The Goddess' Champion

Chapter 27 Higher Realm's Strife I

Chapter 27 Higher Realm's Strife I

The Space Realm, a primal regiment of the universe's entire space, the distribution of the stars and worlds who continued to thrive each day, unaware of a primal force that allows its existence... shrouding amidst the endless realms was a place belonging only to an ultimate entity, but this place was currently unstable.

And it had been for such a long time, its citizen lived in silence, thirteen they were... a single one missing.

A flying castle travelled in the void as if surfing the endlessness, but this castle was empty, its Queen having not appeared for long in any physical manifestation.

"Nova… I'm here" a voice, it contained the wisps of panting and wrath in it, overwhelming indeed, but fussy compared to the might of the endless space.


Torrents of void moved through the universe like the currents of the sea, distributing the endless realms in movements that would take millions of years, but for the entities residing here, it was a mere second.

In a place where time a space worked in disarray, ultimately, both forces were fated to work together to maintain a balance.

But as the elegant yet wrathful voice resonated in the void, a shining bright light appeared.

It began with a single seed, the roots spread from it at a ridiculous speed, something only a divine being was capable of, the tree formed from the nothingness, taking a humanoid form, its size… greater than a small planet.

"Aurelianne…" It was a distressed voice, it was bereft of the majesty that belonged to the entity uttering it.

In front of this humanoid tree with a slender figure, beautiful countenance and seductive shape, a majestic fog appeared; so big in fact, that it covered the endless stars, completely dwarfing the size of that 'small' tree.

But this fog wasn't lifeless.

"He-" Aurelianne, or better said, the gigantic tree of life, Vita… was the first to talk, but as if omniscient, the fog already knew everything and some more.

"Say no more…" Overwhelming wrath, something even Aurelianne couldn't compare to, she couldn't do anything more than simply stay silent in front of this might.


"My Keres, hail..."




One by one, in front of the gigantic tree, twelve figures appeared, as if space itself was contorting, they were small, six men and six women... all with white hair and wearing robes, their appearances too regal for this world.

"We heed, her exalted being…" The figure in the middle said, a man with an elderly appearance and closed eyes as if the world itself was not worthy of seeing his eyes, aside from heeding the orders of his queen, he didn't care about anything else...

One of his eyes opened briefly to give the gargantuan tree a glance, the eye contained endless stars, only a brief stare before closing down again.

"Aubrey, Toki has broken his deal… we charge to the Time Realm!"

Nova, the Higher Goddess of Space, wasn't playing around.

The man exhaled, still with his crossed arms, exhaled a deep solemn breath just as the other figures regarded one another in complication.

Regardless of opinion, her majesty's orders were absolute, even if the universe itself had to stop.

They didn't need explanations, reasons… so long as a Nova said a word, countless realms would fall, myriad gods would perish, but not a single second would trascend.

For time and space have halted.

"SPATIAL KERES! FOR THIS MOMENT, WE WAR!!" He yelled, his voice producing shockwaves across the space as the rest of the figures opened their mouths as well.



It was a mere second, but with a single disturbance, The higher Goddess took her entire entourage across the universe... with the Spatial Keres and the Higher Goddess of Space ceasing their unstoppable work, the universe stopped.

It was time for her to face her husband, The Higher God of Time, Toki.



Across the universe, a majestic realm, perhaps even greater in luxury than the space realm, was the place where the Monarch of Time resided.

He sat on a chair made of gold, but it wasn't any gold… myriads threads could be seen entangling, merging.

Time threads formed not only his throne but his robes too.

Toki's expression was hideous with myriad thoughts, despite that, everything was okay so far... until he felt it.


In front of him, there was a gigantic door, something to be for a mere 'human' to go through.

But contrary to expectations a female entered casually before kneeling.

Her hair was a mix of silver and purple, long until it reached her legs, she had three horns contorted in different shapes, pointing in different directions, two long Angel-like purple wings and a regal dress.

"Time Valkyrie of the First Order… what has interrupted your slumber? is it my wife?" Despite his visible grief, Toki greets the female with a smile, his most loyal soldier, the second strongest being in this realm.

He had already felt space halt, it was only a clear indication, that Nova has departed the Space Realm.

"My lord… Her Majesty Nova intends to visit our realm, however... I am afraid she doesn't come on her own..."

The moment that name was mentioned, Toki's eyes shivered with splendour and infatuation, but the following words twitched his eyes.

"Is it Aurelianne?"

The Valkyrie nodded and raised her head, but her words weren't finished, boundless aura started to leave her body.

"That's wonderful… but, why didn't she-" He tried to say why didn't she just contact him directly, and why did the other Keres stop their work as well... but the answer to his enquiries came abruptly.

"My lord, all of the Spatial Keres are coming with her!"


He wasn't dumb enough to not know the implications of this, the previous happiness contorted into poison, but his wife wasn't planning on giving him any respite.

With a thunderous voice, her intent spread across the entire Time Realm.josei



Her words resonated like two crashing planets, thunderous and mighty, even for the Higher God of Time.

It certainly wasn't a peaceful marriage, but even for Toki, his wife's voice contained nothing but poison, he knew the reason and prepared to face her.

"Lemenia, call the others… it's happening again." He said solemnly and stood u from his throne.


As if moving through the tendrils in time, his movements were faster than his words, the Valkyrie of the first order heed her instructions and her body started to morph into something regal, but also… frightening.

The purple fog had already settled in the time realm, frightening all the citizens... unlike the Space Realm with only thirteen individuals who conformed to it, the Time Realm was a colossal mass of land, encompassed with great entourages... their job was a difficult one.

Control the tendrils of time.

However, the purpose of their divinity could only be fulfilled if the Space Realm was performing its endeavour correctly, alas... that was not the case now.

With Space, Time stopped as well.

Hundreds of thousands of gods couldn't help but glance above to the purple shadow swallowing the whole world, and together with her, twelve beings no longer looked like friendly-looking sages, their bodies seemed to be wrapped by space itself... let alone the gargantuan tree of life could better be labelled as the Tree of Death with the overwhelming killing intent it was releasing.

The Space Goddess is here, sadly… it doesn't seem to be a happy occasion, because beside her there are thirteen figures.

The pressure of the Space Keres fell on this world like a mountain falling on a tundra, crushing everything in their way and laying their intentions clear.



But they wouldn't come to this place as if it was their backyard, an entourage of gargantuan figures came to receive them uncordially.

They were mares... all of them, but each one releasing the tyrannical aura that could only counter space, one of the primal forces of the universe, each of them having roughly the size of a small star.


The Valkyries, seven of them, although fewer in number compared to the Keres, displayed might so high that it stopped all of them in their tracks.

The leader of the Keres, Aubrey... placed his sharp gaze on the biggest of the galactic mares.

Valkyrie of the first order, Lemenia, the only one that could be called his 'equal'.

The two galactic silhouettes came face to face... none of them wanted war, but hundreds of millions of years of resentment were clear in those eyes.

"Aubrey… unbound your divinity, this is my Time Realm…" Lemenia uttered, her words containing battle intent, raging at the prospect of fighting the entity before her.

"Your lord has crossed a line he shouldn't, Lemenia. You either fight or get lost..." The same battle intent was given back from Aubrey's gaze, even if both parties didn't want this fight from a political standpoint.

Personally, they wanted nothing more than to tear each other apart.


His gigantic hands raised up and produced two gargantuan black holes as easily as flickering his eyes.

"You and your Space Realm don't want this fight..." Lemenia repeated, and just like him, her power manifested itself in the form of timeflows, were it necessary, she'd not forsake her lord's honour.

Thankfully, the main host wouldn't allow these two titanic beings to fight right away.

"Stop, you two..." Toki said, his figure so small compared to those two figures that it was almost imperceptible, but the might of an abstract being was there.

"My lord..." Lemenia retreated, Aubrey didn't... but Toki's might was not something he could resist on his own, however... the purple fog covered him protectively, like a warm omnipotent mantle covering from the storms.

"Lord Toki, unless her majesty says the word, I don't intend to retreat..." Aubrey wouldn't back off even when facing Toki's tyrannical gaze, even then, he had to speak respectfully to one of the universe's top entities.

"Nova, what is the meaning of this? why this hostility...? what have I done to you?!" Toki regarded the entire stopped realm, the entire universe had come to a standstill due to this argument, Nova's hatred was as clear as day, and although he knew, why... he'd not accept it.

"Don't pretend, Toki... you didn't abide by our deal..." Nova's voice resonated with poison, she didn't need to give further explanation.

The Space Goddess refused to show her humanoid form, instead... she showed her TRUE form, the purple fog.

Aurelianne floated forward, the valkyries looked at this minor goddess in disdain, but being covered by Nova's purple haze, they didn't dare underestimate her.

"What did I do?! He has been sent to Sandoria as we accorded!" Toki avoided Aurelianne's hatred-filled expression and addressed Nova directly, he didn't care about anyone else currently, only his wife was in his eyes.

"Why is there a Time Valkyrie with him!?" Nova began her accusations, and they were stunning.


"Ah?" Toki asked, momentarily stunned.



Nova released her entire might, and if the gods of the Time Realm were able to at least hear before, now... they were frozen too, only the major existences of this world were still able to perceive past the time-space axis.

Let alone Toki, even the Time Valkyries and the Space Keres stopped for a moment, they didn't understand most of what was being said, but the name 'Zebellia' was one they knew very well.

'The troublemaker?'


The Goddess of Space is enranged like never before...

Meanwhile, Toki stood there... looking at the purple palpitating fog in disbelief... until his gaze morphed into a smirk, a very wicked one that even Nova felt irked with.

"I see... yes, I sent her with him." He declared.


"It is for our daughter's sakes of course~"

"... Stop your li-"

"He has a lot of bad karma, Nova... a man like him brings nothing but trouble to this universe, me giving him a chance of being with our daughters is already beyond my scope of reason! I only sent her to keep an eye on him... that's all... why? could it be that some unforeseen event happened so soon?" The more he spoke the more poisonous his words turned until by the end he was looking at Aurelianne with a glare.

"..." The Goddess of Life glared back but wasn't able to say anything, not in front of all these people.


Seeing his gallantry and wickedness, Nova was prepared to engage and the Space Keres followed her will.

This discussion wasn't going to end friendly.

But an uninvited guess would come to save the universe, once again...

"A million years and you two are once again at each other's throats as the universe shivers... I am too old for this shit..."

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