The Great Thief

Chapter 1361 - Burning Their Bridges

Chapter 1361 - Burning Their Bridges

Chapter 1361: Burning Their Bridges

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Wipe. Wipe again!

Lu Li slapped his forehead and sighed heavily. If only Remnant Dream and Bearded Zaza were professional players.

Pro players might not be guaranteed experts at Instance Dungeons, but their reaction times and judgment would be better and faster. Furthermore, none of the dungeons had been nerfed yet, so they were all quite difficult, and they were also on Nightmare mode. Sometimes, they just needed a little bit more.

Lu Li looked at Remnant Dream, who was on the verge of tears, so he decided to let everyone rest for a while.

Actually, it was the two Hunters who were yelled at over and over again by Lu Li who needed a rest. The others weren’t faring too badly. They used this time to clear out the small monsters and gained EXP. Lu Li and Water Fairy headed to the pond and started fishing. They were two boring people in the eyes of others.

The rest period was much longer this time; there was around an hour for people to do their things.

When they restarted again, everyone’s performances were much better. Lu Li also changed his strategy as Water Fairy convinced him to be a little gentler.

Lu Li was a serious person. In Ruling Sword, he was like a god. Bearded Zaza was already really nervous around Lu Li, and when Lu Li became angry, his anxiety only grew, causing him to make consecutive mistakes. Even though Remnant Dream and Lu Li were quite familiar with each other, Lu Li usually didn’t tell her off that much. However, Lu Li had yelled at her so much today, as if she was like a dumb child.

During this time, Lu Li also subbed out the two Paladins for a Priest and a Warlock.

Lu Li originally planned to substitute for a Shaman, because Shamans could use Terror Totem. However, Sakura Memories tried it out, and there were no effects. The new substitute was a Priest, which would help with the overall healing.

As for the Warlock, he could bind one of his teammates to a Soulstone. To bind them meant that they would be revived upon death. This skill was used mainly on key players in the team.

“The objective today is to take down two Bosses. This is the benchmark. Everyone, prepare yourselves.”

Yesterday, they only cleared Lucifron. However, that was not because Lucifron was more difficult than the second and third Boss. It was because the newly-constructed 40-man team needed some

time to get used to each other.

They had a lot of time today. Therefore, if they didn’t improve at all, then it would be a complete waste.

They were so far in now and the strategy didn’t even matter anymore. There were no shortcuts – only listening to commands. They needed to work together and not make mistakes.

After multiple wipes, they were showing improvement, but it was still not enough.

“This time, if we can do it in one try, then everyone will be given 50 points. I give my word,” Lu Li promised, trying to motivate them.

Fifty points was already an excellent reward. After all, a Legendary item was only around 10 points. These points would always remain useful as well, as after the Instance Dungeon, they eventually be used to exchange for gold or guild points.

“What if we fail on the first one but pass on the second try?” Azure Sea Breeze asked.

“Then I can only say sorry. Although you won’t get your points reduced, there definitely won’t be rewards.”

Lu Li was very definitive, giving no room for negotiations.

This was like burning their boats, giving them no retreat. Lu Li could have gone a step further and reduced their points if they failed, but he wasn’t that merciless. Furthermore, the team morale would’ve dropped further if they failed.

Lu Li had a reason to want to clear Magmadar in one try.

He already made his preparations with two Tranquilising Shot Hunters, and these two Hunters had already gotten used to it. They were already close to making no mistakes. The other classes were the same. If they worked together and listened to Lu Li’s instructions, then Magmadar would be a piece of cake.

Phase one was quite easy. After all, this was the stage where they had the most practice.

“It’s okay. Don’t panic. Hachi Chan, revive him.”

After entering P2, they were quite unfortunate and lost a Healer Paladin. Lu Li couldn’t really do anything other than instruct Hachi Chan to revive him.

“Be wary of your position. Get away from the bonfires. The moment you find someone afflicted with Fear, instantly dispel it. We have three Priests now. Other classes who can also dispel Fear, help them out. I would rather us clear it slowly than have more people die. Healers, watch your mana closely.”

Lu Li didn’t want to tell the Healers off as well because he wanted team morale to be high.

There was something that was unexplainable in Instance Dungeons – the first death.

No matter who it was and no matter what happened to the person, it would always greatly lower team morale. If the commander was also scolding the team, then they might as well not fight.

If it was Lu Li, there was at least a certain level of confidence.

Now that Lu Li was motivating them with 50 points, everyone was trying their absolute best.

The Boss’ HP lowered little by little. For the whole of phase two, there were no casualties at all. Such excellence seemed impossible in their previous runs.

“You guys have done really well! If we don’t make mistakes or have something outrageous happen, then we can definitely pass. 50 points are waiting for you guys! Just keep working hard. Remnant Dream and Bearded Zaza, prepare yourselves. I will call on either one of you when I need you guys to do something. Don’t hesitate and think. Just fire at the Boss.”

Lu Li felt like he was being forced to say this. After all, he was a commander in battle, not a caretaker of little children.

However, the effects that these words had were undoubtedly amazing.

“We only lost two, so we still have 38. I can also use revive.”

Lu Li was encouraging his team while he revived one of the dead healers.

This was the perfect showing of the power of a commander. Lu Li was the core of the team, orchestrating the whole battle.

“Alright, he’s Berserk. Good work! Main Tank, watch out for your aggro. If mitigation isn’t up, then get someone else to tank. Ranged DPS classes, fight from as far as possible. Melee classes, make sure that you have a skill ready to escape. If you guys really can’t tank it, then distance yourselves from the Boss.”

Everyone was performing well this time.

In Dawn, all the Bosses gave a certain amount of EXP. The EXP wouldn’t be divided among the players.

The first Boss, Lucifron, gave everyone a huge amount of EXP. Of course, this meant that Magmadar wouldn’t be any less. Many people in the team was already nearly level 60, so it would be a huge waste if they wasted a Boss’ EXP.

Grrrrrr...” A low growl sounded from the beast’s mouth as Ragnaros’ pet was finally taken down. josei

Experience. Fame. Skill points...

In total, they lost four people. Compared to when they cleared Lucifron and lost half the team, this was a much better result. Lu Li also finally gained a skill point as a reward. Besides him, two other people also gained skill points. One of them was the Ice Mage Short Riad.

Lu Li brought him into the Instance Dungeon because he wanted him to gain a skill point.

He was a mage who had fallen behind due to a lack of skill points. At this rate, he would never catch up to the other Mages.

All the gold was given to Lu Li. After all, he paid for the repair works previously.

“Two Fusion stones. Twenty-two Enhancing stones.”

This time, there weren’t any really good Fusion stones. Remnant Dream immediately gave all of them to Lu Li. These stones were to be distributed at the end of the Instance Dungeon.

The rare materials were also given to Lu Li for the same purpose.

There were three skill books. These were given to whoever fit the class requirement. If there were multiple players who wanted it, then they would bid for it. With Lu Li there, it was expected to be dealt with in a civilised manner.

Remnant Dream then looted three Gold grade items. One was given to Drizzle Court, and as for the rest, no one wanted them, so they ended up with Lu Li again. As for the compensation for the Main Tank and healers for the potions that they used, this would be given in gold. Lu Li wouldn’t let them walk away feeling displeased, but he wouldn’t give them too much. After all, taking down the Boss couldn’t solely be credited to the Main Tank and healers.

Next, there were four Dark Gold grade items. These were in demand by the players.

An item from a 40-man Nightmare difficulty Instance Dungeon wouldn’t be worse than one from a Wild Boss. After all, Wild Bosses were strong, but there wasn’t a limit to the number participants. From a difficulty point of view, Wild Bosses were easier to kill compared to Magmadar.

The first was a T1 Druid set item. There was only one Druid, so Hachi Chan naturally took it.

No one was jealous over this. However, what made people jealous was that she was obtaining them at an utterly cheap price. This sent the people who were bidding furiously over their items onto the verge of tears.

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