down the drain, Yang Yue piled all this blame and hatred onto Jing Qian.

Soon, just when Jing Qian was doing acupuncture for Zhan Lichuan, the entire internet was being washed over by a bloody cyber storm.

There was an edited clip that had been pushed onto the most searched topics.

The video started with Jing Lu, looking ghastly pale while apologizing to Jing Qian, who seemed domineering. Yang Yue tried to stand up for Jing Lu, but Jing Qian decided to ignore her even when she was a senior. Then, Luo Jiani tried to stop Jing Qian, but Jing Qian mercilessly threw her over the shoulders and down to the ground.

The scene changed, showing the part where Jing Qian mentioned that Yang Yue had undergone plastic surgery 16 times, along with all the vicious words following it. Yang Yue, who was flushing with anger, defended herself by saying that she had already broadcasted a live examination, done at the hospital. Since this was considered slandering Yang Yue, she told the director that she refused to be part of the show if Jing Qian didn’t apologize to her. However, Jing Qian waved her arms and told the director to get rid of Yang Yue.

It was followed by the scene of Director Pan asking Yang Yue to leave the set, ending with Yang Yue crying and arguing with Director Pan.

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