The Goddess' Champion

Chapter 98 Past Memories

Chapter 98 Past Memories: Isabella Greenwood II


She quickly found a job cleaning houses and doing laundry, he was there with her at all times... looking, the hate started to subside slowly... but the hate was still immeasurable.

While Isabella hated... Nova... loved, a feeling she didn't realise she was experimenting.

Nova felt thrilled, the goddess felt motivated to work cleaning floors to support her son... the strongest being in the universe... cleaning floors to support her son, and it made her happy. Yet Isabella's wrath wouldn't fade away, 'why do I need to do this... for this brat' alas, whenever she saw his cute face... it was as if everything was suddenly worth it.

As he kept growing so did her hate, he was getting handsome, but life wasn't getting any easier... it was more difficult... she was getting uglier and filthy from all the work and hence... it was time for him to go out there and experience what life felt like... when he first left the house that day she felt like her heart was going to break, but it was necessary.

That day she received him with coldness  in the house and saw his face punched, she desired nothing but to unleash her spatial might in this miserable world... but she couldn't, there was no such power any more.

When she saw him start to get used to the streets, bringing money back to the house, she felt reassured, he would be okay even if she wasn't around, a sense of motherly fulfilment she never felt with her divine sons and daughters. it gave her a level of security and for the first time, that hate that Isabella felt for him, started to decrease.

Each day she began to realise that her 'son' was drifting away farther and farther, spending less time in the house, sometimes not coming at all, but always coming back with a profit of some sort. She began to get worried, would he leave and never come back one day?

She decided to change, she began cooking better, making the place better... making a 'home'.

When she saw that it worked, that he began spending more time back in the house, she rejoiced, unaware that there was no longer hate, there was love, the pure love a mother feels for her child even if she couldn't express it.

When the thieves first tried to enter the house and he beat the crap out of them, she felt secured, even with his cold visage, he did seem to care about their home. There was finally a man willing to protect her... even if this man was her son, a mere thirteen years old boy.

Whenever she saw him... she began to feel something different, something that she shouldn't.

When she heard Briane insulting her son in front of everyone, calling him 'cheap' she couldn't take it any more. Aware that it would cause trouble, she couldn't allow this woman to still have her whole teeth after talking bad about him. When she beat her to a pulp... it felt amazing, way better than destroying countless stars in a fit of anger.

When he saved her from Briane's husband, those feelings that she had been holding back perhaps couldn't be contained for longer, seeing his experience in murder, contrary to scaring her, placed the last droplet needed to get rid of her inhibition, yes... this is not a 'kid'.

When she washed his body after so long, she realised that he had grown up, too much... she felt jealous seeing his member, it had gone inside so many females... already. The goddess never knew that she'd ever be interested in a mortal's reproductive organ, yet she wanted to touch it... sadly, he didn't allow her to. She felt disappointed and decided that no matter what, she would touch it.

When he began cleaning her body, she felt... something, something that for aeons of existence, she never felt... the desire to be touched. To have her body in contact with his, more in some places than others, her moans escaped and she repressed them, this was still her son. But when he began playing with her back... that place, she knew there was no way she could stop her moans and desires from unleashing.

High Gods like her, aren't supposed to feel this, how could she explain herself...? how to say that she wanted his finger to go deeper inside her asshole, how does that selfish desire match her billions of years of existence as a Primordial Goddess of Space.

When he began playing with that important and primal place, she nearly lost it... Space and Time lost all meaning for even a minute, as she focused on his fingers going in and out. Yes, she exclaimed her desires and asked him to go deeper, she loved her son, he was so considerate, dozens of years of pain seemed to be washed away by his mere fingers... billions of years of meaningless existence seemed to gain a meaning.

When she considered whether to allow this affair or not, her knowledge as Nova told her to go on with all possible green lights, yet Isabella's apprehension was palpable just as were her desires.

This woman wanted her son as her lover and denying it at this stage was impossible. That's why when she entered the room once again and saw that erection covered in a mantle, she knew there was no going back.

Said and done she touched it, he refused to allow her before, but now surrendered pitifully in her clumsy ministrations. The goddess sought to give him a better pleasure and thus, began experimenting... a human's reproductive organ turned out to be so... desirable.

Or perhaps... it is only his.

Things improved only for a single week, until they were obliged to leave the town since the corpse of the man was soon being traced back to them after being discovered, Nova felt sad, their lives were just getting together... one work at a time, one night at a time.

Moving to a new place, she felt hopeful, a new town where they now had enough money to survive with a better life, Constantine told her to make a flower shop, he even built the stall himself with his friends, turns out her son knew all along that she loved flowers, yet another detail that added to her budding feelings.

Leaving a life of misery no more, her beauty resurfaced from the flames like a phoenix... now she had someone she wanted to look nice to.

Her beauty contributed to the selling and it was soon a famous spot that allowed her to make more friends, sadly... there was a side of hers that her friends shouldn't know.

The side that walked from her bed to her son's bed to suck his cock once every two nights, it was a marvellous experience between the two, and she also made sure to check that he hadn't been going around and fooling with women, sometimes she noticed it and punished him for it, he was still selling himself to mature ladies for money... after cleaning the residues of her job up to the last drop, she'd leave him there, squirming... hopefully empty just so he'd have nothing to give those women when the time came... she'd then return to her own bed to sleep comfortably.

Sadly or fortunately for her, the same card played the other way when Constantine felt in the mood... the brat would enter her bedsheets and spread her legs wide, what would receive him was his mother wearing nothing beneath and soaking in expectation, she knew that he was coming... it was the side that opened her legs wantonly for him to pleasure her once every two nights... she clutched her bed and moaned to the skies as he sucked, touched, introduced... and made her feel the pleasures that a mortal woman delights on, then he'd give a slight kiss to her clit and close her legs back, leaving her panting and tired before he went back to his bed, having sapped her energy.

No words would ever be exchanged between the two, until the next morning where they were once again 'mother and son'.

Nova realised how pleasurable it was to love Constantine and how nice it was to be a woman more than a goddess, she LOVED being a mortal.

But there was a particular incident that would make her place her foot down. That day she arrived from work and there was someone else... a woman, beautiful with auburn hair... she knew who this was, the wife of the city lord... she was dressing in what she could only describe as brazen attire, her cleavage visible with breasts only a little smaller than her own, the smell she had in her body... she recognised it.

It was her son's smell... the deadlock in the door remained only for so long before the woman ran away, limping slightly dare she add. That day she and her son had a rough fight where her heart was nearly broken... because that woman was not a client... she wasn't paying him.

Her jealousy had increased to a degree that for an entire week she didn't visit his bed, she was upset. Nova felt outraged... how dared he bring a woman to their house... she didn't realise this sting in her chest was precisely the key... the purpose of her time leap, this jealousy.

She didn't know what to do, confuse reigned her mind... he had as much right to bring a woman to the house as she had to bring a man, both of them paid this house... and he was her son, 'I shouldn't be stopping him from being romantically involved with anyone...' she thought, but... thinking that made her feel like pulling her own hair.

A week later she thought it was enough, once again she found a lady in their house! but this time it was different in many ways... this time she realised she really needed to do something.

It wasn't a client, it wasn't an affair... Nova knew exactly who this person was and her apprehension increased several notches.

Caroline de Castile, that was her name... an absolutely stunning young lady that also happened to be... a princess. Constantine was fourteen now while Caroline was fifteen.

Her eldest daughter, the Goddess who inherited the law of 'Luck' and causality. Nova knew that her daughter and Caroline were fated to be together, it was sealed in the future, that is how it was supposed to be.

She had realised what mortal emotions are, right at that moment she was feeling so jealous and clouded, as if Caroline's mere presence in this house was already eating her peace away.

Nova felt jealous of her own daughter, because that smile that Constantine had while chatting with her... should only belong to her.

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