The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 155

Chapter 155: The Inevitable Fight Against All 8 High-level Monsters (6)

Axel's PoV:

Something caught the attention of the Dragon King. A prickly sensation was felt by the Dragon King on his right leg.

The Dragon King quickly took a look towards his right leg to see what's causing the prickly sensation that he had felt.

The Dragon King saw a small bee on his right leg and the small bee's stinger penetrated the Dragon King's skin.

What's more surprising was that the Dragon King had already activated the [Dragon Scales] so the problem was how a small bee was able to penetrate the Dragon King's tough dragon scales that covered the Dragon King's skin.

Even the sharp spikes of the level 72,500 lethal blade hedgehog weren't able to penetrate the dragon scales of the Dragon King.

That's not all. The Dragon King and I had not even discovered the presence of the small bee even though I had activated my [Mana Sense] skill.

It was quite surprising considering that the Dragon King and I were sensitive to even the smallest presence of either a living being or an inanimate object as long as it was emanating even a sliver of mana.

The Dragon King instantly released his dragonic mana out of his body and transformed the dragonic mana into dragonic flames.

A burst of dragonic flames was released from the Dragon King's body which instantly incinerated the small bee that was flying near the Dragon King.

That's odd. The small bee should have been a formidable opponent considering that it slipped past through all of the defenses that the Dragon King and I had set up.

Did the small bee instantly die just because of the Dragon King's dragonic flames?

If the small bee was that weak, then it must have not been the mastermind.

The small bee must either be a summoned beast that one of the high-level monsters had summoned or a magic skill that one of the high-level monsters had possessed.

The Dragon King quickly looked around the surroundings to see which of the high-level monsters had attacked him using the small bee.

After a few seconds worth of looking, the Dragon King didn't find the culprit but he did found a high-level monster that was the most suspicious of all of the high-level monsters.

The Dragon King was still holding the dragonic fire spear on his left hand since the Dragon King had not thrown it towards the level 79,000 boa constrictor yet.

The Dragon King had set aside the problem concerning the small bee for now since the priority was to eliminate the level 79,000 boa constrictor.

The Dragon King looked at the level 79,000 boa constrictor that was currently lying on the ground.

Whether the level 79,000 boa constrictor had fainted or not was yet to be confirmed.

The Dragon King held the dragonic fire spear tightly and aimed it towards the head of the level 79,000 boa constrictor.

After the Dragon King was confident that his aim towards the level 79,000 boa constrictor was good, he threw the dragonic flame towards the head of the level 79,000 boa constrictor.

During the throw of the Dragon King of the dragonic fire spear towards the head of the level 79,000 boa constrictor, the Dragon King felt sudden dizziness and his vision was turning hazy which caused the Dragon King to miss the head of the level 79,000 boa constrictor.

The dragonic fire spear hit the ground beside the head of the level 79,000 boa constrictor and the Dragon King missed on hitting the head of the level 79,000 boa constrictor using the dragonic fire spear by an inch.

It was so close which meant that even if the Dragon King was affected by some debuff, his skills were still top-notch.

If the Dragon King's vision wasn't affected, then the Dragon King would have hit the head of the level 79,000 boa constrictor without any fail.

Since the dragonic fire spear was an inch near the head of the level 79,000 boa constrictor, the scales of the level 79,000 boa constrictor were starting to heat up as the heat that the dragonic fire spear emanated was affecting the temperate near it.

A small burn appeared on the scales of the level 79,000 boa constrictor and the grass near the dragonic fire spear lit up in flames.

Smoke rises from the burning grass and the smell of snake scale burning was also smelt in the air.

The level 79,000 boa constrictor had yet to move even though the dragonic fire spear was heating and burning the level 79,000 boa constrictor's scales.

The level 79,000 boa constrictor must either be a talented actor that possessed a great amount of tolerance or the level 79,000 boa constrictor had died by the attack of the Dragon King.josei

The former assumption should be much more plausible considering that snakes were cunning and resilient while the latter should be unlikely.

The level 79,000 boa constrictor wasn't level 79,000 for nothing.

The level 79,000 boa constrictor must have possessed a fire-resistance skill that allowed it to resist the flames of a dragon.

Although the Dragon King and I had yet to find out which of the two previous hypotheses was correct, I already knew that the level 79,000 boa constrictor was faking it.

I noticed that when the Dragon King had thrown the dragonic fire spear towards the head of the level 79,000 boa constrictor, the flow of mana inside the level 79,000 boa constrictor's body was fluctuating at an unusual rate and pattern but only for a few seconds.

The level 79,000 boa constrictor must have used magic that allowed the level 79,000 constrictor to withstand the heat of the dragonic fire spear.

Although the unusual mana fluctuation inside the level 79,000 boa constrictor's body was only for a few seconds before its mana fluctuation returning to normal, I had already noticed that even though someone observant couldn't even notice that unless the [Mana Sense] skill was activated beforehand.

Even if the [Mana Sense] skill was activated beforehand, there would still be a low probability that a person would be able to see only a slight change in the flow of mana inside a monster's body.

I'm not a genius for nothing! I didn't obtain the genius title just for the show.

I had the intelligence and skills to prove that I was a genius in my past life. Although, I'm not so sure when it comes to decision making since I just do what benefits me more and rarely the bigger picture of the choice that I would make.

"Dragon King, I'm sure that the level 79,000 boa constrictor is faking its death so don't hesitate to launch another attack towards it."

I telepathically communicated to the Dragon King as I gave the Dragon King my suggestion.

"Dragon King?"

The Dragon King wasn't responding to my telepathic message so I was starting to get worried.

I quickly checked the condition of the Dragon King and found out that the Dragon King was poisoned.

The small bee that had stung the Dragon King earlier must have transmitted a poison to the Dragon King's body.

Although I now knew that the Dragon King was poisoned, I still can't do anything about it since I wasn't well-versed when it comes to curing poisons and such.

I should have become an alchemist instead of an array master. But, I'm not that interested in the field of medicine, unlike Lorn Horrid.

Wait! Who's Lorn Horrid? When did I had known about that name?

That name just came out of my mind without me having any memories about hearing about it.

Anyways, whoever that Lorn Horrid guy was, I'm sure that he had something to do with me in my past life or something like that since I haven't met anyone named Lorn Horrid in this world.

I might be able to ask about who Lorn Horrid was if the system A.I. wasn't in a dormant state.

The upgrade time of the system was too long since even a week of not having the system aid me in using the system would potentially allow my opponents to gain an upper hand against me.

Even though I might not be able to cure the poison in the Dragon King's body or my body, I could still manipulate the mana inside the Dragon King's body to suppress the poison inside the body.

The only problem in suppressing the poison from the small bee was that it would potentially become lethal and much harder to cure as the poison's suppression was prolonged since the poison would gather in one spot.

Should I gather all of the poison inside one of my kidneys? I had two kidneys anyway so if the poison that I had stored in the kidney was too fatal, I could just remove that kidney.

I'm not sure if it's worth the risk considering I had read from a book that losing one kidney could affect a man's stamina in bed.

No way! That ain't going to happen!

I had decided that I would let the Dragon King suffer from the poison instead of risking losing my stamina.

A pretty great choice I had made if I said so myself.

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