The Goddess' Champion

Chapter 107 Past Memories

Chapter 107 Past Memories: Peaceful Days II

"Are you okay, Isabella?!"

Stella and Swan were both helping Isabella, she was puking harshly, for the last few days she wasn't feeling quite well, now all of the sudden while gardening, she puked.

It took several spits before Isabella fell with a pale countenance.

"I don't feel very well."

"We should take you to the capital."

"Did you take your potion, Isabella?" Stella frowned and asked, earning Isabella's evasive gaze.

"What do you mean, of course-" Swan interjected.

"I didn't... I didn't take anything... to stop pregnancy."

"..." The queen and concubine were left speechless.

"W-What are you talking about, Isabella...?"

"Stella, I didn't prevent it in any way... please, don't judge me." What Isabella desired so much might be happening just now, yet she felt nothing but apprehension, it wasn't in her plans that these ladies would be here to realise everything.

"He's your son!" Stella growled.

"..." But all she earned was Isabella's silence.

"Why?" The two noble ladies asked, pale... they knew what this meant exactly, if she said she took the potion they could still rule it as a normal illness, but if she didn't.

"Why does a woman... need an excuse to have a child with the man she loves..."

"Isabella you shouldn't have..."

"I know I shouldn't but... I couldn't stop myself!"

"We need to send him a letter."

"NO!" Isabella denied right away, earning the pair's ire.


"Don't tell me you think he won't like it." Stella didn't want to think about that possibility, it was obvious Constantine would be overjoyed with the news.

"No, I know he will... that's the problem... I was thinking of... giving in adoption, but I-" Isabella's voice shivered as she spoke about it, she wanted to take care of the child for a while at least.

"That is the best option." Stella followed by a worried Swam, their words ended up turning her paler.

"B-But Stella, I was thinking that maybe-"

"Isabella... it is your son's son... or daughter!"


"What will you tell him when he grows up?! He sees his... b-brother... or his father and they're... alike ugh... it is so complicated..." Just by thinking of the seniority, she was already feeling a headache, the thought of aborting never crossed her mind, but she only hoped the child would have no difficulties or malformations.

"..." The more Isabella heard Stella, the worse she felt as if she really didn't give too much consideration to this before forsaking the potion.

"If it was me I could still pass him as my husband's child but you..."

"With silver hair?"

"I'd just said his grandpa had silver hair or something... that's not the point, Isabella." Seeing that the mother was trying to divert the situation both Queen and Concubine grounded her up.

"What if I never tell him...? I could not tell him or her who their father is! can't it be fixed then?!" Her mind was no longer thinking rationally, at this stage it would always be Nova who would try to make Isabella reason, but... Nova didn't know what to do, she wanted this child.

"Can you bear to do that?" They asked, could she bear to never tell her children, to always see Constantine as if he is their brother, would Constantine accept that? it was too complicated and perhaps they were already exaggerating everything and she wasn't even pregnant, but... instinct told them she must be.

Isabella sobbed only to be embraced by both women tightly, their warmth only increased her disconsolate sobs.

"Dear, listen to me... it is not good... you must understand, I know what you mean, it is not even my child and I'm devastated, but it is not good... for you, for Constantine, for them..."


"You can't take this child's life... but you could look after it from a distance... it is something that shouldn't have happened... we have to tell Constantine. If this is ever known it could impact his status harshly."

Isabella nodded reluctantly.

"Let me do it... please let me tell him myself when I'm ready."


"He's coming in two months, I will tell him then."

"Two months... by then your belly."

"Yes, I will have no option."

"You two should go back to the capital, Stella you're still the Queen you can't stay here for too long."

"I know I know... I think I am already loosened up~" Stella giggled and placed a kiss on Isabella's cheek.

"Thank you."

"Always... please take care of yourself." Even though Isabella wanted to say her farewells in a better way, there were still too many thoughts in her mind.

Penelope knelt down to hold her belly, "Yes, take care of yourself... it is his child... regardless of whether you're his mother or it is mine."

"Thank you for understanding me." Isabella couldn't have hopped for better friends, one way or another, at least she could tell them her issues, her taboo and they'd not judge her.

"What about the town's people? what will you tell them." Swan inquired.

"It was just a tryst with some man that I didn't know very well, just say I felt lonely..." Nova couldn't think of a better excuse... it was safe to say that aside from her son, no one in the town had seen her close to any other man.

She'd usually go to meetings with the girls, it was always surprising to see that these townsfolk didn't even know they were in front of their queen, they were so far off the capital and the kingdom's business, perhaps they didn't even know there was a war for two years if not for this town being attacked due to Constantine.

In any case, they would ask and she needed an answer.

With everything settled Penelope and Stella were on their way back to the capital while Isabella stayed with Swan who adopted a position of nanny of sorts, she couldn't leave Isabella alone even though she knew her absence would be noticed in the royal court.

That day they slept on the bed embracing each other and Isabella was filled with anxiousness, what would her son think? would he be disappointed? he always insisted on her taking the contraceptives, yet she rebelled without consulting him.

"Why are you afraid?" Swan caressed her face lightly, noticing she couldn't sleep.

"I think he will hate it."

"You're overthinking... he's never like that."

"I mean, he will hate that we give them in adoption... he will hate me for this, Swan."

"..." The Concubine sighed and decided to remain silent, pressing the woman's head in her boobs, hopefully with them as a pillow, she'd sleep properly.

"Is this too bad, Swan? is it bad for him as a King? For Caroline?"

"There are ways to go about it... but the problem isn't really the public... the problem is the child... Constantine is powerful, do you think anyone dares to not acknowledge what he says after he becomes the King? Isabella, it is not normal... when he or she grows up... and she or he knows that her brother is her father t-that... it is not good."

Isabella sobbed once again, she knew..

"He might have some health issues as well. I have seen cases in noble families; they lay with their own family members sometimes, it is common between nobles. Apparently a disease of such is more common when it happens between mother and son... or father and daughter, than between siblings."

"Stop... okay... I understand." Just imagining that her child would come with some sort of health issue... was devastating.

"Don't worry, I'm here with you, I'm sure Constantine will be as well... you two can then decide what you will do... I'm sure he will support you with whatever decision you make." At least that's what Swan hoped, she didn't want to force Isabella into anything.



Two months passed and apparently, Stella and Penelope had kept their words of not saying anything...  something happened that became apparent quite quickly. Her belly was growing too big too soon.

It was confirmed that she was pregnant, but... it was confirmed that it wouldn't be just a single baby.

"It is too big, Isabella, this is at least... five months or six..." The woman said, standing by Isabella's side beside the mirror, there was a rather big bulge which Isabella was looking at with stars in her eyes.

"M-Maybe I was pregnant from earlier?" How could she not know how a normal pregnancy is? she had already given birth to Constantine and two months after she began feeling sick her belly was barely bulging; still, she had to think of that possibility since it was quite a long time ago that she stopped protecting herself against pregnancy at all, they were also quite 'active' sexually so she having her first symptoms later than usual was a possibility, her period had also ended around those days.

"I don't think so... I think you're having more than one child at once." Swan furrowed her brows, the problem is, even for two kids... this is a little too big.


"Probably twins... but even for twins I believe this size..."

"M-More than two?" Let alone, Isabella, even Nova was scared... giving birth to gods was so much easier than giving birth to babies... Constantine had been painful.

"We don't know, we should head with the local doctor, come on... Constantine should be on his way." They said, heading towards the nearest doctor.

As expected her pregnancy had left everyone in the town awestruck while most men felt heartbroken, they didn't even know who was the bastard who dared to have a tryst with her and leave, surely he knew that once Constantine came back he'd be fucking dead, so he fled before the worst came upon.


There were also those who were desperately waiting for the child to be born merely to confirm their suspicions, who the real father of this child was, it was mostly females but they believed that child to be Constantine's.

When the aforementioned count arrived, Isabella's plans had been messed up, she wanted it to be a beautiful surprise over some barbecue... but her belly was so big that he knew the moment he saw her, the bouquet of flowers he was holding in his hands fell hopelessly.

The men felt bad for him, thinking he was devastated while the girls paid attention to his every reaction.

"M-Mother." He gasped.

Isabella remained silent while his arms embraced her tightly.

"H-How?" He didn't know... last time he saw her was two months ago... and there was no belly, how could her belly have grown up so much in merely two months?!

"Swan says it could be triplets o-or more..." She was scared.



Constantine pulled her away from that place, the conversation, the feelings in his chest couldn't be held, he was red. Everyone thought he was fuming in anger and he'd scold his mother behind closed doors. But once the doors closed and Swan kept everyone away from the house, he couldn't keep it anymore.

"WE'RE HAVING TRIPLETS! ISABELLA WE'RE HAVING TRIPLETS!" Constantine cried, kneeling down and holding her belly, this was the greatest news he had ever heard, not only was she pregnant but there were three!

Truthfully, Constantine had been worried, he had sexual relationships with plenty of women in a daily basis, he didn't hold back from filling them up, any of them. The only one that never protected herself (at least that he knew) was Caroline, yet she wasn't pregnant yet which made him believe he had some issues.

But Isabella's pregnancy just confirmed that not only wasn't he infertile but he had quite a lot of virility to put three kids there in one go, they were also kids with the woman he loved the most, he might as well throw a banquet.

"Son..." Isabella sobbed, it was as she expected, he was so happy... she began doubting.

"Why aren't you happy..." Constantine's expression changed when he didn't see happiness in her expression, they should be throwing out the ceiling at a party and explode in joy, yet she looks troubled.

"You know why... I am happy... I am so happy but... you know why..."

"No one needs to know..." He kissed her, rubbing her belly and clouding the doubts that she had in her mind, maybe... the seniority wasn't so much of a problem, maybe it didn't matter as much as she believed.

"... we will see." That's the answer she gave, a reluctant and pensive answer.

"This is something we have to celebrate!"

As always his enthusiasm increased her mood, they had a nice barbecue, and many people in the town were surprised, most of them expected Constantine to outright reject her pregnancy, she said it was a mistake but she'd give birth anyway, but still it made those who were already rather sure that something was going on, to confirm their suspicions even if they kept their mouths shut.

No son would ever be happy about his mother getting pregnant from some unknown man that escaped, but Constantine didn't care, it was his happiness and no one would plunder it from him.

A nice barbecue, a nice walk in the forest... Constantine shared this moment with Isabella and Swan, thanking the latter with everything he got, she had taken care of his mother during this period, something that he was just too appreciative of.



"How are you feeling?" He said, thrusting inside her pussy slowly... holding her bloating abdomen like it was a treasure.

"Ohh~s-son t-this is the best, uhm~ k-keep going."

Nova grit her teeth, this was so good that she felt it was unfair; perhaps of her own motherly exhilaration, this was the best intercourse she ever had, she and her babies were being spoiled left and right.

The room was lit up with soft candles, the bed coated with roses and Constantine made sure to get the softest one there was... her head resting on Swan's soft tights while the latter smiled and played with her hair, encouraging her for who knows what.

Her legs were spread and resting on soft pillows, while her son did a slow yet deep piston, going all the way out... then inside against her vulnerable cervix that kissed his head with every stroke.

"This is so good..." The pleasure was slow, tolerable... like a delightful massage that didn't corrode the mind but instead soothed the body, her vagina was being soothed for the hard work that she'd surely need to pull out when these troublemakers decided to come out.

Constantine smirked, holding his babies that were still inside her womb, thrusting in and out, the pleasure was mutual, the presence of the babies seemed to have created a sort of tightness and it also compelled him to go slow and enjoy each piston to his heart's content, he didn't want to injure them in any way, but how could he not make love to the love of his life in this situation? they wouldn't be able to past a certain point, especially since her belly was bulging quite quickly.

When he felt himself reaching the end, he placed his hands at either side of her waist and adjusted his angle.

"I'm going faster."

She held his arms as a response, nodding... and the soft impacts started against her crotch.

Constantine raised his head to seal Swan's waiting lips while thrusting in fast but soft, not banging on that door as he would have loved, the sprint was a short one and he ended up sheathing himself to the limit and exploding inside once again.

"Ahn!~ AHN!~" The entire setting, the ecstasy... Nova could only stick out her tongue in pleasure, why she didn't know... but this was the most pleasurable intercourse she had with her son, at least that's how she ranked it... this was the number one and perhaps it wouldn't ever be topped.

While releasing his load he devoured Swan's lips, doing a steady crotch piston to release several loads of joy while Isabella's body shook and squirmed, receiving all that seed that sadly had no purpose since she was already pregnant, it's not like another baby would be made and added to the count.

Several seconds it took before he released himself leaving a white cascade while Isabella panted.

"Did you like that?"

"Yes." She couldn't raise up to kiss him, hence, she just plucked her lips out like a spoiled mummy and he smirked, coming down to grace her lips.

"Want to do it again?"

"Yes, please. But... let me rest, even if I don't move, m-my vagina is still sensitive. swan... switch."

"Fufu~ you're tired already? it has been just once." The concubine never lost a chance to kick the dog when it is down, Isabella always boasted her stamina yet look at her. Pleasured, surrendered and fatigued.

"T-This isn't easy you know. Son, please do me a favour and bully this beauty." It was easy for Isabella to get her vengeance.

Swan smirked and placed Isabella's head on a pillow before tumbling by her side in the recklessness of kisses with her lover.

"You know, I-I am loose now..." She said when he pinned her down and spread her legs.

"Ah? you too? that's the same thing Stella and Penelope said... what were you all doing while I wasn't here, huh?" Constantine chuckled and pulled Swan's slim waist, he pressed against her asshole slightly and sure enough, it wasn't as tight as it should be.

"I stuck my finger up their asses for a long while every night, we also... played for a bit... for some reason, they thought if it was my finger instead of theirs... it would make a difference, well it actually did, they were too scared to do it with their own fingers." Isabella explained, a little ashamed that she had indeed reached a deeper level of understanding with Stella, Penelope and Swan, perhaps since the four of them were the group of 'mature ladies' who could only envy Caroline and the 'newcomer' Alisha.

That said, Constantine prepared himself to check how 'loose' she was, he still lubed her properly with his cum before going forward.josei

"Oh my god!~ uhm!~" Swan grit her teeth and held tightly against the bedsheets buckling her hips while that cock invaded her insides relentlessly, he was already lubricated enough with Isabella's juices and it wasn't going in with difficulty.

But compared to a finger, this was something else...

"Do you like this, my love?" He asked her worried, thinking that she was going to far for his sake while taking her breasts and playing with them to ease a little of her pain. Swan was by far the most beautiful woman in the royal court, perhaps even more than Stella and equal to his mother... but Stella was a great empress and manager while Swan could barely read and write, she had been a noble all her life, the favourite one of her father. Spoiled by maidens and educated merely in the arts of dancing and drawing.

She had never been 'roughed' until he fucked her, not even the King dared to treat her anything different from a breakable piece of glass.

The two of them also held a little secret which made him prefer her over the rest of the concubines.

From that moment he made love to her 'roughly' she was hooked, even now her face said it all with that delicious tongue trying to squeeze out the deeper he went, she was loving this.

"I-It feels... weird but, nice... p-push it in more ahn!~"

"You're enjoying this so much, huh?"

"It is so much better than your finger." When the pistons started, slow... Swan's mind got progressively corroded, it was then that Isabella gasped as her son turned into literally someone else... just like he'd usually do her... now he was doing Swan.

It was a fierce push forward that sheathed him to the maximum.

"YES! YES!! AHNN!!~"

Several seconds later, he exploded inside the concubine, holding her ass tightly as they slumped down beside Isabella; he was always weak against anal sex, perhaps that's the reason he loved it so much, compared to the usual intercourse, it was tighter, more pleasurable and also, wicked... it would be fake if he said he wasn't turned up doing the King's favourite concubine from the back door that no one ever touched or would ever touch.

"So, what's the verdict?"

"You don't need to use my pussy anymore... let's do this from now on." Swan was hooked, she panted heavily and contemplated her entire life until now, perhaps... 'Have I been using the wrong hole all along? Why does this feel so much better? am I peeing from the right hole too? is that even possible?'

Her mind was a mess.

"Can't do... I like your pussy." He retorted, holding her stained rear cheeks and making her shiver.

"T-Then you can use both but, do it behind more... alright?"

They reached an agreement.


"What are you going to do?" Isabella and Constantine asked Swan.

"I need to go back or my husband will suspect... perhaps he already suspects but he doesn't care~" She sent a mysterious wink in Constantine's way while the latter merely smirked, Isabella just wondered what was happening with those two.

"Doesn't he love you?" She asked.

"Oh no, he loves me... we go on dates a lot, but those dates never end with... this~" She pointed at her backdoor which was a little swollen and red.

"Who do you love more? your husband or me, huh?" He pulled her towards his body, pressing forward. he took it out of her ass to press it against her snatch as if she was at gunpoint.

"If I don't like the answer, I'm going in~"

"Y-You know I can't answer that... Constantine, he's your father-in-law... and he hasn't been bad with you either."

"You make it look like I'm the one at guilt."

"You are!"

"Is that the case?"


"When I went to that royal dinner... weren't you there opening your legs on the other side with no underwear..."

"That was a mistake! ahn!~ s-stop teasing me."

"You allowed your folk to fall and politely asked me to take it for you... turns out it was all the way on the other side under the table... I had to awkwardly head there only to see your naughty pussy dripping... tell me, back then what were you imagining?"

"Hmn!~" She refused to talk as her clit got tortured.

"Why didn't you say anything to your husband when I touched it... I rubbed your clit and you squirmed, but you never said anything, you could have stopped me, you held my hand but did nothing Swan, in fact, you opened your legs further, right?~" He pressed against her waiting snatch, casually slipping past her entrance.

Isabella gulped audibly, 'No wonder he has all those girls crazy about him, I never taught him this...'

"T-That! Ahn!~ I-I couldn't!" Swan refused to give him the pleasure, yes, she was the one to tempt him, but so what? he kept coming on his own accord and that's what matters, if she was casually waiting for him without underwear, well, that was just a coincidence.

"Then when I was walking down the passage there you were, leaning against the wall."

"I was waiting for-"

"For me, you wanted me to pass by and fuck you, right?~" His littler brother went up and down, from the very top of her mound to the bottom of her crack, but he never went in, torturing her... she loved this sort of play, how could he not know with when she's technically panting.


"When I pinned you to the wall at that moment, you still didn't scream, instead you merely looked to the sides to see if your husband was looking, don't you?~ were yo too afraid to cheat on your husband with me?" He turned her around, pressing her head roughly against the bed and finally deciding to go inside in one go, pistoning roughly.

Isabella had to gulp down, even her crotch was already going tingly, is this how they met?!

"Ohh!~ AHNNN!~" By now Swan didn't feel like answering, she limited herself to hold the pillow and bit it with her entre might, licking that pillow and focusing on the waves coming from her crotch.

"Ugh! t-then you pulled me to the royal bathroom, what were you expecting me to do in there huh? fix the bath? is that what you wanted me to do, Swan?~"

"AHN!~ N-No! I- wanted you to-!"

"You wanted me to tear your dress apart and fuck you like I did... because you never felt what I made you feel that day..."

"Yes!~ I loved it! I LOVE YOU!"

"Then once I stopped seeking you, you kept coming to my room... even when you knew that Caroline was there... you shamelessly asked the Queen and her daughter to allow you in... she told you right? she told you of our relationship and that's why you seduced me."

"Yes! s-she told me uhm!~" Isabella gasped, what an odd family indeed, she couldn't believe such a thing could happen in a family...

"I love you, Swan." He whispered beside her ears before giving a lick and that did the job.

"Please don't say that! I will cum! UHHM!!~ C-CUMMING!~"


Said and done, once again the Concubine gasped and recalled why is it that she was in love with this man. After pumping her up good, he delivered a soft kiss on her face that had been fucked into stupidity, "That was not a lie... I love you like I do Stella... and Penelope." sadly, by then the concubine had passed out, she didn't manage to hear.

"What about me?" Isabella said, glaring at him, she lay on her side with her legs opened, rubbing her cum coated petals, with her bulging belly this was as much seduction as she could muster, and it was more than enough.

"You know you're in a special spot... with Caroline." He approached her, ready to keep going, placing her on a few pillows softly and spreading her legs, she accepted him in between, seduction completed... all she needed to do was lay down as her lover did the rest.

'I'm glad... so Caroline is now on the same level.' Nova felt joy, that meant her sacrifices were indeed giving fruit but she wanted Constantine to see Caroline as his first, not as an equal with her. By now Isabella also wasn't paying attention to this hierarchy, she was too busy with her pregnancy to care about hierarchies.

"When are you going to give me grandchildren?" She asked.

"..." Constantine deadpanned.

"You know what I mean." She deadpanned too.

"Later... mother, talking about that... you didn't take the contraceptives." He said suggestively, rubbing circles along her vulnerable mound, making her pant slightly.

"N-No... I was being impulsive, son. A-Actually, I forgot." She knows where he's coming from.

"Is that really the case?~" He smirked, the beginning of a new game.

"You can't do with me what you did with Swan... I'm pregnant." She retorted, only to effectively feel him rubbing himself along her entrance without going in, instead... he went lower.

He began pressing against her ass slowly, poking the head in but nothing else and smirked, "Is that really really the case, mother...?~ I'm doubting."

"C-Constantine...!" She couldn't believe she was being played like this, still, she refused to yell at him to put the whole damn thing inside.

"Did you want to be pregnant with my child so bad, mummy?~ did you want your son to impregnate you? how naughty." He put a single inch inside, torturing her and himself in the process, this was a double-edged sword, a card he enjoyed playing.

"N-NO! B-BRAT STOP! AHN!~" When her eyes began shining, the strength behind her words waned and the true feelings began pouring.

"Let's take some truth from your mother's lips, babies." With a mission in mind, he sheathed himself wholly inside. Crotch-to-crotch; once that sweet tongue poked out, he took it inside his mouth and sucked. Isabella had never been more vulnerable.

She refused to answer adamantly and when the pistons began to announce her pleasurable torture, all she could do was brace as her little confessions poured down like cascades, she even confessed how truly early, the exact moment in which she began lusting after him, a confession she never revealed until now.

The cascade of secrets continued pouring until only a single cascade was left, his spunk cascading down her filled ass and snatch as he held her tightly to sleep in the ultimate comfort and happiness.

Nova couldn't hold any secrets from her son, thankfully, he didn't ask anything regarding her identity, perhaps today she would have talked.

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