The Girl Come Back is Super

Chapter 813

Chapter 813

Chapter 813

Chapter 813 Beat by Nikita

But his impression of Nikita still stubbornly stays on the stereotype of getting zero marks in all subjects for many times.

So even if he knows Nikita to participate in the league this time, he didn’t expect she could get high marks.

She won the first place in a previous test. It doesn’t mean she can win the first place in the league contest.

The difficulty of the league is incomparable to the test.

Moreover, it is a fact that Nikita’s previous grades were very poor. She could be unstable if her grades go up and down.

Mr. White is already very satisfied when Nikita decided to participate in the contest on behalf of the F Class.

As for winning the prize, he didn’t dare to think about it at all.

But now, Nikita of their class has won the first place.

He didn’t dare to think about Nikita entering the top ten, not to mention the first place.

Also full marks…

Mr. White was so stunned that he couldn’t even speak.

In Class A…

On the students’ side, they could find out their scores in the afternoon.

But as we all know, the results released early in the morning. The teachers can check the scores in class.

The first class is English.

Several students who went to participate in the contest took a deep breath when they saw Una appear at the door of the classroom.

This kind of tension was not found in previous exams

This test is very difficult.

Everyone is worried their ranking.

It’s good to keep the previous ranking even if they couldn’t win the first place.

Yvonne, who used to care about test scores, seemed a little absent-minded this time.

Seeing Una enter the classroom, she just looked up.

Yvonne was pale and morbid, as if she had been seriously ill.

She is empty-minded.

All kinds of things that happened at the Lambert family banquet that night, like movie replays, were played back and forth in

her mind over and over again.

As long as the thought of the man with Nikita turned out to be the powerful master of the Lambert family, Yvonne was going crazy with jealousy.

No wonder Nikita ignore Felton.

It turns out that she has a better man!

Although Felton is the young master of the Lambert family, the most powerful person in the Lambert family is his eldest brother.

Today, Sheehan is in charge of the family.

Besides, compared with Felton’s immaturity, his eldest brother’s mature and manly quality are what she really wants.

But Nikita beat her to it!

At the thought of Nikita’s glorious debut at the dinner party, and then at the thought of all kinds of grievances and humiliation she suffered, Yvonne loathed her.

Why couldn’t Nikita stay well in the countryside!

Why did she come to the N City!

Everything she finally took the trouble to get was ruined!

“Yvonne, are you all right? If you don’t feel well, do you want to take time off to rest?” Yvonne’s deskmate saw her drifting off. She asked with concern

Yvonne is in a poor situation

She is always absent-minded.

“I’m fine.” Yvonne shook her head.

“H you don’t feel well, take a leave of absence, don’t hold on.” Her deskmate then looked up at the podium.

Una walked into the classroom. She didn’t beat around the bush about the contest results. She said directly: “I know that the candidates definitely want to know their test scores as early as possible.”

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