Rise of the Nightmare Crestmaster

Chapter 99 Deal

Chapter 99 Deal

Aldrich had to school his expression as he asked, "dirty? What the hell are you talking about?"

"My money's always been alright. Weren't you the one that said that there are many people who bring in items for appraisal? Is it wrong to bring in more coins?

If the imperial bank doesn't want my business then I'll just look for other banks where I'll be respected as a customer."

That's right the imperial bank maybe the central bank of the empire and the most trusted in the world but it wasn't without competition.

He hopped to scare Yasbel with this possibility, whatever it is that she had in mind she must have her position in the bank to back her up.

However it was this backing that was also her weakness. At least that was the intention after all he didn't really know Yasbel all that much but it was pretty much the only flaw he could catch.

Yasbel looked amused by his words, "really now? Well it's already too late for that I'm afraid to say."

"Your coins are good, excellent even. But that's not the point. The point is the origin of the coins. Where do they come from? They're clearly from a single source."

Aldrich clenched his fist under the table. Although she couldn't possibly have any knowledge of the nightmare realm, her guess was spot on.

"In the last two times you visited the bank you deposited what is almost equivalent to a gold coin. Which is fine, that really wouldn't attract much attention, but five gold coins at once? For a sixteen year old village boy? Now that's suspicious, don't you think so, AL?"

Seeing that Aldrich didn't say anything, she continued, not minding his silence, "that raises questions about the origin of these ancient coins that keep on increasing. Most adventurers bring in all the items they want for appraisal in one go, that's just human nature."

"But not you. One might say that I'm nitpicking but I've always trusted my gut. And do you know what my gut is telling me now? It's telling me that you're a fat sheep."

Aldrich didn't know how it came to this, all along he thought that he was doing everything adequately he was always cautious and didn't slip up.

But that was all in his head.josei

Increased intelligence was not equivalent to gaining wisdom. Experience happened naturally and there were no shortcuts, it's the combination of intelligence and experience that was wisdom.

Aldrich was obviously lacking in experience about money management, banks and the procedures that took place to circulate money.

He thought that he could just bring in unfamiliar coins, appraise them, get rich and that was the end of it.

"If my colleagues or superiors were to know of you and your actions that would set alarms ringing in their heads. They would think that you had an exclusive treasure tomb, the deeper you dig the more money you get."

"Now how do you think they might use that knowledge? A nobody who has a treasure is carrying a curse. It's not gonna have a happy ending so to say."

Aldrich looked around and for a moment thought of silencing her permanently. Just now she let out the fact that she was the only one who knew.

Aldrich only dealt with her this whole time.

If she disappeared then he would be free to start all over again, this time he was going to be smarter.

But it wouldn't work, tens of employees and customers saw them exiting and walking out together. Besides this was a business street there were too many people outside this coffee house and patrons down below.

Aldrich could kill her without any weapons whatsoever just one punch was enough. But that waitress saw them sitting together. Did she think of all this beforehand?

'No. Stop it. That's stupid.'

"You said you wanted us to be partners?" Aldrich asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm glad you came around. Hey, don't give me that look. Anyone else would have reported you."

"How… nice of you."

"Really? Don't be like that, believe me you don't want the Imperial tax agency on your back. And neither do I. My idea is simple we can make a great deal you and I."

"Listen, I have a plan to make everything much better for you after this, you won't have a worry, just do as I say." Yasbel put on a sincere look.

"Pray tell." He said, skepticism coating his every word.

"First you can't appraise any of your coins in the bank, you have to take them to outside appraisers. They're services are not free like it's in the banks but that's better for you."

"Then use the coins to buy businesses of any kind whatsoever. Then you wouldn't have to be the ones to deposit the coins and still gotten the value out of them."

Aldrich had to wrap his head around it, "aren't there too many useless steps? The coins will just get into the bank again."

"Someone else other than you will deposit them there. And that's very important to make it look like you're not in sol possession of the coins. And thats only in the beginning, in the future we won't have to rely on these coins at all."

"Sounds like a good idea, but what's in it for you? Why go so far?" This was the crutch of the matter at hand.

"Of course it's for a cut."

"How much?"


The air grew still in the area, "you're kidding right? You know, I am not actually picking these coins out of the street right? I'm literally risking my life to get this money."

"You could say the same thing about me, I'm risking my life by helping you out, I think that's a fair amount for what I contribute."

"I'm out there risking life and limb that's different from sitting behind a desk and manipulating records isn't it?"

Of course what he couldn't say was that he was literally, without exaggeration—dying countless times to get that money.

"AL, you disappoint me, truly. Listen I didn't want to have to say this but you're also paying me to keep a tight lip about all this, you understand me?"

That's right, this wasn't a negotiation. 'Either you give me what I want or you go down.'

That was her true intention, no matter how sweet and honey coated her words may seem on the surface, deep down they carried poisoned daggers.

Aldrich suddenly looked up above Yasbel's head, a moment later he smiled.

"What was your name again?" He asked.

"It's Yasbel."

"I mean your family name."

"It's Reinkal. Listen, stop trying to waste time, you can't change how things are, just accept this deal. Shake my hand and we can put all of this behind us."

"Hmm, that doesn't sound right to me."

"Have you lost it because of the pressure? Let me spell it out, you have no choice but to agree."

"I mean your family name, it doesn't sound right. I would think… Ortarious sounds much better."

"What are you talking about? Of course my family name is Reinkal. I don't see how this has anything to do with our discussion."

Aldrich smirked, "oh, I think it does. Very much so."

Yasbel grabbed her purse and got up attempting to leave, "I can see that you need more time to think this whole thing over, I still have work to do."

"Did I tell you that you could go?" Aldrich said, his voice several degrees colder.

"I think leaving like that in the middle of conversation is rude, sit, miss Ortarious."

"I told you my name is Yasbel Reinkal." She said, firmer this time.

"Oh, but I really think Ortarious suits you better don't you think? You can call me AL and I will call you miss Ortarious, is that alright with you miss Ortarious?"

"I told you to stop calling me that!" Yasbel had unknowingly lost control of her voice.

"Sit. Down." It was an order. "Oh, and watch your voice, this is a respectable establishment."

Yasbel obeyed silently and sat down looking like a lamb guided to the slaughter.

"H-how did you know? Who are you? Who sent you?"

Aldrich picked up the spoon that Yasbel used a while ago and took a bit of the cake.

"Hmm, you know what? This cake does taste really good. And this coffee, hmm, not bad at all, it got a little cold but still. I can see why you frequently come here."

Yasbel looked like she was sitting on a bed of needles, "look, I get it. I will forget everything that happened here alright? I don't know you and you don't know me."

"Tsk, tsk, I can't believe you would say something that harsh. I feel hurt, really. Besides how can I forget my time with such a beautiful woman like you?"

Yasbel replied by glaring at him.

"Whoa, that's a scary look, miss Ortarious. I'm ashamed to say but I'm not a brave man. You know, my tongue has a tendency to slip when I'm scared, I might end up saying things I'm not meant to say."

"What. Do. You. Want?"

"What do I want? I want to take you on your offer."

"What?" Yasbel looked like she really didn't understand.

"Why, is that surprising? If it's not you, someone else will pick up on the suspicious points in me anyway. So I think we could definitely make a fantastic team."

Yasbel looked unconvinced, "whats the catch?"

"Well, it's nothing big. We won't be partners anymore, you will work for me. And your cut will be 15% of the profits. Can you do that?"

"…. You lured me in, you tricked me." She said as if she came upon some sort of realization.

"You can think of it however it pleases you, I assume we have a deal?"

Of course he had no intention of dispelling her fears. Let her overthink.

"… we do."

"Great! Now let's discuss the details."

Aldrich smiled as he looked above her head more precisely he looked at the words that hovered there : Yasbel Ortarious.

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