The Golden Throne

Chapter 88 - A Fight To The Death

Chapter 88 - A Fight To The Death

He jumped forward and collided with the fist of the demon. The demon looked at Liu Feng's and then at the trajectory. It just snorted and punched Liu Feng with it's massive fist. Liu Feng fell back, but it was not that serious an injury. He got up on his fist. Looking around with desperation, he saw the great sword that the demon had thrown away because it couldn't destroy it. He started moving towards it, but the demon saw that. It also started running towards the sword. Liu Feng was a little faster, and with the help of the wind on his feet, he got to the sword seconds before the demon could.  He then slammed the great sword back at the demon, and the demon was blasted away. Huffing, he wiped away the blood on the corner of his mouth. He looked back at Amelia.

"This battle is impossible to win if the demon is intelligent enough to attack Amelia. She is weighing me down.", he realized. He rushed to her while the demon was still lying on the ground, immobile. It was stuck in the ground, and Liu Feng was exhausting his mana hardening the ground as well. Oh the benefits of having control over all the elements!

He took Amelia and started running to the last place that he could go to, forward. Going back to the phoenix would only cause him more trouble, while staying here was basically inviting death. He sprinted to the outer edge, and he saw that a few demons were approaching him. He stopped moving, as did Amelia. She had also seen the demons that were approaching. After seeing how badly Liu Feng was beaten by the demon, who was not even defeated still, she was scared senseless. Liu Feng looked at Amelia and said,

"You have to leave. Here, take a few cores and the gun. You can protect yourself. ". He took his gun and a few cores from the spatial stone and shoved it into Amelia's hands.

"No way. What about you?", Amelia said, righteously. But, she knew that it was useless even saying this. She knew that she was no help at all.

"You staying will in no way help me in my survival chances. I can survive. Now don't go back to the academy. Go to Dilheim, and to the mage tower. Tell the master about what you saw here. Tell Arad as well. Remember, go to the mage tower first. It is the safest place in the world right now for you. The academy has Tyrion and he will kill you if he knows what you say.", Liu Feng warned her. "Go to Dilheim first! Not the academy!", he reminded again.

Saying this, he was about to turn, but Amelia was still frozen. Liu Feng quickly tapped Amelia's cheek twice, to remind her about the dangerous situation. Amelia shook back to reality. Seeing this, Liu Feng turned away and ran towards the demons who were approaching them. Amelia looked at Liu Feng with streaming tears, but there was nothing that she could do. 

She turned away and looked at where Liu Feng wanted to go. They were on a hill, with the only way to go, down. She took a deep breath and quickly escaped in the final direction that she could, down hill. It was dangerous, but as she had the winds always in her favor, she could escape. She jumped to the trees, and as if she was surfing, a green light was under her feet, guiding her to safety. Liu Feng saw that Amelia escaped, and sighed in relief.josei

"Now, I can go all out.", he smiled.

A huge fire came striking down on the demons that Liu Feng was battling. He struck them with the great sword, and cut them in half. The lower bodies of the demons were still standing, but they were glowing red at the point of strike, because of the sheer heat of the fire that Liu Feng had conjured.

"You should have run, child. This place is far too dangerous for you right now. If they know about your contracts, they will send the entire army after you.", Zeus reprimanded him.

"Well, getting her to safety was my goal, and now that I did, I can focus on the other reason that I came here. It's too bad that I don't have the gun. I can't have a reliable weapon to kill the demons or the beasts.", Liu Feng replied back.

The sound of the fight was clearly heard back in the demon encampment. Liu Feng looked back at the demon who was still alive back at the top of the hill. That demon was now free of all constraints, because it came to face Liu Feng now. Liu Feng's fists were blazing with fire, while the sword itself was glowing red. He screamed out in rage as he swung it hard onto the demon. The demon raised it's hands to block, but the sword cut the hand straight in half.

The demon looked at the half hand and then back at Liu Feng. It looked confused, as it did not understand how the hand disappeared. Just moments ago, it could handle the sword with no difficulty at all. Liu Feng took the sword and started preparing for another attack, but the demon did not give him time. It rammed itself towards the Liu Feng, and Liu Feng coughed out some blood. He jumped out of the way, and he slammed the sword into the torso of the demon.

The sword even dug deep into the torso of the demon than Liu Feng had imagined it would. It howled with pain. Liu Feng let go of the sword itself, and started conjuring a fireball. He flung it into the open mouth of the demon. 

The demon wailed and beat around with pain, but it slowly died down. Liu Feng put his foot on the demon and pulled his sword out. Now, he knew that danger was coming. With the camp alert of his presence, they were bound to send some troupes to kill him.

But, only one demon came to face Liu Feng.

"So, it looks like humans these days are growing far too ambitious and arrogant. Dare to disturb the great general's sleep will you? Well, you should thank your lucky stars if you get a clean and swift death, because hell is about to descend on you.", Liu Feng heard a hoarse voice say. Liu Feng saw another demon, but he was considerably bigger than the other demons that Liu Feng saw. He looked more like how Steve looked after the transformation.

"Demons can talk? Why do I feel that this demon is much more different from the one that I have faced? He feels more... humanoid.", Liu Feng noted, because of how the anatomy of this demon in particular was similar to any other bipedal creature. 

"You should run, Liu Feng. This demon is not someone that you can face. He is much more powerful than you know,.", Zeus warned Liu Feng.

Liu Feng could also see a mist rolling on and off of the demon. It looked like a fluid rather than whatever energy the demons used. It was pitch black, and Liu Feng felt that even looking at it repulsed him. The air around him also felt like it was making him weaker.

Liu Feng started casting a spell, but the demon shot forward and attacked Liu Feng directly, not giving him any time. Liu Feng quickly defended himself by putting the blade in the way, but he was still blasted away to the tree trunk behind him. He coughed up blood from his mouth. He felt enormous pain in his ribs, as if they had cracked.

Liu Feng could feel that the injuries of fighting the demons were piling up, and that he had to end the fight. He chanted quickly, gathered wind on his legs, and started running.

"You want to run, human? We'll see how much longer you'll last with the pitiful amount of mana you have.", the demon laughed as it gave chase.

Liu Feng was running, but with no direction. He knew that he couldn't follow Amelia, as she could still be very near them. He couldn't go towards the camp, as that would literally be suicide. The demon just said that there was a higher ranking demon in the camp. So, the only realistic option that Liu Feng had was to go back to the phoenix's territory, and hope that he would be forgiven. Surely the phoenix would understand. It was intelligent enough to know language after all, right? These lines of thought ran in Liu Feng's head as he finally decided.

Liu Feng went back to the phoenix's territory, and the demon followed him. The moment the demon entered the phoenix's territory, Liu Feng could feel a blast of heat on him.

"You dare return human? And you brought this scum with you? "

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