The Goddess' Champion

Chapter 2 Everything Starts From The End II

Chapter 2 Everything Starts From The End II

Those words were indeed a threat filled with the rancour of a father, the 'old man' didn't accept the proposal to drinking, but that was evident.

Rather than frighten Constantine, it perhaps served to convince him that this is not some drunk delusions as he expected them to be... perhaps... this is really happening right now.

"I don't even understand what the hell you're talking about... which of your daughters have I taken!?" Constantine hiccuped and yelled in outrage, if he had bedded a Goddess, of course, he would know!

Moreover, he spoke of more than just one, two?!

Ruminating about the countless women he bedded, their bodies, expressions, and delightful behaviours, he wondered which of them could be a goddess in disguise.

'The most beautiful women I have had were my wives, whom?" He thought of the possibility, all of them were excellent and captivated his heart to no end; which of them most resembled a goddess?


His mind came to a conclusion almost instantly and the God noticed it, his energy flowed in the form of a world distortion, the entire frozen space seemed to gain life once again, but instead, glitching!


As if time no longer followed any rules, objects, events.... all of them started to superposition in this current scenery, the days passed, the nights came... kings died on this hill, romances perished and he could see it all!

There is no present, past or future anymore!

Watching all these happenings, Constantine was beyond shocked.

"All of them! You took all five of them, damned bastard! I will-!"

A small tremor shook the world as if space itself was running rampant, and the god went silent, the glitching stopped.

"…" His gaze contorted in many ways, having the old man who shivered on the ground regard him with confusion, this demonstration of power deeply shocked Constantine, never having seen anything remotely close to this, except ghosts maybe...

'W-What did this person just do?' He asked inwardly only to hear the next words of the gods that made him frown more than a little bit.

"Yes, dear…" The god growled.

'Don't tell me...' The conqueror deadpanned, it can't be... right?

"I don't have time to waste with your current pitiful self… so I'll summarize it all for you, I was going to send you to the deepest hell I know, but… my daughters and your mother-in-law interceded… due to your relationship with them you should have ascended and become a minor god in our pantheon."

The God explained, walking back and forth with clear irritation.

"…" Constantine was so senile that he rubbed his eyes instead of cleaning his ears, all the nonsense his brain is processing is just too much.

Sadly, the bottle to cope with this nonsense was also taken away.


"I don't consider you fitting enough to become a god of our pantheon, let alone the husband of my five daughters! So after discussing with my wife, I decided to send you in a little… test…" The god raised his hand up, a wisp of light flashed in there and it entered Constantine.

It produced a sudden heat all over his body!

"Hey! dream or not, drunk or not! this is a little too much!" The old man yelled, gritting his teeth at the burning pain that came from his entire body.

[Settling God Spark...]

That was the first time he heard it.

"This is the end of your path, Emperor Constantine… you may be on your way… and if you're qualified, hehe~" The 'galactic' man waved his hand forward and a flash of light entered Constantine's forehead.


An explosion occurred in his mind and Constantine's world darkened, the last sight he witnessed was that of his father-in-law with a vengeful expression.

"You will be no God~"



There is light yet again, a pair of blue eyes opened in a foreign world.

His pupils blinked once, twice... several petals of flowers touched his face together with a soft breeze.

"Where am I?" Those were his first words, he recognised an infant tonality foreign to his rough speech.

Constantine placed his hand in front of his face to cover from the 'sunlight' that flashed in his eyes.

He noticed them young... unblemished... with far fewer scars than what he had by the time his skin was this supple in the past.


Just having finished his conversation with the god, he braced for the entire conversation to have been a joke as the ropes of hell took him over, but…

Nothing like that happened, instead, he was placed in a predicament.

Sitting up in a grassland, he rubbed his pained head where a mild headache struck him, information coursing through his eyes, the phantom of something that existed not in reality.

[Welcome to your God Ascension Trial…]

"..." He rubbed his eyes again, but that 'thing' is still there.

[You have woken up, Constantine... nice to meet you, I'm Zebellia, your secretary...]

"Eh? w-what are you?" He heard the voice of a lady in his head, coupled with those words... in an unknown world, to say he is confused is an understatement.

[Since you're awake, I initialise your status... please, pay attention, Mr Conqueror]


[Reading God Spark...]

The voice of a graceful lady, the contour of a goddess, spoke in his mind, a completely foreign feeling.

"Ugh!" He felt like vomiting for some reason but held it in.




*Name: Constantine Lionheart (de Castile)

*Genre: Male.

*Age: 78.

*Race: [Human] [God (sealed)]


[Conqueror Constantine]

[Founder of the Lionheart Dynasty]

[Bane of Husbands]


[Husband of the Goddess of Death, Sandra]

[Husband of the Goddess of Dreams, Phoebe]

[Husband of the Goddess of Luck, Caroline]

[Husband of the Goddess of Rot, Lucille]

[Husband of the Goddess of Beauty, Melina]

[Time God's Utter Nemesis]

[Space Goddess' Beloved Son-in-law]

*Divine Blessings:

[War God's Wrath (Sealed)]

[Blessing of the Adjourned Death]

[Blessing of the Daydream (Sealed)]

[Blessing of the Causality, (Sealed)]

[Blessing of the Decaying Flesh (Sealed)]

[Blessing of Infatuating Eyes (Sealed)]

[Blessing of Spatial Conduct (Sealed)]


[Grief of the Husbands]

[Heaven's Decreed Punishment]

[Timeless Distortion (sealed)]


[Swordsmanship: A+]

[Horse Riding: C]

[Archer: B]

[Scheming: A+]

[Seduction: EX]

[Charisma: A+]

[Hustling: A+]

[Drinking: E]

[Beast Taming: C]

[Joking: E-]

[Drinking: -F]



"What the hell? drinking -F, JOKING?!... DAMN YOU!" Constantine cursed, of all the information... that was what got his attention the most, for a moment he even ignored

[That is an accurate assessment...]

This 'lady' Zebellia... spoke solemnly in his mind.

"DAMN... YOU!" He'd never allow anybody to slander his drinking capacity, not even Lucille; moving his hand forward, he tried to touch the interface in front of his face, but he was unable to do so.

Ignoring it, his gaze focused past it, into this world that didn't resemble hell in the slightest, rather it is heaven!

A majestic big golden tree produced the light that shone on the flowery grassland, a completely different world, refined and beautiful.

'What a big tree...' It was gigantic, he could see it in the distance, and the small breezes continued to flow.

There were flowers of all kinds, birds singing even.

'This isn't hell at all!' He thought, perhaps thinking that the god had played him a joke, and he would find his 'Goddess' wives here.

When things couldn't get better, a melodious voice, more delicate than anything he had heard, his heart almost stopped at the prospect of recognition.

"You're Mr Constantine, right?~"

Initially, he felt a little shy, not expecting to meet anyone here whilst naked, still… he sighed and prepared to meet the person whose voice filed up his senses.

The moment his head turned around, he came face to face with the most delightful female he had ever seen in his life, which is a lot to say.

And her face was millimetres from his.

She squatted and used both slender jade hands to support her face.

Blonde with hair falling down to the ground, like a golden shiny cascade.

Eyes blue like the clear sky, a small golden tiara that resembled the roots of a tree, and the most distinctive characteristic of hers -aside from her bombshell of a body- were those two long pointy ears.josei

Constantine gasped, this aspect, it resembled hers so much, but better, more perfect.

After an entire minute of trance in which the woman just regarded him with a warm gaze as if proud of his reaction, he set his sight a little lower.

At that moment he literally had a reaction.

This woman might as well be naked; her body was being 'concealed' by a long white dress that covered it completely, even her arms were being covered, but… the dress was nigh translucent, a see-through, everything beneath it was visible to the keen eyesight, even those pink buds.

Her chest was big… as in BIG, but still proportional to the rest of her body, thick yet slender, supple legs, the synonym of perfection.

"Have you looked enough, Mr Constantine?~" She giggled, but never moved her body or face away at all, rather... she grew interested.

"M-Mom?" Those words were stuttered by him and she released a little giggle.

She moved her hand forward and caressed his cheeks.

"No, my name is Aurelianne, The minor Goddess of Life; Sorry, I'm not your mom... it's my pleasure to meet you, Mr Constantine, you were sent here by Lord Toki, the higher God of Time, to assist me."

She stood up, showing herself in all her delightful splendour, presenting her hand for him to take.

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