The Goddess' Champion

Chapter 105 Past Memories

Chapter 105 Past Memories: Struggle & Passion III *

Nova, disagreeing with Isabella as always, decided to stay for another week instead of permanently moving to the capital, she was also worried about the town since the insurgents of the Heatherfell Kingdom went there in order to capture her.

It was unfair for her son, she could tell... he wanted to spend more time together and she too wanted to check and verify that his relationship with Caroline was going well. Aside from, of course, spending more time with him.

It was during those days that it happened... someone knocked on their door in the private lodgings of the academy... someone she didn't ever want to see again.

"Who are you?" Constantine opened the door, there was an old man in front with two beautiful ladies at either side... the two of them had silver hair whilst the old man had clean white hair.

"I'm Clarence Greenwood, your grandfather." He said, smiling with the brightest smile he could muster.

"..." Never in his life had Constantine heard that name. He knew his mother's name had 'Greenwood' in it, his name had 'Lionheart' in it from his father's accursed family, but nothing more... he didn't even know what his father's name was and he didn't care either. His time in the capital was not spent with noble families, that was usually Caroline's job.

"Sorry but I don't know you... get back to where you came." Constantine didn't have much to say, he was shrewd enough to know the purpose as to why they were coming.

"Can we talk? it is important." The old man insisted and the girls beside him regarded Constantine with a gaze filled with interest, Constantine imagined them to be his 'aunts' but they were quite young to be his mother's sisters.

Curious as to who was knocking on the door, both Caroline and Isabella walked by with their noble attires and the latter palled when she saw that person and those ladies beside him.

"Big sis!" The two girls immediately ran towards her, and embraced her tightly, something that only made Isabella pale further, Constantine didn't know what to say, he imagined they were acquainted, but his mother's next cold words would astound him and Caroline greatly.

"Release me." The silver-haired woman said, her gaze as chilling as the coldest ice.

"B-Big sis?" The girls didn't release her but instead looked at her with aggrieved expressions as if saying 'you don't remember us?'

"Stop your charade, I don't know who you are!" She pushed them away with apparent disgust and it was then that Caroline got in between, "Release my mother-in-law... Baron Greenwood, what is the meaning of this?"

"Isabella, my daughter, I think we can-" The man began, trying to approach her, but no one could have expected the maddened outburst that came out of the mother's mouth.


By the time she finished not only were spatial waves being produced, rendering everyone in the room slightly dizzy, but Nova was fiercely panting and looking at her father with enough poison to kill the entire capital.

When she realised what she did, she tried to regain her composure but the worry was evident.

'He will know...'

Never in his life had Constantine seen his mother fuming like this... she was red... she was filled with wrath, he even felt dizzy like there were a few additional kilos on his shoulder and even the old man had to support himself by grasping the doorframe.

'Nova?' There it was, that foreign voice.

Isabella gasped slightly, looking sideways briefly in confusion. She heard that voice, where did that come from? everyone was looking at her in a mix of awe and bewilderment.

'Dear, is that you?'

'W-Who are you?' Isabella thought back, feeling slightly scared, the appearance of her family together with this was producing her a great deal of stress.

'...' Nova remained silent, he musn't know...of all high-gods, he musn't know... it was incredibly difficult to conceal herself from him, now... she messed up... she couldn't believe she lost her control like that, but when she recalled all that pain, and after all these years these people came to pretend to be family, she couldn't help it... if this was not just her soul but her entire divine being... just now... this planet and all surrounding stars might not have survived.

It wouldn't have been a mere space ripple, it would have been a spatial cataclysm.

Constantine didn't understand where all that wrath came from, but since their mere sight was something that pissed her off, he quickly got to action.

"You heard my mother, get lost... I don't want to see any of you again around here, if you dare to so much as approach my mother or this house, you will all be goners, understood?!" Constantine mercilessly pulled those young ladies who apparently had been 'faking it' and threw them all out of his house together with the old man before slamming the door right on their faces.

"Mother are you okay?" He came to her, holding her cheeks, Isabella looked confused, even Caroline was worried, just now she felt such a killing intent, the harmless mother apparently wasn't so harmless... with how much harshness she had lived, it made sense.

"E-Eh... n-no I heard a voice just now."

"Relax, I threw them away."

Isabella heard the voice no more and thought that perhaps it had been her imagination.

"Thank you... thank you, son." She cried in his arms, she hoped to never meet them again, let alone in these circumstances, it was evident... their rundown family wanted to claim something now from her son who was now a Count and would soon be the King. They could only dream.

Still, she wondered where those words come from... those hadn't been her words, moreover... 'Mortals?' her mind was turning slightly fuzzy and when Constantine checked her up, she was hot... they placed her on the bed and called some nurse who said she merely had a slight fever,

Constantine and Caroline both noticed the usage of that word, even the latter felt a little... peculiar. She felt a little nauseated just now, but they didn't give it much thought.

Until the next day when even a worse individual came, and he was prepared.



"Who are you?" It was so obvious, the only thing he took from his mother was her hair, everything else was so 'alike' to this man that he felt disgusted.

"My name is Harrow Lionheart... your father."

The man stood there with his open arms and an entire entourage of ten knights behind him, all looking at Constantine solemnly, sadly, those arms weren't going to hold anyone in a hug today.

It was as if myriad volcanoes were about to erupt, when Isabella saw this man, she immediately started sobbing... and when their eyes made contact and that bastard smiled, her tears came out.josei

Constantine was about to slam the door on this person's face, it was that or killing him by mistake, but Caroline stopped him while shaking her head, tightening her hand so much around his wrist to stop him from directly blasting this person's face.

"Dear.. he's a duke, please..." She was still the Queen to be.

"Caroline..." His gaze contained request and longing, 'Let me kill him', but he knew this time he'd have to relent, Caroline never asked for anything, she never demanded anything, the last thing he would do was anything that would tarnish her image or future prospects, therefore... he held back.

"Please, allow him to speak, then Duke Lionheart can be on his way." The blonde addressed the man with the utmost poison, making it clear... 'say what you have to say and then leave'.

The entire entourage entered his lodging before he took a sit in front of the regal table; then one of those knights walked forward. She took her helmet and placed it on the table, revealing a beautiful auburn hair before sitting next to the Duke.

Constantine sat with his mother on one side and Caroline on his other side, each seemed to be holding his hands like the shackles of a beast. Isabella glared at this man who glared in return with a gaze filled with playfulness.

"You're way more beautiful than before, Isabella."

"If you look at my mother for another second-" Constantine wasn't going to take any crap, and the Duke seemed to understand, he wouldn't piss off the 'carnage'.

"Sure... I don't want to antagonise you, son."

"Don't call him 'son'..." Isabella technically growled, perhaps she'd be the one to jump at him and twist his neck past the limit, the memories of that night were long forgotten and rewritten by her son, but the mere sight of this person was already causing her repelling.

"He's my son."

"You left."

"You never loved me anyway." He dared to excuse himself.

"It doesn't matter if I didn't love you or not! you should have been responsible for what you did!" That's what she should have said back then, right now she was just thankful that he left, the problem is, why did he have to show up again?

"I couldn't be with a woman that hated me."

"Stop with your bullshit! you abused me! what do you think I would do, applaud!?"

"We don't have time for nonsense... Duke Lionheart... state what you want and leave..." Caroline saw that things were heating up and as much as she wanted to keep being polite, she was the only one in this group of three that didn't want to jump and slaughter that man, and even she held the thought of switching positions.

"If you'd allow me, Count Lionheart." The woman beside the Duke spoke, her sight fixed on Constantine, he too glanced at her with sharpness, this woman is a great warrior and he can tell.

"And you are?" He asked.

"My name is Alisha Lionheart... your younger sister. I have been wanting to meet you for a long time, brother... but I didn't dare until now." Her voice contained respect, but alas... Constantine's eyes were judging, just bearing the Lionheart name would be a cross that would never allow them to see each other to the eye, at least not now.

"Until you saw there was something you could take out of me?"

"It's not like that, brother!" She stood up, trying to explain but she wasn't allowed to.

"It doesn't matter, you have not yet said your purpose here... state it and leave." Constantine stated, it was clear, either you say what you want now, or I will throw you out.

"We'd like to officially recognise you as a member of the Lionheart Family..." Harrow said with a complicated expression, he knew they'd deny but he was prepared.

"I refuse." He said, obviously. Caroline sighed... it would be the best for them if he didn't but she couldn't go against his decision in this matter, it was personal.

"But you can't refuse~" The Duke smirked.

"I REFUSE!" It was then that Constantine stood up with a headstart, enraged and forsaking the 'shackles'.

As a response, all the guards pointed their lances at him from a prudent distance, "Please general, we don't want to fight." They said, his reputation spoke on its own, perhaps all of them here might not be able to defeat him, this man was more of a beast than a man... so long as he had a sword, which he had hanging by his side, who couldn't he kill?

"Then hurry up and get lost!"

"You have the royal surname Lionheart and I have witnesses to prove my and your mother's relationship... our entire family wants you, not just me... they're sorry, they even scorn me. By acknowledging this you will own a part of our family's heirloom, what originally belongs to you... what is wrong with joining your new territory to ours when yours is already smaller...? You're a single count yet we're a Dukedom existing for centuries, son... it is you gaining in here, not us... I merely want to extend courtesy and fill the gap for all the years that I wasn't present."

"You're disgusting, Harrow..." Those were Isabella's words, she knew nothing about politics, but there was so much pretentiousness in there, such a disgusting man, she could only apologise to her son for giving him such a horrible father even if it wasn't her fault or choice.

"..." He held no comment, instead, he waited for Constantine's answer.

"The one that will be the KING is MY son... do you want a piece of that?~" It was as if she became another person, her voice became suggestive and poisonous to the point everyone in the room swallowed a gulp, she took her son's wrist and sat him back beside her, but there was something else she did with his wrist...

Constantine and Caroline didn't get her tone, until they both saw how she took Constantine's hand and placed it on her crotch!


Constantine gasped, even if they had already made some sort of public 'shows' before, this was too much!

As for Caroline, she couldn't even believe what she was seeing but the two of them quickly went back to normal while Isabella kept devastating the Duke with words, meanwhile, she made sure to take her son's fingers and place them straight on top of her moistening lips, panting.

This was her own personal show, perhaps her own personal vanity displaying.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Harrow said, he noticed an obvious chance in Isabella that made him grit his teeth, he had seen her on the streets walking with Constantine, she was astounding, it was a lie to say that he didn't hold hopes in this meeting... not only could he annexe the powerful Constantine back to the family and eventually bring them up to the Royal Family, but he could get his hands in this exquisite beauty that he missed every single day and regretted having left.

But that didn't seem like it was going to happen at all.

"He's a hundred times more man than you ever were or will, Harrow... how do you even dare to call him son? you should be his grandson instead... my son is not even eighteen and look where he is. With his own effort, with his own strength, no pitiful family backing him down and forced marriages in his stead" Isabella giggled, each word was like a deep stab, and she made sure to 'stab' Constantine's fingers deep in her cunny as well.

"Look at him, unlike you, my son can get any woman he wants with his own strength and charm, your Lionheart Family can only dream of getting him, you're all not worthy."

"Y-You!" Alisha glared at her with threat, her insulting Harrow was understandable, but her words towards the Lionheart Family were uncalled for. But when her gaze met her brothers' she knew she had to back off... this is 'The Carnage'... not just Constantine Lionheart.

While smirking, while feeling empowered, Isabella took her son's fingers beneath the table encouraging him to continue while her other hand went to his crotch and she grasped his so possessively, so addicted.

There was no mortal feeling that could ever beat this retribution, they could dream of getting him only to fail unsuccessfully, but she only needed to open her mouth and her son would topple this Kingdom to get her a single flower. He'd be the king, he had the current queen diligently kneeling and sucking him off behind her husband's back to the point she didn't seem to care whether he discovered them or not, she shamelessly dragged her husband's concubines into her lover's bed; he had the queen-to-be following his every word and begging for his seed every morning, the most powerful woman in this land. The Sword Saintess everyone respected in the entire continent melted on his lips.

Foreign Empresses craved him themselves, considering themselves too old to even compete; they sent their princesses over to be mere concubines.

Yet they could all only dream to get what she had from the beginning, even before he became what he is. It was such an odd feeling, she couldn't describe it, while Isabella considered herself unqualified for anything, Nova considered herself deserving of everything.

It was now that she understood mortal vanity, greed and power; the feelings that 'he' felt and turned him into what he is now: a wretched powerful being. These feelings were difficult to discard. She felt that compared to overthrowing the endless stars, this power was greater.

Constantine didn't know what to do, his gaze moved to cross Caroline's who was glaring at him with the ultimate 'look'.

She has gone insane!

"Your insults are meaningless, Isabella... I know my errors... I should have taken care of my son earlier, but when I went to the Greenwood family, you were no longer there, what could I have done?! even now I still love you..."

Constantine grit his teeth, he introduced four fingers inside her pussy in one go and tightened them with possessiveness. Caroline saw everything, she licked her lips, now they're not even pretending, what about the Taboo? what about keeping it secret... she saw her fiance shamelessly introducing his fingers into his mother's cunt, right in front of these people as if it was the most normal thing in the world, and it was as if a fire lit up in her... if before she wanted them gone.

Now they had to leave no matter what!

Isabella kept her composure, but deep inside her... Nova was moaning to the heavens.

"You have nothing to look for here, Harrow... we don't want you, you are not welcomed... leave..."

"I told you that you can't-"

"If you don't leave in the next ten minutes... I will kill all of you here..." Constantine wasn't playing... he seriously needed all of them to leave this room empty.


"Do you think you can kill all of us together?!"

"We won't know until we try... but after I kill you... I'll tell my fiance here to be a dear and ask my father-in-law to not be too upset... then we will find your oldest son and make him the new Duke... and nothing happened here..." It was simple, Constantine merely needed to speak a word to the king, so long as the entire Lionheart family was not erased, there wouldn't be a diplomatic issue, only Harrow's head needed to roll.


And the Duke knew; the family wouldn't go against the carnage, the future queen and the current royal court only for Harrow.

"Or you can leave my sight right now." The Conqueror smirked, 'Always leave your enemy a golden retreating bridge to cross.'

"Can we keep in contact?" Alisha asked hopefully, she knew it was a failure today, but she held hope for the future, she truly respected her brother and wanted to keep in touch with him, he was the ultimate warrior, the path she had chosen.

"So long as you don't try to make anything funny... I hate your family, I feel disgusted by it... the only reason you're still alive after what you did to my mother... is because I can't bear to ruin my fiances' reputation... I'm going to be her husband and hence... I can't start killing nobles left and right... do you understand? Harrow?"

The man grit his teeth and nodded.

"And you don't need to worry about his surname... after we marry, he's going to marry into my family, He's going to be Constantine De Castile... so you can keep your Lionheart surname for yourself if you're so proud of it." Caroline said, coldly, every second that they remained here was another second her crotch tingled.

Once again, the man nodded throwing Isabella a glare that turned into confusion.

The lady was too busy, panting with her hands under the table, one of them was already inside her son's trousers, squeezing the sack.

"It is good that you know, now leave."

The entire entourage stood up, bowed and with bitterness departed the house.

"Brother..." Alisha remained and he frowned at her, it was better if she left quickly because he could barely hold back.


"I'm sorry for my father's attitude... we all are, I hope you can forgive the Lionheart family... even grandfather would like to meet you."

"Alisha!" Harrow felt outraged, how could his own daughter do him like this!?

The entire entourage closed the door after departing, leaving an awkward silence that was only interrupted by some sloshing noises and moans.

Constantine lifted his mother's dress, he noticed she was dripping and staining the entire seat.

"So...?" Caroline furrowed her brows, standing up to look at her fiance fiercely.

"You already know..." Isabella told Caroline with an accusatory gaze, she knew... Stella knew, Penelope knew... they all knew, just there was no confirmation... she couldn't take it anymore, to not be acknowledged.

"I would have liked it if you told me... even if I knew, dear."

"How could I ever tell you this... mother what happened to-" He was about to tell her what happened to keep it a secret, but he couldn't finish.

Isabella held his head and planted a deep kiss, a sealing kiss.

Caroline once again licked her lips.

"I wanted to show you who I belong to... that man means nothing to me." Conviction.

"I never doubted it..."

Isabella stood up, discarding her dress much to Constantine's amazement before sitting on his lap, she took his penis out of his trousers and pointed it upwards.

"Do you want to do it together?" She asked Caroline, giving him a few pumps.

"..." Caroline smiled before tilting her head sideways in confusion.

"Don't play the fool, my little daughter-in-law... I know you do it with Penelope and him... you also do it with your mother and him."


"If I have to guess you also invite a few concubines sometimes..."


"Is that why you always look at me with a jealous expression? Because I always get him for my own, while you all have to share?~" Now she was unrestrained.

"You're unfair, mother." Caroline said, smirking and standing up, discarding her dress as well.

Constantine felt like it was Christmas today... the two he always wanted together, the two ladies that he loved the most, it finally happened.

"Don't get used to it... I'm still leaving but, I figured we could have some nice memory- ahn!~" Isabella impaled herself to the base while Constantine struggled to take out his shirt.

She began rocking her waist while Caroline took her man's lips, she couldn't believe it.

These two are mother and son, yet... she's shaking her hips with such doctrine.

What made her the most frightened was that two mere minutes later, she was forced to see him climax harshly inside Isabella, cumming so much that it overflow on the edges.

She gasped.

"Why did you come so quickly?!" Caroline yelled in outrage, confusing Isabella.

"..." Constantine scratched his head in shame... he had no words to say. He'd usually have them come at least three times before he came once... that obviously wasn't the case with his mother.

Without stopping, Isabella turned around facing him with her back before her humping down once and again... as Isabella and as Nova, this felt so intimate.

Her insides stirred, she moaned to the skies while Constantine suppressed his pleasure, she was tighter than ever before, he didn't know what happened but today his mother was... a little too aggressive.

Nova was making love to her 'son' while her 'daughter' was looking, she wanted to give her best performance... she didn't want him to do anything other than sit there and enjoy.

Encircling her waist she made him cum twice, caressing the head she made him cum thrice... tightening herself by crossing her legs, fourth... Caroline couldn't believe it.

Even more so, when she raised up from his flacid member, pumping him a few times only for it to get hard again, then placed it against her asshole, she lewdly took some of his cum to coat it for lubrication while Caroline gulped, hard.

She then took it right in.


"What are you doing?!" Caroline yelled frantically, making Nova confused... why does her daughter look so agitated?

'It can't be, right?'

"You haven't done it like this with them...?"

He shook his head in shame.

"Constantine!" Caroline felt outraged... this couldn't be possible, whenever they were together, she was hopeless, she couldn't do anything to fight back, yet he hadn't even been using his entire arsenal?!

The man didn't know what to say... if they couldn't even take the basics, how could he go to the next level? The first time they were together he noticed it... compared to his mother, Caroline was rather... easy to please.

And it wasn't only her... compared to the rest, perhaps due to her youth, she was rather resistant. Her mother Stella, didn't need more than a single round... a single round! her body was flawless, but he resisted... she would always finish him twice or thrice more with her mouth, that or bring some concubines over to finish him for the rest of the night.

Then there was his master, Penelope... she was also rather resistant... but... she was too sensitive... biting her nipples was enough to make her cum.

Constantine didn't know why, but the three of them didn't really last that long compared to his mother who could take the entirety of his roughness for days without rest, in beauty no one could beat her, in the bed no one could beat her.

'Oh my... I think I shouldn't have done this...' Nova thought It was a mistake to have anal in front of Caroline. She wanted to flaunt; show Caroline that yes, she was in her forties, but no... no one could fuck her son better than her, she knew all his weaknesses, his favourite positions, even showing her neck since it exited him, she knew everything... and she instinctively thought that so did they.

Alas, that was not the case, it would be an insult to infants to call them toddlers.

"Son, y-you can't neglect them like this..." She felt ashamed now, ashamed but happy.

"M-Mother... what we do... other couples don't do... I felt ashamed to do those things with them, they'd believe I am a pervert." For one anal sex is extremely rare... not a single one of the ladies in the noble status does it... they all hate it, and they say it is 'painful' which is right.

Prostitutes do it if requested, but they hate it.

Aside from his mother, he hadn't done it with anyone and obtained such a positive reaction.

"Aren't you a pervert?" both of them glared at him with conviction, that wasn't a question, it was an affirmation... this bastard couldn't even have normal lovers like everybody else.

His mother, his master and his mother-in-law... and if their suspicions were right, then surely his new bombshell sister too... perhaps he'd add aunts but Isabella would never forgive him.

"I am, but I have to dissimulate." He sighed, grunting slightly when a reproachful Isabella began swinging her asshole down.

"H-How can you use that hole? doesn't it hurt?!"

"It does at first... but... he made sure to loosen me up first." Still rocking slowly, Isabella placed a finger on her lips and recalled those times, yes, perhaps from back then it became pleasurable.

From those days in the bathroom when her son would thoroughly 'clean' her asshole, loosening it up in the process.

"Loosen up?" Caroline's hair stood on an end.

"Come here, my daughter, I will teach you." Now she felt pity... it was clear that Caroline's confidence as a woman just received a great strike. She couldn't bear to see her daughter like this.

"..." Caroline gulped, she felt that the 'daughter' call was a little personal.

The Goddess of Space had certainly become an expert in the matters of the flesh with her son, and it wasn't long before Caroline was experiencing the ecstasy of her life, her man's last form, from that day on, just like her mother, The Goddess of Luck preferred it up her ass... not that she would reveal that publically.

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