The Grand Mistress

Chapter 177 - Her Husband

Chapter 177 - Her Husband

"You….please….don't be a dream," The sight of the person who entered the door made Simione break down. It was only then that she felt like she had travelled so far away, got lost in a sea of dangerous hosts yet at the end, had finally found her way out.

"Simione," The person called her name, also crying. She ran to the girl who looked dashingly beautiful but was helpless and all in tears. 

"Lucccccy!" Simione wailed. Never in the world did she expect Lucy to come and rescue her. She knew the girl loved her deeply as a sister but to get through such a dangerous pit just to find her was something she didn't know Lucilla was capable of. They were just college girls after all.

"I'm sorry Sisi… took me a long time to fetch you and it also took me a very long time to find you…please don't hate me…" Lucy cried with her. Her words reminded Simione of the day she was kidnapped. Lucy was actually the one who was supposed to pick her up, it was she whom she was waiting for on the streets.

"How did you even know I was kidnapped?" Simione asked, clinging into Lucy's  arms like a child. "My abductors boasted of doing a clean job and so they told me nobody will suspect I got taken by them,"

"I just knew you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye so I had a hunch something happened to you," Lucy told her. "When I came to the area to fetch you and you weren't there, I felt bad. Tried to ring the Tangs but they were pretty convinced you ran away. I also reported it to the police and they said it was just a normal case of running away since you left handwritten notes for the Tangs. Nobody believed me. I went to ask for the street's CCTV and conveniently, their copies got deleted. That's the time I was pretty convinced something happened to you,"

"Oh Lucy," Simione's throat went pretty wet she could barely utter a word. "You saved me Lucy! You came to save me!"historical

"Hush Simione," Lucy wiped her own tears and comforted the girl. She allowed her fearful and shaking friend to cry and be able to calm herself. "I'm here already, I won't go away. I won't allow anyone to take you again. I promised that,"

Simione couldn't believe that she had been rescued. Lucy was so real in her arms she knew all of this wasn't a dream. She's finally free and back to her friends. When she recovered a little, she asked to go and leave the place as she felt very uncomfortable there. She was afraid that someone would come and take her from Lucy.

Lucy allowed the thing but that was after she had someone checked Simione's health. A doctor was then brought to the hotel and Simione had an overall check up.  Lucy obsessively examined every part of her, making sure she had no scratches anywhere. Although someone promised her she won't be hurt, she wanted to be sure about it. She can't just rely on anybody's words now, especially that it took her a very long time to find the girl.

"Lucy, did you just buy me off from the bidding arena?" Simione asked when they were in the car already. She stopped crying already and was thinking about how Lucy was able to help her. Right then, she was eating the food Lucy bought from a fast food nearby, thinking she must have been very hungry.

"Ahm, yes…" Lucy answered. "Eugene said it was the best way to get you without messing around with the organization. I don't want them running after us in case,"

"You were my highest bidder?" Simione asked again with wide eyes. "You bought me for a hundred and fifty million euros?"

"Technically it was me, but it was Eugene who handled it all," Lucy explained. "Eugene got an intel that you were the organization's biggest bet for the auction. They say you were uniquely beautiful and inexperienced so Eugene promised me that if that was the case, the organization won't hurt you. So if we want a smooth transaction, we should just buy your from them as the highest bidder,"


"The one in the suit. The one who took you from the ship," Lucy explained but Simione saw her hesitation and she fully understood that there seemed to be something that Lucy didn't want to open more about. "He was the one who help me all through it,"

"Eugene is your friend?" Simione continued asking.

"More like an employee," Lucy corrected and was clearly avoiding Simione's eyes. There was something about this transaction that she didn't want Simione to know, something about her past that she was forced to forget. If only not because of Simione, she would never in her life dreamed of contacting Eugene again.

"If your employee had access to an organization like that and biddings like that, it means you are a dangerous person," Simione blabbered. "Lucy you scare me to be honest,"

"He's not my employee okay?But he can't say no to me for some reason," Lucy glared at her. "I just saved you and now you are nagging at me! Ungrateful brat!"

"Is he one of your lovers?" Simione squinted at her ignoring her second statement. She took a bit of the burger she had in her hand and added while her mouth was full. "Did you cling to your lovers again to save me?"

"Nope," Lucy denied. "He won't dare to become one of my lovers. He'll get killed if he will be"

Simione raised a brow at how Lucy's voice shook when the topic hit at that. She wondered by then who was this person behind Eugene that she made Lucy falter. "By whom ?"

"By someone you don't want to met,"

"Who exactly are you referring to?"

"....." Lucy silenced.

"Lucy????????" Simione pressed into her like a mad woman. She really hates it when Lucy keeps something from her.

"My husband,"

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