The Grand Mistress

Chapter 128 - Rough

Chapter 128 - Rough

"Primo what's going on?" Gabriella repeated her question and yet the man only pushed to her his phone and let the Monteria heiress see for herself. She rummaged around the web and found several articles of her and Primo being linked together and the fact that they left the party last night together.

"Oh shit!" She cursed as she clicked one article and read through the news gossip. Immediately she frowned and looked at Primo, only to find him smiling at her face.

"You looked dreadful," he commented with a grin and snatched away the phone to stop her from searching more. He had seen how stressed she became and thought perhaps he should not have told her about it early in the morning.

"Who would not? Everybody in the city is talking about us!"  Gabriella cussed and she gave Primo an eye wondering why he looked so calm about it. "And you know what frustrates me even more is the fact that you don't seem affected at all. How is all this okay with you?"

"I have nothing to be upset about the media pairing me off to a beautiful woman," He answered simply and started placing food on her plate. "Come one dulzura, am I not really a good catch that you seemed so upset about the media labelling us as a couple?"

"I am upset because I know that this isn't true…" Gabriella answered. "I don't want everyone to assume things and blame it all to me at the end when their expectations fall out. Look Primo, I know my place and people like me doesn't belong to your kind,"

"My kind? I was never aware I have a different kind from you, were just both humans,"

"Your kind is the top rich, my kind is the regular rich," Gabriella explained further trying to make Primo see the obvious difference. "That speaks so many differences,"

"Fine. We'll talk about the differences later when we are done with our errand," Primo dismissed the whole conversation by delaying its resolution. "Let's eat now, we are running late with the appointment,"

"Where are we going?" Gabriella remembered the servant earlier did tell her they were about to go somewhere, so she asked. "I thought you are going to send me home this morning,"

"Which home? To your friend's house?" Primo raised a brow at it. "I'm not going to send back my woman to someone else house,"

"But Primo—"

"Eat. We will talk later" He cut her off completely and raised a spoon of food in her mouth. Her eyes went big, surprised at his unexpected gesture. "Come on, open your mouth,"

"I can eat…" Gabriella took the spoon cautiously from Primo's hand and was relieved when he let her have it. "I can eat on my own,"

"Alright," Primo chose not to argue over it and let her eat comfortably. He does acknowledge the fact that she was still not used to him and that it needed more time for her to adjust with his company so he was determined to take things slow between them.

The breakfast went on smoothly and Gabriella was so amazed on how good the food was in Primo's house. Ever since she came, there was no single dish she disliked and she had been enjoying the food there more than anything. 

After breakfast, she had her bath and after an hour and half, she was all dolled up. The maids helped her choose a pretty good dress, a casual pink one that made her look fresh and young. They even helped braid her long wavy hair so it wouldn't be much of  a trouble for her.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked for the nth time but until then no one was giving her answers.

"You'll see when we get there," Primo dismissed her question and ushered her through the backseat. The car then travelled through a familiar path, the one they took last night until they reached the busy city main roads. Primo had been busy with his phone calls while they travelled and so there was no one to entertain Gabriella's questions. She only held a deep sigh and thought about how stupid she was for leaving her bag and phone behind in Allegria's penthouses. She wondered by then what had happened to Lucy and how worried she must have been, especially that she left her not a single note on where she went. 

She actually thought of calling the Allegria penthouses through the landline back in Primo's mansion but she missed her chance this morning as she had been occupied with the rush of taking a bath and choosing her dress. Right then, her only hope of contacting Lucy was to borrow Primo's phone but he had his hands on it as calls kept coming in. Was this how his days always started and ended? Through a series of phone calls? He must really be a busy man.

Soon, their car stopped and when Gabriella looked outside, she saw that they were in Imperial hospital. She was left baffled for a few minutes, wondering what their errand in the hospital would be but waited for Primo to explain it to her. However Primo was still on his phone and so she could only follow him obediently. 

They entered the Imperia hospital through a ground floor level exclusive only for the hospital's VIP clients and so when they exited the car, no paparazzi nor a single media practitioner welcomed them and Gabriella was so relieved at that. She was aware that Imperial hospital had exclusive facilities for the top rich but since the Monteria's weren't on that level of status, she had never experienced their VIP facilities. So this was how the top rich go to hospitals? They had their own exclusive well guarded parking space as well as a private elevator. No wonder it was hard for the media to stalk on their lives, they basically had places to go where regular people cannot.

Gabriella had no idea what they were doing in the Imperial hospital, not until she realized where Primo took her. The man was too engrossed with the conversation he had in his phone and so when medical personnel appeared to welcome them, they took and accommodated Gabriella and only gave Primo some curtsy. Gabriella was all hesitant to follow the nurses and Primo saw this,  so he put on hold  the person he was talking to for a moment to speak to her.

"I'll just finish this call dulzura, I'll follow you right away," He said and reached for her hair to give it a kiss. "This won't take long, I'll be there before you knew it,"

Gabriella only nodded and followed the nurses and in just after a few minutes, she had undergone a few tests and found herself lying on a white bed in the obygene's office. Through the whole process, she realized Primo had taken her for a check up and she didn't know whether to feel good or bad at that. Was Primo just concerned about her health that he had her checked or was he just making sure she was a clean woman? Either way she understood the need for it as Primo wasn't an ordinary man, many people—a thousand of employees— depend on him and so his health was everyone's priority.

"Well you seemed pretty healthy," The doctor, a woman, smiled at her after she's done with what she had to do. "Just a little bit more of a sexy time and you'll manage to have a baby. I can recommend you some supplement to help securing chances of getting pregnant,"historical

"Ahmm…." The words of the doctor surprised Gabriella. They had some small talks earlier but she doesn't remember telling her she wanted to get pregnant. Who gave the doctor such an impression? "Doc, I think you are mistaken...I'm not planning to get pregnant. I'm not married yet so...,"

"Oh?" It was the doctor who was surprised with her words. "I see. I'm sorry I thought—Atty. Umbresio, good morning,"

Gabriella saw the doctor's eyes go from her to the door. She followed the doctor's gaze and found Primo at the standing there. It doesn't look like he just entered the door and so she wondered if he had been there all along.

"Good morning doc. How is she?" He asked directly to the point, not wasting more time for pleasantries. He didn't even bother to sit and just stood behind Gabriella's back.

"She's good. Healthy. I was about to recommend to her some supplements for securing chances of getting pregnant but she just relayed to me she didn't want to have a baby yet," The doctor relayed and Gabriella felt a little uncomfortable with the conversation. What's with all these baby topics?

"Truth is we haven't talked about it. I just want her to get checked to see if we managed to make one," Primo was so blatant with his words Gabriella wanted to evaporate out of sight. Also, the way Primo was caressing her hair and neck in front of the doctor was way too much  public display of affection for her. "We had been separated for a while since I had been busy with work and so I've been a little rough on her in bed when I came back. Just worried I might hurt the child if we managed to have one the last time. Also my woman really likes it rough so I can't really help it,"

Gabriella went red at Primo's honesty and the way the doctor smiled at it only made her feel the worst. God! How blatant could he be?

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