Rise of the Nightmare Crestmaster

Chapter 217 A Bad Opponent (1)

Chapter 217 A Bad Opponent (1)

Aldrich took the two heath potions he left behind in his cell and made Cole drink one of them.

Since the damage was so sever it should take a little bit of time. But not too long, his own broken legs were healed in a two minutes. His high vitality helped but Cole did not enjoy this benefit.

"H-hey, you… you're Cole's friend right? I'm his friend too, help me out…"

Aldrich turned to the right of Cole's cage, there was a group of knocked out people inside. Only he and Cole enjoyed having a whole cell to themselves, the rest were packed together.

It was a halfling who talked to him. Aldrich had sensed him before, his breathing was no different from the others but when he beheaded the guard it quickened for a moment.

He intended to wait and see.

"How can I believe you?" Aldrich asked indifferently, "you stayed quiet like a rat so far, why raise your head now? Just wait until I'm done with the rest of the trash then I will let everyone here out together you don't have to persuade me."

Indeed, Aldrich wasn't going to leave these people here like that, since he could save them without much trouble why not?

"No, let me out now." The halfling pleaded, "I know some information. I can guid you to where they took your things."

"I can just search the place myself later." Aldrich chuckle. It was not difficult for him to do that later, he was sure that his things were still here because not much time passed since they were brought here.

"No, please! Let me out, I have to find Alice. Please. They took her away." The halfling begged, "I swear no matter what happens later I will owe you my life."

"Do you understand that a battle between Crestmasters is about to take place here? I can't guarantee anything. You will just be collateral damage. Do you understand what that means? I can literally kill you with a slap."

It's not like he didn't understand the halfling's urgency but he was in no position to take things carelessly. He was in enemy ground and who knew how many of them were here.josei

But… at the same time, if this halfling decided to jump from the roof to his death Aldrich wouldn't feel guilty. To him running around here for a normal person was no different than that.

Aldrich cut open the cage bars and the halfling scrambled out.

"You still have to guid me to where they keep my things before you run off." Aldrich reminded the over energetic halfling.

"Yes, yes, I saw them carrying everything to the last room on the right of the corridor." The halfling said. "I don't know if they're still there so don't blame me if you can't find them."

"Well, isn't that convenient?" Aldrich asked rhetorically.


The door of the room was broken, it was made of metal so that was not a simple feat.

"I smell… blood. Kevin don't tell me you killed one of the new prisoners! The boss will skin you alive for this!"

Aldrich recognized the voice as belonging to the man who was being yelled at, but apparently it was no man at all. It was a hlaf-orc woman.

She had a light green skin and two small tusks peeked out of her lips. Her hair was braided and stood at two meters tall. She had a tower shield on one hand and a flail on the other.

Aldrich charged at her the moment she barged in, his sword slashed overhead to the opening in her shield's defense. But he was unable to take her by surprise as she quickly adjusted her stance and hid behind the tower shield.

"[Rebound]" the she-orc said and a green sheen of Ether enveloped her body.

Aldrich was pushed back unexpectedly, he thought that at least the impact of his strike was enough to throw her off balance but that happened to him instead.

Aldrich stabilized himself quickly but he was still not fast enough as the she-orc slammed into him with the tower shield. He was thrown onto the cage from which he escaped.

The impact destroyed what remained of the cage and he took a good second to get back up. There was no follow up attack and he knew why.

The she-orc kneeled on one knee and stared daggers at him. It was the invisible sword again, it stabbed her in the back.

However, it was Aldrich who was annoyed the most. That attack should have stabbed right through her and yet it only dealt a shallow wound?

He was beginning to feel that this was a bad match up against him.

The she-orc roared, for some reason hearing that roar intimidated Aldrich and stopped his incoming onslaught before it could begin. It was a Skill.

Aldrich gritted his teeth and stomped on the ground, he used [Light Step] and the Subjugation sword's [flames of damnation].

But he was not done yet, [Aurora: Augment] could also be used to enhance attacks. Dark red and black Aurora engulfed his sword.

The she-orc's eyes widened in disbelief at the attack, "[defensive wall!] [defiant keep!]" that was all she could do. She would have dodged or at least tried to, if not for her injury which limited her movements.


Like a canon ball she went crashing through the wall of the room and right through the room across the hall. A scare in the walls and the ground tore through the place.

The whole building shook with the force and probably because the foundations of the building itself were not in good shape.

Aldrich breathed in and dashed out to finish the job. He did not take the time to rest before knowing that she was truly dead.

In the room in which the she-orc crashed, a mess was going on. Many tables were broken and many of those present in the room were hit with shrapnel from the broken walls.

They were not in the best of shapes, some died outright as they were sitting right where she crashed in.

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