The Great Thief

Chapter 1544 - Big Harvest

Chapter 1544 - Big Harvest

Chapter 1544: Big Harvest

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Ten or so Paladins could clear all the Undead monsters by themselves.

There were Dwarves on either side of the Paladins. Most of them wielded weapons such as axes or hammers, which were heavier than the Paladins’ weapons. Who knew where they got all their strength from?

Unexpectedly, they were actually quite mobile. Most would think that their short legs would make them move slower, but reality was quite the opposite.

They were almost like little bombs that travelled quickly alongside, making them the perfect cover for the Paladins. It was almost as if they had rehearsed this before.

They swept across the area and sent the Undead flying everywhere. None of them could stop the horde of Paladins and Dwarves.

Lu Li followed closely behind, assassinating the Undead that remained. There was bountiful loot on the floor. These were the main rewards because Lu Li didn’t know whether Tirion Fordring had anything to give to them.

The fight began well, but the frontline quickly encountered some difficult enemies.

The monsters that they first faced off against were mostly weaker mobs such as Skeleton Warriors or Zombies which moved slowly. They were controlled by the Warlocks and Witches, who were a lot more intelligent and moved faster, making them more difficult to deal with.

However, these were still considered regular mobs which could be easily handled by a small team of players.

Then came the Banshees who were created by The Lich King. These were spirits and ghosts of

deceased Mages controlled by the Scourge, but they retained their magical powers from their previous life. Banshees could also charm enemies to control them.

Those that were controlled by the Banshees could attack their allies.

Paladins and Dwarves were not afraid of these Banshees because they burned alive when they were close to the Paladins and the Dwarves seemed unaffected by their charm.

Groups of Skeleton Mages and Abominations were also difficult to deal with because they excelled at both melee and ranged combat.

However, the monster that slowed down the frontline the most was the Death Knights.

Death Knights could move quickly and could charge towards enemies to tear through their defenses. Unlike traditional Knights, Death Knights had magical powers instilled within them that they can wield.

Fortunately, there weren’t that many Death Knights here.

Tirion Fordring’s Paladins began roaring at the sight of these Death Knights and their bodies began shining brightly.

Lu Li rubbed his eyes and it was almost as if he saw the tears on the Paladin’s faces. Upon a closer look, he was sure that some of the Paladins were actually crying.

He contemplated for a while and guessed why.

Because the Death Knights were so powerful, the Scourge demanded a high success rate in transforming Paladins into Death Knights. They would capture live ones and collect their corpses.

Transforming a Paladin that was still alive was excruciatingly painful, but this increased the success rate as well as the overall power once transformed.

The Death Knights before them were likely all once Paladins, and some might have even fought alongside them in their past life. Tirion Fordring’s tears were tears of compassion for their fallen comrades that had once risked their lives to protect each other.

The Death Knights clashed against the Paladins.

There was no mercy or hesitation from either side. Paladins needed great potential and willpower to obtain the power of the Holy Light. Therefore, each and everyone of them had the willpower far beyond ordinary people.

In their eyes, though they used to be comrades, they were now enemies that needed to be eliminated.

“Add some pressure. Mages, use your crowd control to lock down the Death Knights and Hunters put down traps,” Lu Li instructed as he jumped down and joined the fight.

There wasn’t much time to give out commands and observe the enemy more. The main forces from each side had already clashed and this would probably be the climax of the battle.

The Death Knights had lost the Holy Light, but their new gained power was more powerful so the Paladins didn’t stand a chance by themselves. However, with the help of a few Paladin players, the Death Knights’ advance was mitigated.

The Death Knights were falling one by one and the Scourge’s numbers were depleting.

Silverhand Paladins, Dwarves and countless adventurers. Lu Li was proud of the team that he’d formed. Each and one of these groups could be a formidable force alone, but combining the three would make them almost unstoppable. josei

Since the Silver Hand Paladins were trying to save their comrades, they gave it all they had.

The Dwarves were protecting them homeland and also gave it their all.

The 20,000 players that Lu Li recruited were motivated by the loot that the Boss would drop. There were countless Dark Gold equips just from clearing these regular mobs and there was also a high chance of obtaining a legendary weapon from the Boss. They had collected more loot than dungeoning for an entire week.

It was no wonder why the major guilds kept growing stronger and stronger. Once you had the numbers, you could accomplish almost anything you wanted to.

Lu Li’s group suffered very few losses because Paladins and Dwarves were tanking everything and all them needed to do was to DPS. The healers were also doing a great job keeping everyone alive. Because of this set up, the fight was over in minutes.

“Everyone, rest up,” Tirion Fordring ordered.

The Paladins and the Dwarves both stopped. The Paladins were like well-trained troops that immediately got down from their horses to rest, using their Holy Light to heal the wounds of their steeds.

“There’s a powerful force coming towards us; it’s coming from Lake Mereldar. We will rest up and face off against it!” Tirion Fordring yelled. Although he was fierce and battle-hardened, he was visibly tired from the fighting.

“Sky Moon, there’s a Boss around where you are that’s moving towards us. Send in waves of people to slow him down,” Lu Li messaged Sky Moon.

They found the Boss and began charging towards it in groups. Although it was basically suicide, they were able to slow it down.

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