The Goddess' Champion

Chapter 103 Past Memories

Chapter 103 Past Memories: Struggle & Passion I

Nova hummed, preparing her garden together with some girls and some of her friends, life was happy and the sun was shining. It had been two months since her son left again... she realised she wasn't pregnant... and that was perhaps... a relief.

She had been quite daring at that moment, desiring nothing but to get pregnant to somehow balance that woman side of hers that she had forsaken, perhaps giving Isabella some respite, but it hadn't resulted.

There had been issues across the months, apparently, some men grew more daring, going after her in a forceful manner, they were all taken down by her son's group... quite ruthlessly at that.

In this town, no one dared touch her... she had learned later that her son had paid a lot of money for her security... it wasn't just his group, their weapons and gears, apparently, he had created a faction and one of those groups was sent here, merely to take care of her.

Aside from smiling, she could do nothing else.

He wasn't here but his presence seemed to be noteworthy... she didn't know how he did it, but there were different flowers arranged in her house each time she came back from work, there were packages with clothes... the town lord came to tell her that the house's terrain had been expanded and she had more space to grow her flowers, there was even a well.

She didn't know if it was possible to love someone more than she loved her son... he was not here, but it felt as if he was.

Her days were bright even when it rained, Nova no longer masturbated... just looking at those paintings of herself with that satisfied smile was enough, she loved her son in body and spirit, wholeheartedly believing they were connected even when he wasn't present.

Life was wonderful until that letter came after a month of non-activity.


To my dearest Mother-in-law, Isabella Greenwood.

I wonder if you still remember me mother, it is me, Caroline... I'm writing you in my dear's stead... to tell you that he was just sent to the front in the war against the Heatherfell Kingdom who just declared war... I insisted on him against this... but he proactively enlisted himself after Master Penelope's recommendation... Mother, I couldn't stop him... depending on the length of this war, it might be months if not years before he comes back from the front, he told me to take care of you for the time being so I'm sending you this letter to let you know that I'll head to the town personally to fetch you back to the capital during his period in the front. I just happen to have several matters to attend to as the princess before I can do this.

Please wait for me patiently and don't feel discouraged, Constantine is a very strong man, a very strong but stubborn man...

Your beloved daughter-in-law, Caroline De Castille.

Second Princess of the Castille Dynasty.


Isabella's psyche collapsed.

Nova already knew the outcome of this war, yet she was unable to stop Isabella from beginning to imagine the worst scenarios, scenarios that the moment she saw them... disturbed her goddess' being as well.

Her knees went weak and she collapsed.



Isabella moved into the capital with Caroline, she got to know the place where the rich life, she was told of her son's struggle, he was admitted into the academy by the King but still abused due to his status... Caroline attended the Academy as well but one year higher, unlike her sisters who were fine ladies, she was interested in the art of fighting and stratagem, something that quickly placed her away from the rest of her royal family.

Isabella really liked and hated this girl at the same time, she like her because she was a perfect candidate to marry her son. She hated her because she was the perfect candidate to marry her son...

Caroline spoke openly about their private affairs, saying that she had to thank her... ever since he came back after his second holiday, he stopped almost all of his affairs here, it was a nasty event with those women getting really toxic. He eventually settled for her and after that, they had their first time together.

It itched a little in Isabella's heart, something that Caroline noticed in the carriage as they spoke.

"How many lovers does that brat have?" She rubbed her forehead in exasperation, that womanizer even though she told him to leave aside the 'replacements'.

But then she thought, perhaps he genuinely loved those ladies, they weren't replacements.

"Including you and me? four." Caroline said seriously, glaring even.


"W-What are you talking about?" That glared Isabella she sent back contained poison.

"What I mean is... that he is so attentive to mother that it almost looks as if you're a couple." Caroline giggled but her gaze didn't look very 'playful'.

"I see, yes... he's such a wonderful son." She glared back, not saying another word... any other mother would have thrown a fit 'How dare you to insinuate that!' but she didn't...

'What you're saying is the truth, but you won't hear it from my mouth.'

Those two glared at one another for a good two minutes before harrumphing and looking away.

Nova couldn't believe her eldest daughter's reincarnation was so childish, she thought so while pouting.


"And who are the others?" The curiosity was killing her, Caroline rolled her eyes.

"His master, Sword Saint Penelope..."

"That brat..." She thought in anxiousness, 'How could he be together with his master?'

As a matter of fact, how could he be together with his own mother?

"And my mother." Caroline blushed for some reason as if she got sudden shameful memory!

"That brat!!!" Isabella literally stomped on the carriage, 'How could he be with his girlfriend's mother?!'

'That little brat is breaking every possible taboo!'

It was an odd feeling for Nova, she felt jealous because Caroline was calling someone else's mother... and that same woman was also screwing her son.


As much as they were like water and oil, it was Caroline's presence that gave Isabella some rest.

She met both ladies... the Sword Saint Penelope... a breathtaking cold woman, about her age in her late thirties with long raven hair and a figure that would tempt any pope into committing a crime, and then, the Queen... yet again a blonde woman around her age, early forties... a rather displeased beautiful wife, an older copy of Caroline with mature charm... her husband spent most of his time either hunting or eating... he also had several concubines who were rather displeased, they didn't understand why that man enjoyed more eating than anything else, as for his sexual life? perhaps the bears were banging him and nobody knew...

The ladies had tea parties every week to discuss how the war was going on and news about Constantine... curiously, the only ones that knew in the entire Kingdom who his lovers were... was them.josei

Moreover, it seemed to be an untold secret, but they all believed something was going on between Isabella and her son.

Whenever they openly discussed his prowess in the bed, she felt uncomfortable, because it was a trap.... they were expecting her to come forward and said 'He did me like this...' but she wouldn't... she would take this secret to the tomb.


The time of waiting... two years during which Constantine only sent letters. He, at mere sixteen years of age, became the youngest general, he won prominent battles... his leadership capacity was unmatched... he almost died several times, he lost other battles, lost friends... lost soldiers... he had suffered... but he was still alive.

By his opponents he was known as 'The Carnage' because he would devastate his enemies so bloodily... that those he hadn't yet fought were already scared before stepping on the battlefield... his opponents were outright scared.

He set traps that marvelled other generals, ambushing groups and leaving their heads hanging... no one could believe this boy was sixteen years old. The biggest piece of surprise was yet to come.

Enemies researched him, they wanted to know what his weakness was, it wasn't long before they reached a name, Town of Duck... a small town on the outskirts of the kingdom, poor and unheard of, they technically lived due to the grace of the lord since no one cared about them.

But that was his weakness or so they believed... he had a mother there.

Constantine knew what his weakness was... and he knew they were going to go for their weakness... Placing a group of his in there wasn't merely to protect his mother, even if that was the primal purpose, in truth, he still cared about that town regardless of the past, it was his and his mother's home.

The ambush was brutal, and the spy... captured. He opened his mouth after relentless torture giving great information that would help Constantine in his campaign. Two months later, the war ended with Constantine taking the opposite general's head.

No one could believe it.

He came back to the capital, victorious but injured where he was received by those four ladies. When he saw his mother, he technically passed away in her arms.

"Welcome back."

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