The Grand Mistress

Chapter 140 - Shamelessly

Chapter 140 - Shamelessly

The morning breeze suddenly was no more cold. With Hawk kneeling at her feet, Simione's skin and insides went burning hot. Hawk kissed her in there and brushed his tongue at her flesh, very much enjoying the sound of her constrained moaning. In the midst of such an early scandalous venture and while Hawk was lavishing with Simione's most innate part, Old Sunny suddenly opened the back door and saw Simione inside the bathroom.

"Cat? Are you okay?" She asked. She heard something strange outside and went to check the girl whom she knew was taking a bath.

"Ahmm….yeah….yes," The surprised Simione tried to put up a natural demeanor and face although she was very unlikely to be natural at the moment when Hawk's tongue continued digging inside her even when he heard some threat. "I'm okay….the water….ah.. is just so cold,"

"Oh it is really cold here in the mountains," Old Sunny commented. "I bet this is your first time taking a bath on mornings in the mountains right? You should have told me, I should have heat up some water for you,"

"No I can manage this," Simione, with her very strength, held Hawk's head tight and restrained him so he could stop. How shameless was this man that he can still think of his lust when they were almost caught already. If not for the fact that Hawk was kneeling and he was not visible from the outside, for sure Old Sunny would know and be frustratedly surprised at their scandalous behavior. What was she thinking anyway? How could she let Hawk Monsanto do this thing?

"Do you need more water? I can fetch some for you," Old Sunny volunteered as she knew one pail wouldn't be enough for Simione especially that her hair was very long, it needed more water to be washed completely.

"No no, not anymore," Simione shook her head in panic. Old Sunny was about to move close to her and she was afraid that once she advanced more,  she would see Hawk kneeling right between her thighs. "I still have a bucket full," She dragged her eyes to the pail that L Conglomerate President fetched earlier for her that was placed on the ground just a few meters from the bathroom she was in.

"Oh I'll carry that for you inside the bathroom if you want," Old Sunny already turned to the pail and carried it. She was about to enter the bath when SImione asked her not to. 

"Old Sunny, please don't bother anymore. I really can do it on my own," She  reduced this time wearing her most genuine smile in an attempt to make the old woman stop insisting. It was effective though as Old Sunny did not press on it much and just let go of the pail. "You can go back to cooking now, I'll finish in a bit then I'll help you,"historical

"Okay fine. As long as you are okay," Old Sunny settled and went back to the kitchen. Right away, just a minute after the old woman went back inside, Simione grabbed her towel, wrapped her body and exited the bathroom as fast as she could. 

Damn! A minute more inside there with Hawk Monsanto was only inviting scandal and trouble. When she did exit, she was in such a haste that rendered Hawk Monsanto's protest futile. He was not even able to voice out his protest because Simione managed to retreat in a flash.

"Cat—" She heard the man called her but she dared not to acknowledge it. God! Didn't she tell him last night to stop already? Why was it that even with so many things that had already been said, they still continued to lure each other back to their scandalous deeds? Simione right then could only curse, frustrated that she herself cannot even withhold her feelings for him.


The next time Cat and Hawk met was during breakfast and Simione was so silent everyone worried she had gotten sick. She just smiled at them and told them she was okay. When the breakfast was over, they packed up some snacks that their group could share together on the way. The road back to Comis village was long and since the sun was bright and shiny today, they were already expecting it was going to be so bright they'll sure exhaust and hunger themselves on the way.

Soon, the group bid their farewell to old Sunny and her neighbors and started their journey home. On the way, the group talked about Doctor Sora and Nurse Leah who went home ahead of them.

"Lolong still wanted to spend the night but the two women were insisting to leave already," Mario commented as they were passing through the thick forest. He too was wondering what happened to the two and what was the reason that so suddenly they both decided to leave. "He could not say no to both women then so he just accompanied them home,"

"You should have woken me up. I knew the way very well. I could have taken them back to the orphanage safely," Simione joined the conversation then, also wondering what could be the two medical practitioner's problems.

"Oh, they insisted on not waking you up Cat," Mario answered. "They might be too shy to disturb you,"

"But I am their companion. The directress entrusted them to me," Simione said, already worried. Why does she feel like something happened to the two? She hoped it was nothing serious and there was only indeed some missed activity Doctor Sora needed to finish or other reasonable things.

"I don't know, Cat," Mario expressed. "Perhaps when we reached the orphanage we can ask them why they had to leave like that,"

The conversation about the two lingered not long and the topic went off smoothly and had soon been forgotten when other more interesting topics hit off their group. With too many things to talk about and entertain themselves, they had reached the Comis Village after a few hours of walking. Time does fly fast indeed when people are having fun.

Their group dropped by the orphanage first to drop off Cat. When they reached the place, someone came running to them with a complicated expression.

"It's good that you had arrived...especially you Cat,"

"Why? Is there something wrong?" Simione asked immediately. The woman's expression answered her question right away. Wanting to know it, she asked again, "What is it?"

"I don't know how to explain it to you guys but it would be best that you go to the directress office," She told them, "The Village head, his wife and some significant folk gathered there since earlier,"

"Is there a meeting or something?" Mario was curious. They just came from the other village and they needed rest but it seemed that they needed to delay such for the meantime. What seemed to be the problem then? Perhaps it involved Doctor Sora and Nurse Leah.

"Just go to the directress office all of you," The woman said and walked away. 

The group looked at each other confused and so they all decided to go to the directress office. When they reached the room, all their heads formed lines at the situation. Indeed all the significant old folks were in there aside from the village monk, Hawk's adoptive father who chose to do his prayers again.The folks gathered around the directress table while Doctor Sora and Nurse Leah were at the corner, both red faced.

"Cat," Old Susan right away walked to Simione and dragged her away from her group to a corner a little away from the others. The directress room wasn't that big so even when they were in the corner already, everyone could still hear their conversation.

"Cat, I know your situation is hard at this time. I know very well, trust me," The Village head's wife started with comforting words that Simione somehow did not understand. Well, she perfectly understood what the old woman was saying but she was wondering why she was saying it all right then. "Your husband is sick and he cannot fulfill any of his obligations to you but he does love you very much. He had been all devoted to you. You must be patient and not lose hope. You must be patient and not find some warmth on someone else, that is a sin Cat..a sin my child,"

Her last statement sponsored a shudder in Simione's shoulder. "Old Susan, what are you talking about? What is wrong with you guys?" Her eyes turned from the old woman to all the people who had all their eyes fixated on them. "You are making me feel worried,"

"How could you pretend to be innocent at this point?" Doctor Sora's annoyed voice echoed through the whole room. "Was it not enough that you made such scandalous things and now you are lying in everyone's places? How thick-faced can you be?"

Simione and her companion who was oblivious to what was happening looked at the indignant Doctor. What was she annoyed about? She seemed to be cool last night? What could have happened that changed her mood completely?

"I don't know what—"

"You are having an affair with that man!" Doctor Sora cut her off, glaring as she pointed a finger to Hawk who was then standing at the back of all their companions. "I saw you two both kissed shamelessly last night!"

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