The Grand Mistress

Chapter 181 - Gabriella's Plan

Chapter 181 - Gabriella's Plan

Gabriella brought Simione to Allegria penthouses and tucked her to bed after she drank some medicine for the headache. When Simione was asleep, Gabriella looked at her friend pitifully and felt extra weak for not being able to help her. 

Simione had been so problematic about the Tangs for more than a year already and as much as she wanted to help her, she really didn't have the resources to. She's just an abandoned heiress now, she can't even ask help from the Monteria's for Simione's sake.

However, earlier, the lawyer they talked to pressed an idea to Gabriella's head. 

"Then why don't you ask El Tigre to do the job for you since she's his employee?"

Gabriella was aware that even when you are an employee in El Tigre's corporation, you can't really expect Primo to help you in your personal businesses and so it was really rude for the lawyer to say that.. Simione had not even met Primo yet even when she had worked for many years in his company. So, how can she ask for his help?

However, Primo, the great young lawyer in this country comes home to her every night and is always good to her. Perhaps she can asked his help for Simione's benefit?

Thinking about Primo now, an immediately blushed went to Gabriella's face.historical

'Shit! How could I think of those shameless things we did right now? I should be thinking of how to help Sisi,"

Gabriella casted away those dirty thoughts and thought of something. Simione said that she needed the lawyer right away since she needed to file a motion for… whatever. She can't remember it anymore. However it seemed the matter was urgent so she had to talk to Primo right away.She can't anymore wait any longer, especially that Primo told her this morning he'll be very late. What should she do then? Should she call him?

But this matter needed to be talked about face to face. She felt it was rude to make requests like this through a call. 

Gabriella bit her nails while thinking through it. She didn't really know what to do, all she knew was that to help Simione she must make a solution before she wakes up. 

"Perhaps I should call Marie," Gabriella said to herself and so after a moment she dialed the mansion's number. The line was answered right away and she asked the one who picked it up to call Marie.

"My lady, what is it?" Marie's gentle voice welcomed her through the line.


"Do you need anything my lady? Say it I can help you with anything,"

"I need to speak to Primo…"

"But my lady, you know the master isn't here. He is in the office, he'll come home however tonight,"

"What I mean is that…I need to speak to him right now…but it's something I cannot say through a call…is there anyway I can meet him…or is it even possible?"

"I see…" Marie paused a bit also thinking about how to make it happen. "How about you go to his office,"

"Ehhh? Am I even allowed to go there?"

"My lady, I think the master will be very delighted if you come and visit him.."

"But I don't want to go and disturb him…" Gabriella hesitated for a moment.

"Just go and meet him. I'm done cooking lunch right now. How about you bring him some? He'll surely like to eat with you for lunch," Marie's face brightened up in the other line. 

The idea just passed through her and she was really happy that she was able to think about it. She always had problems with Primo with his eating habits. He always missed some meals and Marie couldn't make him commit to eating regularly. Perhaps with the lady around, she can have him commit to it specially that ever since Gabriella entered their house, Primo always makes sure to come home and eat dinner and breakfast with her.

"I think that's a great idea," Gabriella was somehow convinced.

"Okay, I'll have the food delivered to the entrance of the Umbresio building so you won't have to come here for it. Just head straight to his office, okay?"

"Alright. Thank you Marie," Gabriella ended the call and turned to look at the sleeping Simione. "Don't worry Sisi, I'll make sure Primo will take your case, you don't have to worry about it anymore,"

With that, Gabriella fixed herself and leave Simione's room. Before leaving, she talked to Lucy's housemaid and instructed her to take care of Simione while she was out. Lucy had housemaids but they did not stay in and so they were just there during the day to do some cleanings. It was still round eleven in the morning that time and so Gabriella was still able to catch them cleaning at the penthouse.

The driver that was assigned to Gabriella took the less hassle road and so within just twenty minutes, they reached Primo's office. Right when she alighted, a familiar servant from the mansion approached her.

"Miss, Marie said that I should escort you inside. She was afraid that the security and the receptionist might not give you a hard time so I'm here to make sure you can go in conveniently," The servant told her and she noticed that he was carrying something with him. It must be the lunch that Marie promised.

"Alright, thank you for accompanying me," Gabriella sighed in relief. She really thought she had to go inside alone and seeing how big the building was, she wasn't sure she could find her way to Primo.

The servant took charge of escorting Gabriella and so they passed through the security without a hassle. Even the reception gave them a go immediately but Gabriella saw that everyone inside was looking at her. She also saw the receptionist whispering against each other and giggled. Some raised an eyebrow while some just looked at her without expression.

Shit! Did her presence cause a scene today?

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