Rise of the Nightmare Crestmaster

Chapter 65 No Half-Measures

Chapter 65 No Half-Measures

"Yes sir, but that'll just take a minute."

"Now we're talking. See, now I know you're a man of honor." The instructor raised his head off the table and looked at Aldrich for the first time.

The instructor was like Ayemon described him to be, he had the features of Vorianeen man in his early thirties but those features were somehow twisted. Dark circles under his eyes, the eyes themselves were red and veins popped out like he suffered from long periods without sleep.

Unnatural pale skin and his beard looked like it was clean-shaven last week. Aldrich wasn't the only one taken aback by the other's appearance.josei

"Hey, you're just a kid. Aren't you too young to be here? This street isn't safe."

"Yes, yes I am. But when I heard that I could have the chance to talk to the renowned instructor Gazeff, I just had to try my luck."

Gazeff laughed, "well if you put it that way, I can see why you might think it worthwhile."

'It's as Ayemon said compliments and praise worked well with prideful people.'

"Surely an opportunity to meet such a famous character is worthy, after all they do say that you are the best of the best."

"Well they're not wrong in that regard." Gazeff laughed.

Aldrich smiled, thinking that this might not be so hard after all.

"Oh, one thing, though."


"I'm really not renewed or famous at all. Ah, Don't get me wrong, you're right I am the best but I'm just not that well known. I retired more than ten years ago. Most forgot about me, only a few assholes remember me."

Aldrich didn't know how to respond or if he should respond to that.

"So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, who sent you here boy?"

"I'm not really sure it I should say..." Aldrich could feel a sense of danger approaching him rapidly.

"Oh, come on." Gazeff took a swing at his half finished ale, "No pressure I just want to know, I'm on good terms with most people that I've met."

Since Ayemon already told Aldrich that it was fine to reveal his name Aldrich didn't mind so much. Not to mention that he was following the correct order of steps to successfully invite Gazeff to be his instructor.

"Well actually it was Ayemon Seerstorm, he was the one who sent me here and told me to approach you."

Suddenly Gazeff's hand crushed the wooden mug he was drinking from and sent shrapnel and ale all over the bar-stand.

"W-who did you say?... I must've misheard."

Aldrich didn't anticipate that and one of the shrapnel grazed his cheek, fortunately such a thing wasn't enough to even draw blood from him.

"I did say, Ayemon Seerstorm."

Aldrich stated cautiously as calculated how much it would take him to make it to the exit. But it seems like Gazeff wasn't really listening to him clearly.

"Ayemon... Ayemon... that Ayemon? It must be him. That bloodsucking leach." Gazeff started to talk to himself out loud. Aldrich was upset at hearing Gazeff insult Ayemon but he wasn't going to voice out his thoughts.

"That guy sent you to ask me to mentor you?"

"Yes. That's the gist of the story."

"....Shameless, unbelievable.... shameless bastard. If power was measured by how shameless a man was then he would be the strongest man in the entire world."

"You are well regraded by Ayemon but if you think I will just sit here and allow you to insult him then you are gravely mistaken. I will not tolerate it anymore." Aldrich has had enough, no matter how much he needed this guy he wasn't about to let him continue to insult Ayemon so openly.

No matter what Ayemon treated his with respect and kindness.

"Really now? You won't tolerate it you say? Bold of you. You know what? I'll do it I'll be your mentor. You need some help for the entrance examination right? Fine."

Aldrich was confused, this wasn't how it was supposed to go. He thought that he messed up by saying his thoughts just now but it turned out great. He didn't even have to take out the stone fruit. Ayemon and Gazeff must be on better terms than he was initially lead to believe, right?

"Ah, knowing that guy he must've given you a little something for me?" Gazeff inquired.

"Ah, yeah, he did. Here, it was supposed to be yours anyway."

Aldrich took out the black bag and handed it over to Gazeff. The fact that Gazeff was able to infer that Ayemon prepared a gift for him was proof of his earlier conjecture.

"You must know Ayemon really well." Aldrich asked indirectly.

Gazeff took a long look at the contents of the bag before he closed it and tied the tie again.

"Know him? Sure I know him. I know he knows what to to give and to whom and at what time, I know that he's a conniving snake that destroys anything that comes close to him. Now I'm sure you feel like he's your best friend but when he's done with you, you'll be lucky to keep your life."

"Are you saying that you're going back on your word?" Aldrich asked sharply. It did feel easier than he expected. This drunkard could have lied to get the stone fruit and now that he's got it he revealed his true colors.

"Go back on my word? What, do I look like Ayemon to you? I'm a man of my word. Regardless of my personal feelings towards Ayemon, I agreed to mentor you and I will prepare you to pass the entrance exam to the best of my abilities. Don't get your nerves wrecked kid, relax."

"I'm glad we could come to an amicable agreement." Aldrich said through gritted teeth. This guy was getting on his nerves in an unpleasant manner.

"Oh, now that you mention the agreement, my wages are eight silver coins weekly. And we have five weeks before the entrance exam so that's one gold and ten silver coins in total."

"Eight per week? You're joking right?" Aldrich exclaimed in disbelief. This guy has been just spouting whatever came to his mind for a while now.

"Do I look like I'm in a jesting mood here? What's the problem anyway? Aren't you backed by Seerstorm? That's pocket change."

"Didn't you already take the stone fruit?" Aldrich asked, annoyed.

"And that's why I'm giving you such a great deal, besides the gift was just for me to agree to teach you. That's not enough to justify my labor. Back in the day I used to charge 5 gold a week and people waited in lines to beg me to accept them."

"As if I'd believe such nonsense. I may be young but I'm not an idiot."

"Fine, you know what? We'll meet tomorrow in the Frontier town and we'll have our first training session. Take the time to think about it and if you think it's too much just tell me and we'll call it quits but the fruit is mine regardless."

"That sounds reasonable to me. I guess." Aldrich had to admit that he wasn't completely accustomed to the wages that mentors would get paid in Voryhrm.

The half-elven bartender finally brought the dwarven stout with in a mug. Gazeff immediately took a generous chug.

"Yeah think about it and tell me before we start because you can't quit after you already started. You either die in the training or live to see the five weeks finished."

"Why is it always life and death with you guys in Voryhrm?"

But Gazeff only laughed, "Isn't that how life is? Walking on the edge, you either make it to the end or die trying. I take no half measures trust me on that. If you can't take my training then the life of adventurers isn't for you."

"How about we meet at the outgoing gate in Frontier town at noon?" Aldrich decided to set a proper time and place for this.

"Sounds good to me."

Aldrich shook hands with Gazeff and paid the bartender before he walked out of the Black Vault. The street outside was even gloomier than before if that was even possible. Unfortunately no carriages passed by here even after he waited half an hour at the public carriage stop.

Aldrich decided to try his luck at another street. The block was a few kilometers so it wasn't a big deal for Aldrich, he was just upset he wasted so much time waiting uselessly.

Suddenly while walking away he noticed someone tailing him from behind, Aldrich notice this guy since a while ago but he thought that they were just going the same direction.

That was until the man started accelerating towards him at a crossroad. Aldrich looked around him first before turning around. In situations like these there were likely others working together with this asshole.

The sudden acceleration of the man could be a trap. Aldrich had some experience when it came to tactics like this when he was getting beat up by Tomard's thugs for being short a few coins that month.

"Stop, don't make any rash moves." A heavy cracking voice said behind him. "Don't turn around, don't do anything unless I tell you to. Now then just untie your coin pouch and hand it to me from the back."

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