The Girl Come Back is Super

Chapter 494

Chapter 494

Chapter 494

Chapter 494 I’m looking forward to seeing how many scores she can get.

“Indeed, Yvonne. You must not be affected by other people’s words. The college entrance examination is coming soon. You should focus on the grades. When you get a good result. that everyone envies, those people who gloat will naturally shut up.”

Another secret admirer also came forward to comfort her.

Yvonne looked up. Her face was pale, and her eyes were red. She bit her lip and whispered: “Thank you.”

Her delicate and pitiful appearance made all the boys have a desire for protecting her.

“The campus belle? Seriously?” There was an ironic laughter sounding next to them. “Today’s campus belle selection has already started. The voting channel has just been opened for an hour. And someone had already lost more than 1,000 votes. I am afraid that she can only sit on the throne of the campus belle for one more day at most.”

“Really? Wasn’t she still the most popular one yesterday? Didn’t her popularity exceed the popularity of that Nikita in Class F by more than 100,000?”

“Yes. But it was just a warm-up activity yesterday. The voting officially started from today. Anyway, the one in Class F has more than 1,000 votes than her indeed. However, it is not surprising that the clothes with the most ‘liked’ on Amazon may not sell well. Popularity and voting are two different things.”

“It also makes sense.”

“I almost forgot about this voting thing. I will vote for Nikita now.”

“I’ll also vote for Nikita. Since she is my idol’s idol, supporting her is actually supporting my idol!”

Yvonne bit her lips tightly with her face turning paler and paler. And a layer of water mist quickly appeared in her eyes.

Seeing her like this, a few boys around her who was just comforting her felt more distressed for her.

“Just ignore them. That vote for campus belle is actually not that important at all. Even if she wins, it’s just a title for the campus belle. It’s not something that she can really rely on.”

“Yes, indeed. The college entrance examination result is the most important. Even if she wins the title of the campus belle, who will really take her seriously since she can’t even go to college?”

“No matter how beautiful she is, with no wisdom, she is just a useless eye candy.”

I'm looking forward to seeing now many scores she to

A few boys kept comforting her one after another.

In addition to please Yvonne, they also really look down on Nikita.

Class A is the best class, which is full of top students. The students in this class have their own pride. Except those in the same class, they always feel people in other classes are inferior to them.

Besides, Nikita is still a student in Class F, which was the worst.

Although they also feel that Nikita is very beautiful, they don’t like her no matter how beautiful she is.

Compared with her, Yvonne, who is both talented and beautiful and have a gentle character, is the goddess in their hearts.

“I heard that Nikita also signed up for the Greek competition.” A boy sneered and said: “There is a Greek test this morning. And the test results will come out soon. I’m really looking forward to her


“Scores?” Another boy also sneered and ridiculed: “I’m afraid you think too highly of her. She is a ‘genius’ who got zero point in all the tests. How many scores can she get? She will naturally remain the same level as before.”

“She is just an idiot with zero test scores and has nothing to show off except for her good look! If this kind of person can be chosen as the campus belle and represent the image of our First Senior High School, wouldn’t our school become a joke for people in other schools to laugh at?”

In order to please Yvonne, several boys tried their best to humiliate Nikita.

And their words couldn’t get more harsh.

“Hey! Who were you referring to when you said idiot?” Hearing their words, Tammy got so angry that she patted on the table hard, stood up, pointed to several boys who pleased Yvonne and scolded.

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