The Grand Secretary’s Pampered Wife

Chapter 131.2

Chapter 131.2: Bullying

"That's right!" Smiling, several people around Gu Chenglin said in agreement, and then they went back to their classroom.

Gu Yan's breathing was getting weaker and weaker.

He could no longer even feel the pain.

He knew he mustn’t faint now, or he might never wake up again.

But he was really exhausted.

He feared he wouldn’t be able to hold on.

Bang bang——

Before he lost his last trace of consciousness, the door was kicked open.

The glaring light suddenly shone in.

Gu Yan opened his eyes and saw a tall and mighty figure, like a god walking up to him against the light.

Gu Changqing broke the rope that bound his hands and feet with his bare hands, bent over and picked him up, and then hurriedly walked outside the woodshed.

Gu Yan leaned against the other party’s arms, feeling a little confused. He grabbed on to his clothes, like grasping the last straw to save his life.

He opened his mouth to say something.

Gu Changqing bowed his head and asked, "What is it?"

Gu Yan said weakly, "Medicine..."

Gu Changqing put Gu Yan down and started looking for medicine on his person. After a while, he found a small porcelain bottle, poured out two pills and fed them into Gu Yan's mouth.

Gu Changqing untied the water sac from the saddle and helped Gu Yan drink some water.

Gu Yan's pale complexion improved a bit and his heart was no longer as painful, but he still felt very weak, not even having the strength to speak.

Gu Yan recognized the other party. He raised his hand and tried to hold onto his clothes again, but only two of his thin fingers managed to grab him. He resembled a weak and aggrieved cat.

Gu Changqing sighed helplessly, saying, "I'll take you home first."

Gu Changqing happened to pass by when he heard a faint whimper. At first, he thought it was just a cat, but something didn't feel right, so he climbed over the wall and walked in front of the woodshed.josei

He practiced martial arts and had a very sharp hearing. If it was others, they wouldn’t be able to hear Gu Yan's movements.

Gu Yan once again sat on Gu Changqing's horse. Last time, he still had the strength to keep a distance from him. This time, he simply had no strength to even bother. He was like a snail without a shell as he leaned limply against his chest.

Gu Yan still thought his chest was hard!

But it was also warm.

Gu Yan suddenly felt a sense of stability and peace of mind. This was the first time Gu Yan had felt this kind of feeling in someone else other than Gu Jiao.

Gu Yan was currently very weak. To prevent him from falling, Gu Changqing held the reins with one hand and encircled his other arm around Gu Yan’s waist.

The strength of his arm was different from that of JiaoJiao, it had the masculinity and force that was unique to men.

Gu Yan had fallen asleep when Gu Changqing sent him home, at the same time, Gu Jiao had just arrived at the gate and met them by chance.

Gu Jiao looked at Gu Yan and the glint in her eyes suddenly grew cold.

Gu Yan's breathing had stabilized, but his clothes were dirty and his face had some scratches. One could tell at a glance that something bad had happened to him.

Gu Changqing said, "I found him in the woodshed of the academy. You can ask him the details when he wakes up."

Gu Jiao took Gu Yan over and thanked Gu Changqing, "Thank you."

Gu Changqing, who sat on the horse, replied with an expressionless face, "You saved my life before, now we’re even."

Gu Jiao didn't say anything else as she carried the sleeping Gu Yan back to the house.

The elderly woman was instantly furious upon seeing her own baby become like this, "Which bastard did this?!”

He would never believe that Gu Yan fell on his own.

Gu Yan wasn't so careless, besides, the marks on his wrists couldn’t have come from a fall.

Gu Jiao took out the stethoscope and listened to Gu Yan's heart rate. She looked for Gu Yan's small medicine bottle, in which she had put two emergency pills for heart attack, exactly one dose.

Now that the medicine was gone, it meant that he just had a heart attack.

Fortunately, he took the medicine in time, otherwise what she would be seeing now would have been his cold corpse.

Meanwhile, unable to find Gu Yan in the academy, Gu Xiaoshun informed the teacher and asked for a leave, then he ran home only to find that Gu Yan was injured.

"How did this happen?" He asked, "I just went to get our books!"

Gu Jiao said, "Go back to the academy first and file a leave of absence for Gu Yan."

"Ah... Oh." Gu Xiaoshun dared not disobey his big sis and retraced his steps back to the academy.

Gu Jiao didn't go anywhere and merely sat by the bed until Gu Yan woke up.

"Who did it?" Gu Jiao immediately asked.

Gu Yan lowered his eyes and tightened his fists.

Gu Jiao, being his twin sister, could feel his emotional fluctuations. She continued questioning, "Do you know the other party? Is it your acquaintance?"

Gu Yan's eyes dimmed.

Acquaintance? He was more than that.

He was a person related to him by blood.

Gu Yan didn't recognize Gu Chenglin originally, but when the other party put him in the dark woodshed, the familiar fear instantly struck his heart.

Gu Chenglin locked him up the same way when they were kids.

He heard people outside call him "Third Young Master Gu", so he was almost certain that he was Gu Chenglin.

On the other hand, Gu Chenglin was in a good mood after teaching Gu Yan a lesson, and he was more energetic in class.

On the way back home, Gu Chenglin talked to his second brother Gu Chengfeng about Gu Yan.

"What did you say? Yao shi's son is also in our academy?" Gu Chengfeng was surprised.

"It should be him." Gu Chenglin replied.

Gu Chengfeng said with a frown, "What do you mean should be? Just answer me yes or no."

Gu Chenglin thought for a moment before saying, "Didn't they say that little sickly guy won’t be able to live past fifteen years? He's now fifteen years old. Even if he isn’t dead yet, he also should be dying by now. But that Gu Yan doesn't look like he’s dying."

Gu Chengfeng said, "Maybe it's just someone with the same first and last name. Anyway, why did you lock him up?"

Gu Chenglin grunted coldly, "Who told him to glare at me?"

"You!" Gu Chengfeng didn’t know what to say.

Gu Chenglin smilingly said, "Second brother, do you wish that he is that little sickly guy after all, or do you wish it’s not him?"

Gu Chengfeng replied, "It’s not like it’s up to my wish? If it turns out to be him, what if he died because you locked him up for so long!"

Gu Chenglin suddenly felt guilty as he uttered, "There’s no way..."

Gu Chengfeng looked at him and said, "Don't you remember the time you locked him up when we were kids? Didn’t he almost die then? Father was so furious that eldest brother and I were beaten along with you!"

Gu Chenglin pursed his lips, saying, "It's as if second brother didn't beat him up before."

When Gu Yan still lived in the estate, Gu Chenglin and Gu Chengfeng were the main force to bully Gu Yan. Gu Changqing hated Gu Yan, but he never bullied people younger than himself. He usually targeted Yao shi directly.

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