Rise of the Nightmare Crestmaster

Chapter 187 Departure

Chapter 187 Departure

"It's in their best interests to take any talented individuals, they could strengthen their own forces and weaken Vorian in a single stroke. Their methods are not bad, most of what they offered you is probably true."

Aldrich couldn't help but admire this way of doing things. Using soft but effective strategy is harder than using brute force.

"The temptation is strong, it has driven many people out of Vorian. This happens to every field, not just Crestmasters, physicians, entertainers, artists and even laborers."

"So, is this the part where you tell me to be loyal to Vorian and stay?" Aldrich asked, amused.

He did not feel that the people who left were in the wrong completely. Ultimately they sought a better life and he couldn't blame them for that.

However it did leave a bitter taste in his mouth. Because he knew he would be one of those people.

He had his own reasons for staying in Vorian, he had obligations to fulfill but he also thought that he had better opportunities in Vorian.

"No," lord Garon unexpectedly shook his head like he knew something he wasn't going to share.

"I just wanted to give you a message."

"A message? To whom?" Aldrich didn't know anyone of any great import. And why did the lord think of him of all people to carry a message, they were not familiar with each other.

"You're the best person for the job since I can't write it, the best way is to relay it to you."

"While I am grateful for your trust, my lord. I am not well equipped to handle such a great responsibility…"

Are you kidding? This sound incredibly dangerous. He sure as hell wasn't going to plunge himself into hell just to look good.

"It's for Ayemon's ears alone."

An unexpected name came up.

"W-who is that? I'm not sure I follow…" that could be a test, he had to act like he didn't know.

"Cut the act. Tell him that Orven still didn't get back nor did he send word, I fear something unexpected has happened in the west."

"Orven?" Aldrich then remembered, he was one of Ayemon's traveling companions and he came with them to Voryhrm but then he left and Aldrich didn't know where to or why.

The unexpected news left Aldrich a little uncomprehending, it was one thing after another.

"Fine is that all?" Aldrich asked in some annoyance. He was upset that Ayemon didn't tell him he knew lord Garon.

When he told him about Ebrict he even acted all surprised.

"Yeah, we'll drop you off."

Aldrich returned to inn and told everyone to pack their things and get the supplies and food for their return trip.josei

They were going right after breakfast. They completed the quest, got the loot and sent the report. There was nothing to do here anymore.

Aldrich went to say his goodbyes to Irene, they wouldn't be seeing each other for some time. But it was a short few months, it wasn't a great amount of time. What could happen in a few months time?

Next time they saw each other maybe… kekekeke

Aldrich snickered to himself creepily. On his way there he turned to take one last look at Umbra island, it stood not too far from shore.

Last time Aldrich was… let's say occupied with Irene but he still used his Eyes of Insight on it and saw that remarkable barrier on the giant rock.

The giant rock was huge, you could build a whole castle on it and it would still have some room left. Yet the barrier covered it all.

It wasn't a physical barrier either, people could walk all over the giant rock and not feel any obstruction, the air flowed normally.

But something else was there, it was somehow there and not there at once. He saw something with his eyes at the time but wasn't very helpful.

Formation Barrier : ???

It conceals and hides, the key was thrown out. It can't be broken or damaged. The Glyphs used to create it were modified by the hands of a being of great power and knowledge.

Umbra monastery is real and it's still here. But it remains locked and sealed to outsiders, clearly they didn't want to be found.

Maybe if he got closer to it that time on the island he could have seen more.

But he still deduced several things from that brief information. 'The key' was thrown out, meaning that there is a key to the monastery and it's outside of it, outside the barrier.

If so, then if he found it he could be the only person to get access to the ancient and forgotten Umbra monastery.

That would be really nice, not bad for his reputation and very lucrative to boot.

He was a little concerned as to why the scholars decided to shut themselves out. And to go as far as throwing the key out.

It's been eight hundred years since the age of dread, the scholars must have already turned to skeletons, it wasn't an exaggeration to called a mass grave.

Aldrich talked with Irene and she looked very reluctant to see him leave, it can't be helped.

"Next time, I'll cook for you the Shrubs shrimp I told you about."

"I will look forward to it then." Aldrich laughed. He felt sorry that he couldn't eat the specialty of Ebrict.

The Shrubs shrimp were rare in all seasons but winter, that was the only time when people can radially get them.

"Sometimes things just don't work out in life, it's just that the time wasn't right." Aldrich tried to comfort her.

"When you come to Voryhrm we should go to a Sword Saint theatrical play. I heard they're really good."

Irene shook her head, "that story has already been told to oblivion, every time the story get exaggerated more and more."

"Now I'm really interested, we can make fun of it together then."

Irene smiled, "that sounds fun."

"I have to go now, my friends will kill me for being so late after I admonished them to get moving."


Aldrich stopped and turned back to look at her in confusion.

"Aren't you… uh… I mean, fine go!"

"Oh?" Aldrich smiled closed the distance, gave her a kiss and went on his way.

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