The Goddess' Champion

Chapter 53 Afraid Of Lightning II

Chapter 53 Afraid Of Lightning II

Constantine lay in bed after separating from Zamira, each remaining in their respective rooms as the rain assailed the hotel with the lightning strikes threatening to breach through as if seeking their lives.

The Conqueror was not afraid however, he sat on the bed for a moment, thinking about the incidents today.

'What should my next code of action be...?'


'Aren't you going to say anything?' He asked Zebellia who would usually interrupt his inner monologues.


'Are you sleeping?'


'She's sleeping...' He sighed and recalled how she taught him before to show the trial's interface.

All of his cores were loaded by now as they ran with only one producing air, he figured that producing the hair subconsciously in his lungs was quite effective in battle situations.

Laying down on the bed he began to pray, there was something he needed to ask his goddess that had been budging him ever since he met Andre's family.

'My beloved goddess, I need to speak to you about something, could you decend and attend me?' He tried something basic without much of an imagination, needless to say, it worked.

For several seconds nothing happened, but then he heard those thoughts in his mind.

'Dear? I have received your message.'

Aurelianne made herself known in his mind, her voice always glorious as he felt a rush of health enter his body.

'This is neat.'

'Yes, I have several ways to appear in your world, this is the one that's easiest for me, I can only do it with you however, as you're my champion, what can I do for you? I'd kiss you if I could but I can not' the voice ended slightly crestfallen.

'It is about the blessing that you gave Zamira before... the one that increased her lifespan by ten years... is that something that can be used regularly?'

'You want to give that blessing to someone?' She asked, for affirming purposes.

'Yes, but if it is something that you can use seldom...' He didn't want to 'waste' a precious resource since they might need it later, but if he could use it, then Andre's wife was his first candidate.

'It can be used whatever amount of times dear, but some conditions must be met, first, the person must have faith in me... and second, you must have faith in me, but that faith will be consumed each time you use the blessing, the more worshippers you get for me, the more you will have, right now since it is only Zamira, it is quite low, you will only be able to use it once.' She said with a lot of conviction, that the way he had managed so far told her that the number would surely increase quickly.

'I see... how can I use it?' Constantine was happy that he could use it straight away.

'Just place your hand on the person's body and pray to me for it.'

'Thank you!'

'Anytime for you, dear~'

'There is another question I have... is it possible for you to erase Rotborn?'

'... It is extremely difficult to erase Rotborn, analysing it, I realised that it's core foundation is built in powerful laws of death... although story tells that this curse was created by the Witch Queen Aemir, a human... that's likely not the case, it has to be a powerful God of Death required to create this curse and cast it on the entire of humanity.'

'Like Sandra?'

'Yes, but by then your wife was no longer in this world, so it has to be another God or Goddess of Death.'

'I see... I have faith in you, my goddess.'

'I know~ have a nice sleep, my beloved, how I wished to be in your arms right now.'

'We will...'

'But in the meantime, I am sure someone else can be in your arms~'


Aurelianne's presence disappeared leaving a bewildered Constantine... 'she truly doesn't care...?'

Even if Aureliane doesn't care, his wives care... so he decided to remain in his comfy bed, trying to sleep while the rain served as a beautiful background symphony with thunders.

For an entire hour, he couldn't catch his sleep.

'You're kidding me...' It was an uncomfortable feeling he couldn't get over, the worst part is that he had a hunch over what it was.

With irritation, he stood up and walked to the door where he stood for several seconds before opening it.

When he came out to the hallway and turned his head to the right- the direction of Zamira's room- he caught her there, holding the knob of her door.



Both of them remained silent, but he could visually see a small drop of sweat coming from Zamira's forehead in the darkness.

"Where are you going?" They asked simultaneously.

"... I am afraid of lightning." Zamira shamelessly evaded his gaze and said that, causing him to smirk.

'Girl you're such a bad liar...'

"W-What about you?" She then asked him, finally closing the door of her room.

"I am going to the toilet." He said with all the nature in the world, however, he didn't notice how she lifted her eyebrows slightly before smirking.

"The toilets are inside the rooms... master, you're such a liar."


"I didn't know... see you tomorrow then."

"Can't we sleep together?"


"I told you, I am afraid of lightning... can't we sleep together?"



The pair found themselves in Constantine's room, where they stood there, she felt a sudden pressure on her shoulders, especially when his gaze continued to roam her body.

"You didn't take a shower?"


"Why?" He frowned, she was still covered in dust.

"Why should I?" She asked matter of factly and he just couldn't believe it!


"..." Zamira did as asked and without any shame in the world, she started to take out her dusted armour and ragged clothes, eventually coming upon two plates that pressed harshly against her chest and bottom.

When she released them and they fell harshly on the ground, her naked body was uncovered for him to see, those big breasts of her fell unconstrained due to the natural gravity, but in her butt's case, it stood up proudly and toned.

She had a marvellous body, but one of a woman that clearly worked out, she even had marked abs yet her femininity was distinguishable.

For some reason, unlike ever before, Zamira started to be conscious of her own body, she even used her arms to cover her breasts, she recalled that he was attracted to 'ugly' women like her and therefore, became more conscious of his gaze and her own body.

"W-What now?"  She asked, trying to get over the awkwardness and heat that she was feeling.

"Let's go to the bathroom, you can't possibly sleep like that."  Constantine pulled her to the bathroom where he once again was left at a loss on how this mechanism worked.

Zamira had to teach him how taps and the like worked before a steady torrent of water started to wash over her body, she said that she could wash, but he rejected.

She marvelled when Constantine discarded his own clothes and entered the shower with her, but his body had been cleaned prior.

"I used water magic, didn't know you had such a modern mechanism to take a shower here." He said while scrubbing her hair, she merely grasped his hips, looking down to his body that wasn't as bulky as the majority of proud men outside, yet he had his defined muscles, her fingers started to trail them.

"And how do you wash from where you come?"

"You take buckets of water and pour them?" Constantine said, though in his case, his wives would pour it for him and vice-versa, there were also baths filled with warm water.

"I see, that's... how I used to wash myself, once a month..."

"Once a month!?"

"Y-Yes... that way you don't spend-"

"Listen well, Zamira! if you want to remain with me, you better get used to washing yourself daily, unless we are unable to... in all other circumstances you can even tell me and I will wash you up with magic."

"Hmn..." She nodded, it is not like she liked to be dirty, only... when living in the streets one had to cope.

He washed her body all over, underneath her arms, her hair, her crotch... he pointed out the fact that she was rather 'hairy' down there, and much to her shame trimmed her the small purple bush in there.

She lay on her back with her legs spread open, panting like never before, a curious result since they weren't even working out, her panting came merely from her excitement.

"Doesn't this look and feel better?~" He whispered, sitting between her legs, holding her tights open with the water raining on them as the heaviest blush of her life crept over, his fingers rubbed her slightly hairy mound and she nodded, figuring that during her training she'd likely sweat less in that area.

"You know, Zamira... there is nothing better in this world than a woman that's confident in her own body and beauty." He kept rubbing his thumb over that bush of hair, merely inches away from her palpitating pearl that seemed to be brimming with expectation, Constantine had never seen a woman with purple hair before, this was his first time, initially, he believed she just used something to colour it like that, but her lower hair showed otherwise.

"I am not a beauty..." She evaded his gaze, but the happiness in her heart couldn't be concealed in the form of a smile.

"Don't worry, I will make sure to convince you otherwise." He licked her ears slightly while she just evaded his gaze, thinking he was just lying like he always does.

After he finished rinsing her up, she proposed to wash him instead, and he accepted.

She used the soap provided by the hotel to wash his body clumsily, it was the first time she had done something like this to a man or to anyone ever.

When it was time to wash his crotch, she was in a dilemma, she wanted to do it, but didn't know if he would be offended if she did it.

"Should I-"

"Do it."


The purple-haired beauty proceed to rub him up and down until he was completely 'clean'.

'I-Isn't it supposed to get hard when you touch it? that's what they say...' She noticed that his long member was still 'sleeping'... several thoughts came up to her mind, depressing ones.

'He was lying after all... I am not good-looking...' She thought, her depression reflected in her lack of momentum that Constantine noticed.

"What's wrong?"


"If you don't tell me, I will get upset."

"... why is it not... hard?"


"This thing... why is it not hard? you said I am beautiful, but it is not hard... does that mean you were lying?"

"Ah, that... like this?"


She felt how the 'thing' started to grow stiff in her hands and she gasped, "Y-You can control it?!"

"That I can... you're a splendid woman, Zamira... I was merely keeping my urges in check." He confessed it was the truth, the 'control' was merely him trying as hard as he could to not stand up, with the explosive body that she has, it was difficult.

'He's aroused... for my body...' She thought with renewed enthusiasm.

Their shower took a little longer than usual.



By the time they came out of the shower soaking, he threw her on the bed and covered the two of them with a quilt, it was time to sleep.

His body hovered above hers beneath the quilt, Zamira had a new shine to her purple eyes that were looking at him unlike before, something was different.

He felt some rustling beneath, it was her opening her legs widely.

"What are you doing?" He frowned when she felt her legs wrap around his waist.

"A-Ah, i-isn't this normal?" She asked with yet another heavy blush as another thunder strike fell and she didn't budge the slightest bit, there goes her fear of lightning.

She felt how his still sturdy thing pressed against her flesh, now more than a little moistened, rather than the answer he fondled one of her breasts.

"Hmmn!~" She suppressed a heavy moan that surprised him.

"As expected, you're quite sensitive here~ I noticed before when I was washing you up, how you squirmed at the slightest touch and also..." removing his hand he noticed a slightly whitish liquid, her breasts were lactating...

"Are you pregnant?" He frowned heavily.


"I am not!!! I haven't ever done it before, what are you asking?!"

"But your breasts are spilling, that happens when you're pregnant..."

"T-That... it has happened to me for a long time..." She bit her lips and looked away, this was something she was ashamed of, asking several women, she knew that none of them went through that except when they were pregnant, but in her case, it always happened ever since she became a mercenary.

"..." Constantine started to think before he came up with an unrealistic clue of sorts...

"It might be the constant rubbing against the metal plates that you use, your breasts have become extremely sensitive."

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