The Goddess' Champion

Chapter 115 Past Memories

Chapter 115 Past Memories: Nova II

That day Constantine arrived from his routine training... sadly, beating up the juniors wasn't as stimulating... but the real knights didn't want to spar... he was the youngest official knight of the kingdom at only nineteen years of age, moreover a count... him destroying them in a spar would tarnish their reputation so most of them aside from Penelope refused to take a duel, but Penelope who was already approaching her fifties had recently begun to notice the toll on her body.

She looked as glamorous as ever, but... somethings would never change.

He hadn't had sex for two months... that thought simply couldn't cross his mind whenever he thought about his children smiling while being held by someone else.

He imagined this is how being cheated on felt, but worse in a way, especially his beloved Katherine who would be constantly clinging to him, now that would happen no more.

He knew he was being unfair to Caroline... giving nothing more than a kiss every morning and evening, but he just couldn't do it.

The mere sight of his mother now pained him, how could she have forced him to do this? 'I shouldn't have listened to her' were constant thoughts in his mind. It was like a vicious circle, one in which ignoring her caused pain but seeing her also did, so he didn't know what to do.

That day he arrived in his private mansion, sweaty yet not fatigued... deep into the night to make sure to not encounter anyone.

He went upstairs to the room he shared with Caroline and opened the door, expecting to meet an asleep Caroline who by now would usually be tired after working in the Kingdom's finances.

Then he saw them.

His mother and mother-in-law... both chained to the bed, naked, their legs wide open and blindfolded with a cartel painted in what he believed to be lipstick.

'Punish us.'

"..." Myriad thoughts converged in his mind, but the clearest among them was 'what?'.

The moment the door opened both Stella and Isabella knew that it was him, truthfully under normal circumstances they would be more than thrilled to be in this revolutionary position of vulnerability.

But this time they felt nothing but apprehension, there was a possibility he would reject this... if he turned around and walked out of the room leaving them like this, perhaps they wouldn't be able to take it.

"What is the meaning of this...?" He asked, his voice neutral.

They rejoiced, at least he talked.

"As you can read." Isabella said with a stiff voice and the two heard his steps walking around the room towards her side of the bed.

"What if it had been some butler that came here... wouldn't he have hit the jackpot...? he would have had the chance to screw my mother and mother-in-law, pretending to be me..." He sounded a little upset when he said that, taking his trousers down they heard as it hit the ground.

"T-There are no butlers and maids in the house..." Stella explained as if they hadn't thought about that, the only people in this mansion were the ones that that to be here tonight.

For several seconds there was nothing but silence, they couldn't believe this, he should have already thrown himself on any of them, yet nothing...


"Don't say anything." He said, recalling them that he was still in the room; his words made Isabella's heart churn, he was still upset or at least that's what she thought, believing this hadn't been the right idea and cursing Stella for 'dragging her' into this.

Constantine walked around, naked... having placed all of his clothes back in their place, his trusty sword on the table. He walked around until Stella was close at hand.

They felt the bed sink a little, he sat on her side. it pained Nova... he didn't go for her first, such an occurrence was unbelievable for her, she's the favourite...

"Why aren't you two shaved..." He asked with a criticising voice.

Stella shuddered when she felt his hand touch her patch slightly, gracing her clitoris with a slight caress, her mound was a little voluminous, golden hair covering her sacred dripping spot.

"Y-You haven't made love to me in two months..."She answered with the disposition of a queen, it was a complaint, her lover had neglected her, this wasn't in their 'contract'.

"What does this has to do with that?"

"You're the one that shaves me..."

"Can't you get your maids to do it for you?"

"I want you to do it... you're my man, do it." Even in this vulnerable position, she was still the Queen, the woman that gave him everything he needed until he reached his current crescendo.

"What about your husband?"

"Constantine Lionheart! don't come to me with that! YOU ARE MY MAN!"

"Isn't this supposed to be your punishment, why are you yelling at me?" He answered with slight outrage.


"S-Sorry ahn!~" Stella felt her clitoris get pinched in retaliation all she could do was shiver and settle down.

Stella's moans were like an infection's disease, Isabella started to pant in jealousy, why wouldn't he touch her?!


"Don't say anything, mother."

She bit her lips and tears started to stain the blindfold, so there was nothing that she could do? even at this stage... he was ignoring her.

Little did she know, as Constantine's fingers played with the Queen's pussy, his gaze was always on her vulnerable body.

"It still hurts." He said finally.

"I know! Son... please, I won't retract, I know it was for the best... I don't think we did anything wrong, but I never thought it would be so hard on you, even I didn't know it would hurt me this much, please forgive me!" She begged, by now whatever arousal had been built was long gone and all she wanted to do was cry, she felt everything she worked so hard to build, her relationships, her family, her son, her children with her son... everything was slipping away.

Constantine released the Queen's vagina and caressed her face, Stella too was sobbing slightly.

"There is nothing to forgive..."


"It wasn't your fault, mother... it was our fault." He recognised that it takes two to make a life, both of them made a mistake and are now living with the consequences of it, it never came across his mind ever once to abandon her; he'd take this mistake to the very end.

It wasn't fair for Isabella to feel this pain alone when both of them were suffering as much, if anything she's the one that decided to do what's correct, something he came to realise and felt guilty about.josei


He unshakled Stella first, then took away her blindfold, the first thing the Queen did was hug her lover as hard as she could, "Please, forgive me as well... I-I... maybe I wasn't considerate enough."

"Don't worry, mother-in-law, you did the best for us, you're the best." He kissed her lips slightly and Stella could finally breathe in relief, it was finished.

He then moved to his mother's side and unshackled her, removing her blindfold and receiving the same hug as a response, tightening his embrace around his disconsolate mother who after finally managing to conceive children in love, was once again denied the pleasure to raise them properly as a mother should, without hatred or taboos.

"There is nothing to punish... it is not fair for any of us... but, I understand now that's what had to be done... thank you, mother." He patted her back and all the sadness that had accumulated in Nova was released, the stress collapsed like a mountain and she began feeling as light as a feather.

"I'm really... sorry for proposing it, Constantine." Stella said regretfully, joining them in the hug. It was the most common thing for her to do; she was a noble and knew her way around politics and also feelings... she knew that most times forced marriages didn't work out, but also most times the couples ended up falling for one another if there was a joint effort, no path couldn't be threaded... only people unwilling to thread certain paths.

And this was the correct path for them who had decided to take this taboo to the very end. She was initially disgusted, but after getting to know them better, after making friends with Isabella and understanding their past, she couldn't judge them... all she wanted was that they wouldn't ever come to regret it... and if those children were raised by them... they would.

"I love you, Stella." He confessed, kissing her golden hair.

"I know... but you have neglected me. Dear, I won't be beautiful forever... y-you need to love me while you still can." She pouted while sobbing... initially for passion. In the end, she couldn't help loving this young man, even if he was her daughter's fiance, it was quite unfair... but such was life... it was one of the main reasons why she was so shocked by Isabella's pregnancy.

She wanted to give birth to his child too, but it wouldn't be fair to Caroline... when one got into these kinds of relationships, one had to sacrifice something.

"Don't talk nonsense... I will love you two until I die..." He knew those words were the truth, it would be difficult for him to not point out the differences in Stella's body, their affair had begun a few years ago, and he knew she worked hard in trying to keep herself healthy, but time was starting to take its toll.

They were getting old, there were prominent younger beauties out there, but his heart was taken by these ladies. Even if he occasionally went out to meet a lady or two, that would be only after the ladies back 'home' were sated and satisfied.

Just as he drifted in his thoughts, a group of angry ladies entered the room, making him gasp.

"It is not only them, you have neglected us too..."

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