The Goddess' Champion

Chapter 100 Past Memories

Chapter 100 Past Memories: His Love Is Bonkers

Two weeks of visits from Caroline de Castile; two weeks of unrestrained passion during the night.

What initially seemed to be an activity of stress relief, quickly dwarfed into the realm of active pleasure-seeking, any time, any moment... so long as they were in their house and there was no one else around, the couple would quickly engage in a session of kissing that heightened with a crescendo into beautiful intercourse.

Sadly, they were almost caught by Caroline or his friends more than once, forcing them to tone it down, that day they were at it in the kitchen, her legs opened wide with her back on the table, Constantine thrusted fast and hard as the moans resonated, only for the door to knock.

It was very early in the morning, they weren't expecting any visits... panic was visible in her eyes as the realisation dawned yet again, this is her son... they can't be seen like this... even if there were hints for normal couples of what they had prior to a visit, that couldn't be the case in their situation.

So she fiercely pushed him away and dressed up, cleaning everything and every stain of juices that they could have left, it had been Caroline who came earlier than usual, insistent on having a picnic.

In the case of his friends, it was even worse, unlike the educated Caroline, they were a bunch of hooligans, she had almost no time to clean before they blasted the door open, and Constantine had to kick them out of their 'insistence' in truth, he had to kick them out because otherwise, they would have seen her naked, sweaty and with a dripping snatch.

Be it as it may, all dreams were about to come to an end, or at least, what she considered to be their happiest time.

Caroline de Castile, now more than a little infatuated with the boy, invited him to the knight academy in the capital, she would have his recommendation and her father's since he was quite happy for the boy to have saved his daughter.

It was a golden opportunity. Constantine was thrilled, he wanted to do it, attendants to the knight academy had an income depending on their ranks, it was quite profitable, he thought he'd finally be able to give his mother the life she deserved, but... to do that he'd have to sacrifice his time with her.

Isabella/Nova clenched her fist in contemplation... and that was the first time.

The first time their wills clashed, and compared to before now, Nova who understood and felt mortal feelings, had as much will to decide as Isabella.

Isabella, the woman who loved her man and had forsaken her motherhood, desired her man to stay with her, he didn't need to go and be in some academy where he would likely be mauled, they were doing well and she would get a job, he could keep hunting and they could live together in this small house basking in each other's bodies and presence until... until...

Nova, the goddess who basked in her son's ministrations yet kept her motherhood, desired for him to become a greater person, he wouldn't stay with her forever under her umbrella and the chance for himself to finally become great had come not only that... but she also needed to consider her daughter's happiness, she knew Caroline and Constantine were fated, and she couldn't be in the middle, so... he had to leave far from her... until...

Until they died, leaving him for his own life and designs.

The path to take was evident; forsaking her own feelings... Nova/Isabella, smiled at her son with teary eyes and told him to go with Caroline to become a knight and have a better future.



When her son departed a few weeks later, the pain was worse than expected, Nova hoped that by making love to her son relentlessly for those last weeks, she'd be coated with his scent and thus, she wouldn't miss him so much, she only made it worse for them as by the time the moment came even Constantine was reluctant to leave... he was told that he would be able to come back for a single month every few months but that seemed so much time...

Kissing his forehead, she told her son everything would be okay, he needed to be strong and also... he needed to understand that there were better things beyond her.

Waving her hand, she saw the carriage leaving and she saw his desolate look as he looked back and she couldn't take it... the tears were too hard to hold, she was consoled by his friends and their mothers who she was acquainted with, but nothing could be done... the moment Caroline stepped into that cold house bereft of her son. Her knees gave away and she cried, she cried like never before until she passed out.josei

Two days ahead and she felt like a year had passed, people were starting to get worried about her... in those two days she hadn't come out, she hadn't even eaten.

Regardless of Nova or Isabella... they were both devastated.

It was only after some of her friends convinced her, 'He wouldn't want to see you like this... when he comes back, how will he feel?' comments like those made her regain her strength.

Constantine had left all of his savings, everything he possessed in here, she still had her flower shop which didn't produce as much income, but with this much money, she didn't need to worry... all she needed to do was wait.

The people in the town, particularly men, were puzzled... every man desired Isabella Greenwood, but no man dared to trespass the 'flirty' line.

Constantine Lionheart was a name that funded fear in everyone's hearts, he had a reputation even if he wasn't personally there, not only that, he was also sent to the knight academy, and no one dared to offend his mother.

Ten days had passed and she had to do it once after holding back.

The moans could be heard in her house but only on the inside, on her son's bed, Isabella introduced her own fingers relentlessly inside, calling for his name... regreeting her decision, Nova regretted her decision, Isabella blamed herself.

Fingers couldn't reach as deep, and even if they could, they weren't his fingers... her body already recognised who it belonged to, and since the owner wasn't around... depression began to loom.

A month in and she was struggling, Isabella took care of herself, she even worked out, she joined a local group of ladies that wanted to keep healthy... her already astonishing body improved, even more, growing toned... 'He will like it when he comes back' that was the thought that kept her going.

Another month in and something unexpected happened, a carriage came, she rejoiced and ran towards it... but her son wasn't there.

Instead, a noble man departed the carriage and greeted her.

"Isabella Greenwood?" The man looked at her with a weird gaze, up and down.

"Y-Yes... where is my son?" She asked with despair, confirming to the man that this is indeed the person he was looking for.

He couldn't believe this young lady is Constantine's mother... she looks more like his older sister.

"Mr Constantine is not here, but he sent a delivery for you, Madam." He brought her a neat royal package that was slightly heavy.


"M-Madam?" The man tried to see what was going on with her, but aside from the sobbing and despaired woman, he saw nothing else.

Isabella's friends also tried to help her, eventually bringing her to her feet.

"Where is my son...?" She cried, this isn't what she had been expecting... how many more months does she has to wait?

"Your son is doing well in the academy madam, he has been rising up the ranks very quickly, you should be proud of being that little monster's mother. Then if you excuse me." The man got on the carriage and the horses began their departure.

Still sobbing, Isabella took that package and brought it to her house, running.

She tore it apart, hoping he would somehow be inside there... sadly, that didn't happen as ridiculous as it was. There were several things inside the package. A bottle, a letter, two pouches with money, a dress and a flower. With despair and tears, she opened the letter.

Nova began reading.


"To the most beautiful Mother."

"I'm sorry that you haven't heard anything from me for the past two months, mother... I have been busy, life here wasn't easy initially... I was bullied for not being noble, but... those dogs were all barking and not biting."

She giggled and cleaned her tears, yes... no one would ever be able to beat her son.

"I haven't made too many friends, but so far aside from Caroline... I have three, his name is Hector and he's a noble from another kingdom, his maid Saline who clearly has a crush on her master but he doesn't seem to notice, and lastly my teacher of the sword, Penelope... she- she's a beautiful lady, mother."

Isabella gritted her teeth, she saved that name, Penelope.

"But even then, there is no one in this capital that I have seen, that can even begin to compare to how perfect you are, mother... it was only after coming here that I realised that you were unmatched and that town is too small for you as well... I have been going on adventures, you know... doing my own thing... Caroline's father, the King of the Castile Dynasty is a nice man, but her mother didn't like me initially... it was only after a brief 'chat'... a long chat actually... that she began liking me... a little too much."

'You brat...' Isabella clenched the letter again, not knowing if she should laugh or cry as if she didn't know what kind of 'chat' was that!

With the Bloody Queen!

"Her name is Stella de Castile, I try to not be with her too much... but she reminds me of you... mother I miss you."

"I miss you too son, I love you..." She cried again, sad that he had to find a 'substitute'.

"In order to express my love for you... I got you a few things... one of them is a bottle of wine, it is called the 'undefeated'... it is one of the most expensive bottles here, I took a sip from it..."

"..." She looked at the bottle in disbelief before taking it and opening it, she took a sip straight from the gourd and it tasted wonderful, afterwards she began reading the letter, blushing profusely and having her heart palpitating madly.

"Did you feel my kiss? Did you kiss me as I expected you to? I hope you did... otherwise, it would be so sad if you already forgot me."

"I did, son... I did! How can I forget you!? How can I stop loving you?!" She licked her lips, how much she loved this man! how much she desired he was here... this letter was his personification, but it wasn't enough...

"I felt so thrilled to know that you would have this bottle... that even when I wanted to just place it closed, I had to kiss the tip, just so I could in some way... kiss your lips. There are two more things, one of them is a flower called Queen's Land, apparently, it is only raised here in the capital... it is extremely expensive but how curious, it can't begin to compare to you... nothing does."

"Oh my god..." She was reading and sobbing, in disbelief that these were her son's feelings through these months.

"The last is a dress, this one is relatively cheap... but it was created by an old lady who I consider a friend of sorts, even if we don't speak much, I saved her shop from some burglars... I asked her to make a dress for the woman of my dreams, who also happens to have silver hair... and she made this, please have it."

She opened the dress it was a long one-piece white dress, beautiful.

"I'm sorry that I can't send any more, this is as much as we're allowed to send outside the capital, I would send you a sea of flowers, I would even send myself in the envelope if possible, but we're not allowed to leave for another two months... you will find three pouches with golden coins, be careful while having them mother as they're quite valuable, take two for yourself and give one to the boys... I know they must have taken care of you... they're my bunch, tell them that I need them here in the capital... and... I need you too... if you want to come, mother, you can come, this is enough money for you to come."

"Son you want me to go..."

"Lately I have been feeling complicated... I think I love Caroline."


"But I can't stop thinking about you, I only get involved with ladies that remind me of you... but when I realise that they're not you... I leave them, they get upset with me, but there is nothing I can do, mother... they're not you."


"Caroline is so attentive, flirty... she likes me quite a bit, is comprehensive... she knows what I am doing and she doesn't like it... but she doesn't judge me either... I think I am going to begin something with her, but... I want to wait to know what you think... Mother, I love you... why can't I just tell you this openly... it is so sad... I hope to see you in two months unless... unless you come here with me."

"With love, your dearest son, Constantine Lionheart."

Once again that clash began... Isabella was despaired, after reading this letter she wanted nothing more than to see her son... to kiss him to make love to him, how dare he tempt her so from so far away? how dare he re-awake this euphoria with mere letters?

"I have to go, go to the capital straight away and forsake everything... I have to be with my son!"

But Nova... the Goddess... she cried in despair, her daughter was probably feeling sad... she hated it, she hated that he had to sleep with other women, it made her feel raw outright jealousy, but... the thought that he did those noble women while thinking of her was so banal and satisfying... even then, she had to plant her foot down

"Son I love you so much but... I can't go... if I go... you two won't be together... you will keep replacing me for others, that's not good."

This time, the moral battle between the two of them was more bloody, Isabella even clenched her hands until they bled, injuring the two of them... she didn't understand, if she wanted to go, why couldn't she just go?

Once again she blamed herself, she didn't love her son enough that's why... using 'I'm his mother' as an excuse, she was making her son sad, and she blamed herself for it.

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